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Created June 2, 2019 00:47
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OCaml functions for printing a tree in a terminal like the 'tree' command
Created by Martin Jambon and placed in the Public Domain on June 1, 2019.
Print a tree or a DAG as tree, similarly to the 'tree' command.
open Printf
let rec iter f = function
| [] -> ()
| [x] ->
f true x
| x :: tl ->
f false x;
iter f tl
let to_buffer ?(line_prefix = "") ~get_name ~get_children buf x =
let rec print_root indent x =
bprintf buf "%s\n" (get_name x);
let children = get_children x in
iter (print_child indent) children
and print_child indent is_last x =
let line =
if is_last then
"└── "
"├── "
bprintf buf "%s%s" indent line;
let extra_indent =
if is_last then
" "
"│ "
print_root (indent ^ extra_indent) x
Buffer.add_string buf line_prefix;
print_root line_prefix x
let to_string ?line_prefix ~get_name ~get_children x =
let buf = Buffer.create 1000 in
to_buffer ?line_prefix ~get_name ~get_children buf x;
Buffer.contents buf
type binary_tree =
| Node of string * binary_tree * binary_tree
| Leaf
let test () =
let shared_node =
Node (
Node ("world", Leaf, Leaf),
Node ("you", Leaf, Leaf)
let tree =
Node (
Node (
"Mr. Poopypants",
Node (
"something something",
Node (
"Ms. Poopypants",
let get_name = function
| Leaf -> "."
| Node (name, _, _) -> name
let get_children = function
| Leaf -> []
| Node (_, a, b) -> List.filter ((<>) Leaf) [a; b]
let result = to_string ~line_prefix:"* " ~get_name ~get_children tree in
let expected_result = "\
* root
* ├── Mr. Poopypants
* │ ├── something something
* │ │ └── hello
* │ │ ├── world
* │ │ └── you
* │ └── Ms. Poopypants
* └── hello
* ├── world
* └── you
print_string result;
flush stdout;
assert (result = expected_result)
let tests = [
"to_string", test;
Created by Martin Jambon and placed in the Public Domain on June 1, 2019.
Print a tree or a DAG as tree, similarly to the 'tree' command.
Sample output:
├── Mr. Poopypants
│ ├── something something
│ │ └── hello
│ │ ├── world
│ │ └── you
│ └── Ms. Poopypants
└── hello
├── world
└── you
val to_buffer :
?line_prefix: string ->
get_name: ('a -> string) ->
get_children: ('a -> 'a list) ->
Buffer.t -> 'a -> unit
val to_string :
?line_prefix: string ->
get_name: ('a -> string) ->
get_children: ('a -> 'a list) ->
'a -> string
val tests : (string * (unit -> unit)) list
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