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Created August 25, 2009 05:44
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localhost:~ mjc$ DYLD_PRINT_STATISTICS=YES /Applications/
total time: 125.81 milliseconds (100.0%)
total images loaded: 120 (106 from dyld shared cache, 0 needed no fixups)
total segments mapped: 52, into 4715 pages with 655 pages pre-fetched
total images loading time: 35.40 milliseconds (28.1%)
total dtrace DOF registration time: 0.09 milliseconds (0.0%)
total rebase fixups: 150,516
total rebase fixups time: 30.54 milliseconds (24.2%)
total binding fixups: 4,374
total binding symbol lookups: 343, average images searched per symbol: 0.5
total binding fixups time: 0.75 milliseconds (0.5%)
total weak binding fixups time: 0.33 milliseconds (0.2%)
total bindings lazily fixed up: 37 of 3,236
total initializer time: 58.69 milliseconds (46.6%)
total symbol trie searches: 275
total symbol table binary searches: 193
total images defining/using weak symbols: 2/45
localhost:~ mjc$ DYLD_PRINT_STATISTICS=YES open -a Safari
total time: 237.05 milliseconds (100.0%)
total images loaded: 90 (89 from dyld shared cache, 0 needed no fixups)
total segments mapped: 0, into 0 pages with 0 pages pre-fetched
total images loading time: 1.25 milliseconds (0.5%)
total dtrace DOF registration time: 0.06 milliseconds (0.0%)
total rebase fixups: 0
total rebase fixups time: 0.02 milliseconds (0.0%)
total binding fixups: 409
total binding fixups time: 0.13 milliseconds (0.0%)
total weak binding fixups time: 0.00 milliseconds (0.0%)
total bindings lazily fixed up: 0 of 0
total initializer time: 235.55 milliseconds (99.3%)
total symbol trie searches: 34
total symbol table binary searches: 0
total images defining/using weak symbols: 1/34
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