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Created September 20, 2020 23:24
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language = Java,
morekeywords = {var, macro, return, function, get, set, is,
abs, acos, Array, asin, atan, atan2, autoUpdate, beep, bitDepth, calibrate, call, changeValues, charCodeAt, close, cos, d2s, debug, Dialog, doCommand, doWand, drawLine, drawOval, drawRect, drawString, dump, endsWith, eval, exec, exit, exp, File, fill, fillOval, fillRect, Fit, floodFill, floor, fromCharCode, getArgument, getBoolean, getBoundingRect, getCursorLoc, getDateAndTime, getDimensions, getDirectory, getDir, getDisplayedArea, getFileList, getFontList, getHeight, getHistogram, getImageID, getImageInfo, getInfo, getLine, getList, getLocationAndSize, getLut, getMetadata, getMinAndMax, getNumber, getPixel, getPixelSize, getProfile, getRawStatistics, getResult, getResultString, getResultLabel, getSelectionBounds, getSelectionCoordinates, getSliceNumber, getStatistics, getString, getStringWidth, getThreshold, getTime, getTitle, getValue, getVoxelSize, getVersion, getWidth, getZoom, IJ, imageCalculator, indexOf, is, isActive, isKeyDown, isNaN, isOpen, lastIndexOf, lengthOf, lineTo, List, log, makeArrow, makeEllipse, makeLine, makeOval, makePoint, makePolygon, makeRectangle, makeRotatedRectangle, makeSelection, makeText, matches, Math, maxOf, minOf, moveTo, newArray, newImage, newMenu, open, Overlay, parseFloat, parseInt, Plot, pow, print, Property, random, rename, replace, requires, Roi, roiManager, RoiManager, round, run, runMacro, save, saveAs, saveSettings, selectionContains, selectImage, selectWindow, setAutoThreshold, setBackgroundColor, setBatchMode, setColor, setFont, setForegroundColor, setJustification, setKeyDown, setLineWidth, setLocation, setLut, setMetadata, setMinAndMax, setOption, setPasteMode, setPixel, setResult, setRGBWeights, setSelectionLocation, setSelectionName, setSlice, setThreshold, setTool, setupUndo, setVoxelSize, setZCoordinate, showMessage, showMessageWithCancel, showProgress, showStatus, showText, sin, snapshot, split, sqrt, Stack, startsWith, String, substring, Table, tan, toBinary, toHex, toLowerCase, toScaled, toUnscaled, toString, toUpperCase, updateDisplay, updateResults, value, wait, waitForUser,
boolean, Boolean, byte, short, int, long, Byte, Short, Integer, Long, Float, BigInteger, BigDecimal, char, Character, String, Dataset, ImagePlus, ColorRGB, Date, File},
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