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Created November 24, 2012 12:43
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Лабораторная №2
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
* Test data:
* 70 120 .5 .7 50 70 20 10 30
* W1 = 0.292
* W2 = 0.145
* if 1, distribution is normal,
* else it is uniform
#define SEQ1_NORMAL 0
#define SEQ2_NORMAL 1
#define EPS 0.01
double rselect (double mx, double dx, int isnormal) {
// mx is mean value, dx is variance
if (isnormal) {
double S = 0;
int i, n = 100;
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
S += (double)rand() / RAND_MAX;
return sqrt (12.0/n)*(S-n/2.0)*dx+mx;
else return mx+dx*(2.0*rand() / RAND_MAX - 1);
int main (void) {
double Rmax, K, dx, dy, dz, Romax, Ko, f1, f2, ta = 1;
double S, f, G, x, y, z, R, W;
double P, Emax, Go, Gf, r, e, M, mz, alpha;
int i, N = 100000;
std::cout << "Enter Rmax, Romax, K, Ko, dx, dy, dz, f1, f2:" << std::endl;
std::cin >> Rmax >> Romax >> K >> Ko >> dx >> dy >> dz >> f1 >> f2;
S = 0;
i = 0;
/*** PART 1 ***/
// calculating an integral
while (i < N) {
x = rselect(0, dx, 1);
y = rselect(0, dx, 1);
z = rselect(0, dx, 1);
x = rselect(0, dx*3, 0);
y = rselect(0, dy*3, 0);
z = rselect(0, dz*3, 0);
f = pow(2*M_PI, -1.5) / (dx*dy*dz);
f *= exp(-0.5*((x/dx)*(x/dx)+(y/dy)*(y/dy)+(z/dz)*(z/dz)));
R = sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z);
// coordinate rule
if (R <= Rmax)
G = exp((-1.0/K)*(R/Rmax)*(R/Rmax)*(R/Rmax)*(R/Rmax));
else G = 0;
S += G;
S += f*G;
if (W > 1) W=1;
std::cout << "W1 = " << W << std::endl;
/*** PART 2 ***/
Emax = M_PI * (f2-f1) / 360;
S = 0; N = 0; M = 1000;
while (N < M) {
x = rselect(0, dx, SEQ2_NORMAL);
y = rselect(0, dy, SEQ2_NORMAL);
r = sqrt(x*x+y*y);
f = M_PI*0.5*(f1+f2)/180;
mz = r*cos(f)/sin(f);
z = rselect(mz, dz, SEQ2_NORMAL);
R = sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z);
alpha = atan(r/z);
e = fabs(alpha-f);
// coordinate rule for f part
if (R <= Rmax)
Gf = exp((-1.0/K)*(R/Rmax)*(R/Rmax)*(R/Rmax)*(R/Rmax));
else Gf = 0;
// coordinate rule for o part
if (R <= Romax && e < Emax && z >= 0)
Go = exp((-1.0/Ko)*(R/Romax)*(R/Romax)*(R/Romax)*(R/Romax))
* exp(-(e/Emax)*(e/Emax)*(e/Emax)*(e/Emax));
else Go = 0;
if (Gf > Go) S += Gf;
else S += Go;
P = S/N;
if (N > 100) M = (ta/EPS)*(ta/EPS)*P*(1-P);
W = S/N;
std::cout << "W2 = " << W << std::endl;
return 0;
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