Create Telegram bot:
Search for user @BotFather in Telegram app. Type /help in BotFather chat and wait for the reply. Type in the chat:
or select /newbot command from Help text. Answer few setup questions:
OneDrive.exe as a Windows Service | |
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Flemming Steffensen, 2017, 2021 | |
For our automatic build setup, we needed to fetch some files off a Sharepoint Library. | |
Sharepoint allows (if configured so) Lists and Libraries to be synchronized to a local folder by using the OneDrive application. | |
However, the OneDrive application is started when a user logs in, and in an automated build setup, this never happens. | |
The solusion were to disable the normal auto-start feature of OneDrive, and then install it as a service, and making sure the | |
service start as the computer starts. |