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Created January 9, 2016 17:37
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Sample MIK metadata manipulator
namespace mik\metadatamanipulators;
use \Monolog\Logger;
* MJTest - Example metadata manipulator.
* The mappings file must contain a row that adds the following
* element to your MODS:
* nullN,<extension><foo></foo></extension>.
* If the value of the current object's Caroonist metadata property
* is 'Krieger, Bob', add the element.
* This metadata manipulator takes no configuration parameters.
class MJTest extends MetadataManipulator
* Create a new metadata manipulator Instance.
public function __construct($settings = null, $paramsArray, $record_key)
parent::__construct($settings, $paramsArray, $record_key);
$this->record_key = $record_key;
// Set up logger.
$this->pathToLog = $this->settings['LOGGING']['path_to_manipulator_log'];
$this->log = new \Monolog\Logger('config');
$this->logStreamHandler = new \Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler($this->pathToLog,
* General manipulate wrapper method.
* @param string $input The XML fragment to be manipulated. We are only
* interested in the <extension><foo> fragment added in the
* MIK mappings file.
* @return string
* One of the manipulated XML fragment, the original input XML if the
* input is not the fragment we are interested in, or an empty string
* if we don't want to add the fragment to our MODS.xml.
public function manipulate($input)
$dom = new \DomDocument();
$dom->loadxml($input, LIBXML_NSCLEAN);
// Test to see if the current fragment is <extension><foo>.
$xpath = new \DOMXPath($dom);
$foos = $xpath->query("//extension/foo");
if ($foos->length === 1) {
$foo = $foos->item(0);
// Get the raw metadata (in the CSV toolchain, it will be a serialized object) so
// we can make decisions based on any value in it.
$raw_metadata_cache_path = $this->settings['FETCHER']['temp_directory'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .
$this->record_key . '.metadata';
$raw_metadata_cache = file_get_contents($raw_metadata_cache_path);
$metadata = unserialize($raw_metadata_cache);
// In this example, we want to know if this is a Krieger cartoon.
if ($metadata->Cartoonist == 'Krieger, Bob') {
// If it is, add our snippet.
$foo->nodeValue = "This cartoon is by Bob Krieger.";
return $dom->saveXML($dom->documentElement);
else {
return '';
else {
// If current fragment is not <extension><foo>, just return it.
return $input;
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