Jake Mannix, Applied Machine Learning Engineer, Twitter
- Does collaborative filtering == RecSys?
- cautions that recommenders are not just user->products
- you might actually recommend groups to a user, user to a groups, candidates to a posting (example: Linkedin)
math techniques:
- singular value decomposition or SVD
- [ALS and other matrix factorizations] (http://www.slideshare.net/srowen/matrix-factorization)
- stacked RBM
"At he end of the day the mathematical approaches reduce the user/item matrix to GUIDs but often you need to bring domain knowledge to bear."
- each user has a feature vector
- each item has a feature vector
- dimensionality may (WILL) vary
- helps with cold-start problem (you don't need to wait for ratings)
- it scales really well
- flexible, can learn to rank using logistic regression, SVM, GBDT ("Gradient Boosted Decision Tree")
- it's not very general, you are using domain-specific model
- features can be too coarse, feature selection may be difficult
- low-latency from large item set may be difficult
- combine with "popularity": find the popular things and then take them and re-rank those in the context of content-based recommendations
- Twitter's own recommendations combine content social and collaborative filtering features
- And remember: collaborative filtering is "unreasonably effective"
- [Content-based filtering] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recommender_system#Content-based_filtering) on Wikipedia
- "Combining Predictions for Accurate Recommender Systems"