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Last active May 9, 2019 10:22
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  • Save miura/a42539a5a19a7f146572fcbb50e1f004 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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IJ macro course codes
a = 1;
b = 2;
c = a + b;
print( c );
print(a, "+", b, "=", c);
//variables, exercise, an example answer
a = 1;
b = 2;
c = a + b * 2 + a/0.1 - 2;
print( c );
//print(a, "+", b, "=", c);
//user input, numerical variable
a = getNumber("a?", 10);
b = getNumber("b?", 5);
c = a * b;
//user input, String variable
a = getString("a?", 10);
b = getString("b?", 5);
c = a + b;
//script parameters
#@ String(label="Word1") text1
#@ String(label="Word2") text2
text3 = text1 + text2;
print( text3 );
//*** recording ImageJ macro and modifying the macro
newImage("Untitled", "8-bit Black", 300, 300, 1);
run("Salt and Pepper");
run("Gaussian Blur...", "sigma=3");
setAutoThreshold("Default dark");
setOption("BlackBackground", true);
run("Convert to Mask");
// extract variables
width = 300;
title = "Noisy_Image"
newImage(title, "8-bit Black", width, 300, 1);
run("Salt and Pepper");
run("Gaussian Blur...", "sigma=3");
setAutoThreshold("Default dark");
setOption("BlackBackground", true);
run("Convert to Mask");
// for-looping
width = 300;
title = "Noisy_Image"
newImage(title, "8-bit Black", width, 300, 1);
run("Salt and Pepper");
run("Gaussian Blur...", "sigma=3");
setAutoThreshold("Default dark");
setOption("BlackBackground", true);
run("Convert to Mask");
for (i = 0; i < 3; i+=1){
//****** for-looping, scanning through image
// measure single pixel
val = getPixel( 10, 10);
print( val );
// parameterizing measurements
x = 10;
y = 10;
val = getPixel( x, y);
print( val );
// for-looping to measure more pixels
for (i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
x = i;
y = 10;
val = getPixel( x, y);
print( val );
//// counting, with "if"
c255 = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
x = i;
y = 10;
val = getPixel( x, y);
if ( val == 0) {
c255 +=1;
print( "255 counts:", c255 );
// scanning through full image to count pixels with a specific value
c255 = 0;
for (j = 0; j < getHeight(); j++){
for (i = 0; i < getWidth(); i++){
val = getPixel( i, j);
if (val == 255){
c255 += 1;
print("255 counts:", c255);
//*** user defined function
a = 4;
b = a * a * a * a;
// step 2
a = 4;
b = compute( a );
function compute( num ){
p4 = num * num * num * num;
return p4;
// step 3
a = 4;
b = differentone( a );
function compute( num ){
p4 = num * num * num * num;
return p4;
function differentone( num ){
p4 = num * num * num * num * num;
return p4;
//step 4
a = 4;
c = 2;
b = compute( a, c );
function compute( num1, num2 ){
p4 = num1 * num2 * num1 * num2;
return p4;
//*** Stack Management
frames = nSlices;
run("Set Measurements...", " mean redirect=None decimal=3");
run("Clear Results");
for(i=0; i<frames; i++) {
currentslice = i+1;
//Stack Management, exercise answer example
frames = nSlices;
run("Set Measurements...", " mean min centroid redirect=None decimal=3");
run("Clear Results");
for(i=0; i<frames; i++) {
currentslice = i+1;
//multiple ROIs
run("Clear Results");
roinum = roiManager("count");
for (index = 0; index < roinum; index++) {
roiManager("select", index);
// stack management * multiple ROIs
run("Clear Results");
roinum = roiManager("count");
for (index = 0; index < roinum; index++) {
roiManager("select", index);
function measureStack(){
frames = nSlices;
run("Set Measurements...", " mean min centroid redirect=None decimal=3");
//run("Clear Results");
for(i=0; i<frames; i++) {
currentslice = i+1;
//*** array, accessing Results Table
aa = newArray(nResults);
for (i = 0; i < aa.length; i++){
aa[i] = getResult("Min", i);
Array.getStatistics(aa, min, max, mean, stdDev);
print("Average of Min = ", min);
//exercise: prep 1 to 10 array, get the average
aa = newArray(10);
for ( i = 0; i < aa.length; i++){
aa[i] = i + 1;
Array.getStatistics(aa, min, max, mean, stdDev);
print("Mean of the array", mean);
// array and setting results table
if (selectionType() != 5) {
exit("selection type must be a straight line ROI");
lineProfile = getProfile();
run("Clear Results");
for(i = 0; i < lineProfile.length; i++) {
setResult("n", i, i);
setResult("intensity", i, lineProfile[i]);
//User interface, Dialog
Dialog.create("add two numbers");
Dialog.addMessage("Computes x + y");
Dialog.addNumber("x", 10);
Dialog.addNumber("y", 20);;
n1 = Dialog.getNumber();
n2 = Dialog.getNumber();
print("Results:", n1 + n2);
//UI exercies
Dialog.create("Distance Calculator");
Dialog.addMessage("Please put two point coordinates");
Dialog.addNumber("p1 x", 0);
Dialog.addNumber("p1 y", 0);
Dialog.addNumber("p2 x", 10);
Dialog.addNumber("p2 y", 20);;
p1x = Dialog.getNumber();
p1y = Dialog.getNumber();
p2x = Dialog.getNumber();
p2y = Dialog.getNumber();
print("P1(", p1x, ",", p1y, ")");
print("P2(", p2x, ",", p2y, ")");
dist = sqrSumSquared(p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y);
print("Distance:", dist);
function sqrSumSquared(x1, y1, x2, y2){
sumsquared = pow(x1-x2, 2) + pow(y1-y2, 2);
return pow(sumsquared, 0.5);
//*** dot animation
newImage("dot", "8-bit Black", 200, 50, 2);
setForegroundColor(255, 255, 255);
setBackgroundColor(0, 0, 0);
makeOval( 100, 25, 10, 10);
run("Fill", "slice");
// dot animation with variables
stackname = "dot";
w = 250;
h = 50;
frames = 2;
int = 255
x_position = 100;
y_position = 25;
sizenum = 10;
newImage(stackname, "8-bit Black", w, h, frames);
setForegroundColor(int, int, int);
setBackgroundColor(0, 0, 0);
makeOval(x_position, y_position, sizenum, sizenum);
run("Fill", "slice");
// dot animation, no bouncing case
stackname = "dot";
w = 250;
h = 50;
frames = 50;
sizenum = 10;
int = 255
x_position = sizenum;
y_position = (h/2)-(sizenum/2);
newImage(stackname, "8-bit Black", w, h, frames);
setForegroundColor(int, int, int);
setBackgroundColor(0, 0, 0);
speed = 10;
for (i = 0; i < frames; i++){
setSlice( i + 1);
makeOval(x_position, y_position, sizenum, sizenum);
x_position += speed;
run("Fill", "slice");
// boucing dot animation
stackname = "dot";
w = 250;
h = 50;
frames = 50;
sizenum = 10;
int = 255
x_position = sizenum;
y_position = (h/2)-(sizenum/2);
newImage(stackname, "8-bit Black", w, h, frames);
setForegroundColor(int, int, int);
setBackgroundColor(0, 0, 0);
speed = 10;
for (i = 0; i < frames; i++){
setSlice( i + 1);
if ((x_position > (w-sizenum)) || (x_position < 0) ) {
x_position += speed*2; //avoids penetrating boundary
makeOval(x_position, y_position, sizenum, sizenum);
x_position += speed;
run("Fill", "slice");
run("Select None");
// exercise, vertical movement
stackname = "dot";
w = 250;
h = 250;
frames = 50;
sizenum = 10;
int = 255
x_position = sizenum;
y_position = (h/2)-(sizenum/2);
newImage(stackname, "8-bit Black", w, h, frames);
setForegroundColor(int, int, int);
setBackgroundColor(0, 0, 0);
speed = 10;
for (i = 0; i < frames; i++){
setSlice( i + 1);
if ((y_position > (h-sizenum)) || (y_position < 0) ) {
y_position += speed*2; //avoids penetrating boundary
makeOval(x_position, y_position, sizenum, sizenum);
y_position += speed;
run("Fill", "slice");
run("Select None");
// another way of looping, do while
while ( counter <= 90 ){
print( counter );
counter = counter + 10;
// do -while, evaluation that comes after.
do {
print( counter );
counter += 10;
} while (counter < 0)
// File I/O
// code component, get directory
Ddir = getDirectory("Choose Destination Directory");
// code component, get threshold
getThreshold(lower, upper);
if ( ( lower == -1 ) && ( upper == -1 ) ) {
exit("Image must be thresholded");
setThreshold(lower, 255);
// code component, save results
Ddir = getDirectory("Choose Destination Directory");
img_title = getTitle();
dest_filename = img_title + "_measure.xls";
fullpath = Ddir + dest_filename;
saveAs("Measurements", fullpath);
//code 21, auto save results
Ddir = getDirectory("Choose Destination Directory");
getThreshold(lower, upper);
if ((lower==-1) && (upper==-1)) {
exit("Image must be thresholded");
setThreshold(lower, 255);
run("Set Measurements...",
"area mean centroid circularity slice limit redirect=None decimal=2");
run("Analyze Particles...",
"size=10-Infinity circularity=0.50-1.00 show=Outlines display exclude clear stack");
dest_filename = img_title+"_measure.xls";
fullpath = Ddir + dest_filename;
saveAs("Measurements", fullpath);
//batch analysis - list files
source_dir = getDirectory("Choose the Directory where the file is");
list = getFileList(source_dir);
for(i=0; i<list.length; i++) {
// filename extension cleaner
imgtitle = getTitle();
print( imgtitle );
print( indexOf( imgtitle, ".tif") );
imgtitleNoext = substring(imgtitle, 0, indexOf( imgtitle, ".tif"));
print( imgtitleNoext );
resultsfilename = imgtitleNoext + "_measurements.csv";
print( resultsfilename );
// code 23, batch analysis
//batch analysis Code 23 ---------------------------------------------
source_dir = getDirectory("Choose the Directory where the file is");
out_dir = getDirectory("Choose the Directory to save files");
list = getFileList(source_dir);
for(i=0; i<list.length; i++) {
function NucAnalysis(img_filename) {
fullpath_image = source_dir + img_filename;
sourceID = getImageID();
setAutoThreshold("Li dark");
img_title = getTitle();
run("Set Measurements...",
"area mean centroid circularity slice limit redirect=None decimal=2");
run("Analyze Particles...",
"size=10-Infinity circularity=0.50-1.00 show=Outlines display exclude clear stack");
dest_outlinename = img_title+"_outline.tif";
fullpath = out_dir + dest_outlinename;
saveAs("tiff", fullpath);
dest_filename = img_title+"_measure.xls";
fullpath = out_dir + dest_filename;
print(fullpath );
saveAs("Measurements", fullpath);
/////// Trainable Weka Segmentation
// single
//Step 1: create path variables
inputdir = "/Users/miura/Dropbox/Courses/IJMacro/IJmacro_samples/CellsDividing";
outputdir = "/Users/miura/Downloads/out";
themodel = "/Users/miura/Dropbox/Courses/IJMacro/exampleWekaSegModel/classifier.model";
//Step 2 Launch Trainable Segmentation Plugin
open(inputdir + File.separator + "Nucseq0010000.tif");
imgid = getImageID();
run("Trainable Weka Segmentation");
//Step 3 Load the classifier model
call("trainableSegmentation.Weka_Segmentation.loadClassifier", themodel);
//Step 4 Apply classifier to an image
image = "Nucseq0010021.tif";
// batch
//Step 1: create path variables
inputdir = "/Users/miura/Dropbox/Courses/IJMacro/IJmacro_samples/CellsDividing";
outputdir = "/Users/miura/Downloads/out";
themodel = "/Users/miura/Dropbox/Courses/IJMacro/exampleWekaSegModel/classifier.model";
//Step 2 Launch Trainable Segmentation Plugin
open(inputdir + File.separator + "Nucseq0010000.tif");
imgid = getImageID();
run("Trainable Weka Segmentation");
//Step 3 Load the classifier model
call("trainableSegmentation.Weka_Segmentation.loadClassifier", themodel);
//Step 4 Batch processing
// get file list
files = getFileList(inputdir);
// looping for each file
for (i = 0; i < files.length; i++){
if ( endsWith( files[i], ".tif")){
//clear memory, just be on the safe side
run("Collect Garbage");
selectWindow("Trainable Weka Segmentation v3.2.32");
/////// colocalization - pixel based
//use JaCOP recorder
run("Bio-Formats Importer", "open=/Users/miura/Dropbox/20190225_Stuttgart/IJmacro/samples/Stephan/S467D_1.czi autoscale color_mode=Default open_all_series rois_import=[ROI manager] view=Hyperstack stack_order=XYCZT");
run("Split Channels");
run("JACoP ", "imga=C3-S467D_1.czi imgb=C4-S467D_1.czi thra=6068 thrb=8495 pearson mm cytofluo");
//use JaCOP modified
path = "/Users/miura/" +
run("Bio-Formats Importer", "open=" + path +
" color_mode=Default view=Hyperstack stack_order=XYCZT");
srcImgName = getTitle();
run("Split Channels");
c1name = "C1-" + srcImgName;
c2name = "C2-" + srcImgName;
c3name = "C3-" + srcImgName;
c4name = "C4-" + srcImgName;
imga_th = 6068;
imgb_th = 8495;
run("JACoP ", "imga=" + c3name + " imgb=" + c4name +
" thra=" + imga_th + " thrb=" + imgb_th + " pearson mm");
// list files
dirpath = getDirectory("Choose a Directory");
filelist = getFileList(dirpath);
for (i = 0; i < filelist.length; i++) {
if (endsWith( filelist[ i ], "czi") ){
print( filelist[ i ] );
//JaCop Batch
dirpath = getDirectory("Choose a Directory");
filelist = getFileList(dirpath);
for (i = 0; i < filelist.length; i++) {
if (endsWith( filelist[ i ], "czi") ){
print( filelist[ i ] );
doJacop( dirpath + filelist[ i ] );
function doJacop( czipath ){
path = czipath;
run("Bio-Formats Importer", "open=" + path +
" color_mode=Default view=Hyperstack stack_order=XYCZT");
srcImgName = getTitle();
run("Split Channels");
c1name = "C1-" + srcImgName;
c2name = "C2-" + srcImgName;
c3name = "C3-" + srcImgName;
c4name = "C4-" + srcImgName;
imga_th = 6000;
imga_th = 8000;
run("JACoP ", "imga=" + c3name + " imgb=" + c4name +
" thra=" + imga_th + " thrb=93 pearson mm");
//colocalzation - object based
// splitting and grab ImageIDs
// segmentation
// divide ch1 image by 2
// get average of two segmented channels
// count each area
//output results
// splitting and grab ImageIDs
run("Duplicate...", "duplicate"); //keep the original
srcImageName = getTitle();
run("Split Channels");
c1name = "C1-" + srcImageName;
c2name = "C2-" + srcImageName;
c1ID = getImageID();
c2ID = getImageID();
// segmentation
selectImage( c1ID );
run("Auto Threshold", "method=Otsu white");
selectImage( c2ID );
run("Auto Threshold", "method=Otsu white");
// divide ch1 image by 2
selectImage( c1ID );
run("Divide...", "value=2.000");
// get average of two segmented channels
//imageCalculator("Average create", "C1-PlusTIPs_z16.tif","C2-PlusTIPs_z16.tif");
imageCalculator("Average create", c1ID, c2ID);
averageID = getImageID();
// count each area
c1only = countPixels( 64 );
c2only = countPixels( 127 );
overlap = countPixels( 191 );
//output results
print("Ch1 ratio: ", overlap / (overlap + c1only));
print("Ch2 ratio: ", overlap / (overlap + c2only));
//clean up
selectImage( c1ID );
selectImage( c2ID );
selectImage( averageID );
// count the number of pixels with specific value
function countPixels( pixelvalue ){
count = 0;
for (j = 0; j < getHeight(); j++){
for (i = 0; i < getWidth(); i++){
val = getPixel( i, j);
if (val == pixelvalue){
count += 1;
print(pixelvalue, "counts:", count);
return count;
// complex dialogue
Dialog.create("Calculate Distance");
Dialog.addMessage("Calculates distance between two points");
Dialog.addNumber("point1 x:", 0); //number 1
Dialog.addNumber("point1 y:", 0); //number 2
Dialog.addNumber("point2 x:", 2); //number 3
Dialog.addNumber("point2 y:", 2); //number 4
Dialog.addNumber("Scale [um/pixel]:", 0.1); //number 5
Dialog.addCheckbox("scale?", true); //check 1;
p1x = Dialog.getNumber(); //1
p1y = Dialog.getNumber(); //2
p2x = Dialog.getNumber(); //3
p2y = Dialog.getNumber(); //4
scale = Dialog.getNumber(); //5
scaleswitch = Dialog.getCheckbox();
distance = CalcDistance(p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y);
if (scaleswitch)
distance *= scale;
print("p1:", p1x, ",", p1y);
print("p2:", p2x, ",", p2y);
if (scaleswitch) {
print("distance:" + distance + " [um]");
} else {
print("distance:" + distance + " [pixels]");
function CalcDistance(p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y) {
sum_difference_squared = pow((p2x - p1x),2) + pow((p2y - p1y),2);
distance = pow(sum_difference_squared, 0.5);
return distance;
// homework
grid( 400, 400);
function grid( ww, hh){
//y = 1000;
//x = 400;
newImage("grid", "8-bit Black", ww, hh, 1);
for(i = 20; i < ww; i += 20)
drawLine( i, 0, i, hh - 1);
for(j = 20; j < hh; j += 20)
drawLine( 0, j, ww - 1, j);
function diagonalLattice(){
size = 400
newImage("grid", "8-bit Black", size, size, 1);
ww = size;
hh = size;
for (i = 0; i < size; i += 20){
drawLine(i, 0, 0, i);
drawLine(i, hh-1, ww-1, i);
for (i = 0; i < size; i += 20){
drawLine(i, hh-1, 0, ww - 1 - i);
drawLine(i, 0, ww-1, ww - 1 - i);
function gridDiagonal_byWhileLoop(){
ww = 300;
hh = 500;
newImage("diagonal grid", "8-bit black", ww, hh, 1);
cursor = 0;
gspacing = 10;
while (cursor < ww + hh){
px1 = 0;
py1 = cursor;
px2 = cursor;
py2 = 0;
if (py1 > hh){
py1 = hh;
px1 = cursor - hh;;
if (px2 > ww){
px2 = ww;
py2 = cursor - ww;
drawLine(px1, py1, px2, py2);
cursor += gspacing;
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