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Last active January 17, 2016 21:51
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SICP exercise 2.29 in Haskell and Scheme
data Branch = Branch { branch_length :: Int, branch_structure :: Mobile } deriving Show
data Mobile = Weight Int | Mobile { left_branch :: Branch, right_branch :: Branch } deriving Show
total_branch_weight (Branch { branch_structure = str }) = total_weight str
total_weight (Weight wt) = wt
total_weight (Mobile lt rt) =
(total_branch_weight lt) + (total_branch_weight rt)
-- Verbose constructor syntax
test_mobile = Mobile {
left_branch = Branch { branch_length = 1,
branch_structure = Weight 10 },
right_branch = Branch { branch_length = 2,
branch_structure = Mobile {
left_branch = Branch { branch_length = 3,
branch_structure = Weight 20 },
right_branch = Branch { branch_length = 4,
branch_structure = Weight 30 }}}}
-- Or use this compact constructor syntax
test_balanced_mobile = Mobile (Branch 7 (Weight 10))
(Branch 1 (Mobile (Branch 3 (Weight 40))
(Branch 4 (Weight 30))))
torque br@(Branch len _) = len * total_branch_weight br
is_balanced (Weight _) = True
is_balanced (Mobile lt rt) =
torque lt == torque rt
&& is_balanced (branch_structure lt)
&& is_balanced (branch_structure rt)
#lang racket
;;;; circa 1985-style Scheme
(define (make-mobile left right)
(list left right))
(define (left-branch mobile)
(car mobile))
(define (right-branch mobile)
(car (cdr mobile)))
; a structure is either an integer weight or an entire mobile
(define (branched? structure)
(pair? structure))
(define (make-branch length structure)
(list length structure))
(define (branch-length branch)
(car branch))
(define (branch-structure branch)
(car (cdr branch)))
(define (total-branch-weight branch)
(total-weight (branch-structure branch)))
(define (total-weight mobile)
(if (branched? mobile)
(+ (total-branch-weight (left-branch mobile))
(total-branch-weight (right-branch mobile)))
(define test-mobile
(make-mobile (make-branch 1 10)
(make-branch 2 (make-mobile (make-branch 3 20)
(make-branch 4 30)))))
(define test-balanced-mobile
(make-mobile (make-branch 7 10)
(make-branch 1 (make-mobile (make-branch 3 40)
(make-branch 4 30)))))
(define (torque branch)
(* (branch-length branch)
(total-branch-weight branch)))
(define (balanced? mobile)
(if (branched? mobile)
(and (= (torque (left-branch mobile))
(torque (right-branch mobile)))
(balanced? (branch-structure (left-branch mobile)))
(balanced? (branch-structure (right-branch mobile))))
#lang racket
;;;; More idiomatic Racket translation, I hope
(struct branch (length structure))
(struct mobile (left-branch right-branch))
(define (total-branch-weight branch)
(total-weight (branch-structure branch)))
(define (total-weight str)
(match str
[ (mobile lt rt) (+ (total-branch-weight lt)
(total-branch-weight rt)) ]
[ weight weight ]))
(define test-mobile (mobile (branch 1 10)
(branch 2 (mobile (branch 3 20)
(branch 4 30)))))
(define test-balanced-mobile (mobile (branch 7 10)
(branch 1 (mobile (branch 3 40)
(branch 4 30)))))
(define (torque br)
(match br
[ (branch len _) (* len (total-branch-weight br)) ]))
(define (balanced? str)
(match str
[ (mobile lt rt)
(and (= (torque lt) (torque rt))
(balanced? (branch-structure lt))
(balanced? (branch-structure rt))) ]
[ _ #t ]))
(balanced? test-mobile)
(balanced? test-balanced-mobile)
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