I took the course Rails Best Practices from CodeSchool and wanted to share my impressions.
- The tutorial assumes basic Rails knowledge
- Lessons are videos with examples
- Exercises are completed on Code School's site in a faux editor; the site keeps track of your
progress and you are given points for each exercise you complete - The exercises should have been harder
- There were some things they covered that I found to not be super-useful
- TL;DR: could have been harder, but I learned stuff and enjoyed the way it was taught
- a lot of info about block helpers in views
- handling with empty strings or empty enumerables in views
- yield and content_for
- skip_before_filter
- counter caches are handled in some detail, they really give a sense of the pluses and minuses of counter
- passing batch sizes to _find_each()):
Model.find_each(batch_size: 200)
- nested attributes: I've worked with them and I sort of hate them
- The videos are intro'd and outro'd with mashups of old video game graphics. At first the trope was funny, then it got old.
If people are interested I can drop the slides from the course into the Dropbox.
-- mr (robot)