Cards here are organisation-wide tasks that require Craftworkers attention + input to progress.
This board is:
- the central ledger for tasks everyone needs to do
- the place where org meetings are managed
- for internal facing tasks only
This board is not:
- a general notice-board
- a place for debate (though you can request clarity)
All members will establish a routine of listening for signals in this channel. Mix asserts this is vital for sustainable internal function. The alternative is to wear out the signaler, which is the organisational equivalent of insulin dependent diabetes.
For convenience there is a Slack channel to help you track item status changes / new due dates. I recommend you star the channel so you can just glance to see if there's anything new (the channel text goes bold)
Needs swarm Cards here needs a simple action from each member. These cards will always have a due date and will be moved to another list after this expires.
Upcoming Event
For cards that have been booked, but will remain here as reference till the event/meeting has passed (it will subsequently be moved to Closed
Closed these items have no further action needed and will ultimately be archived.
Board looks like this: