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Last active May 12, 2018 06:05
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If you need to parse Escoria scripts for dialog but aren't far enough in your game to have all the scripts loaded for
from collections import namedtuple
import itertools
import operator
import re
import sys
DialogSpec = namedtuple('DialogSpec', ('fname', 'id', 'dialog', 'comment'))
def get_dialogs(files):
dialogs = {}
ok = True
seen_dialog = {}
for fname in files:
with open(fname, 'r') as f:
lines = [l.strip() for l in f.readlines()]
lines = [l for l in lines if l.startswith('say')]
if lines:
for line in lines:
comment = None
dialog = None
char = None
id_ = None
# Basic validation
if ':"' not in line:
print('Broken line in {}'.format(fname))
ok = False
# Fuck the pain away
line = re.sub('\[.+\]', '', line).strip()
# Parse comments
if '#' in line:
line, comment = line.rsplit('#', 1)
comment = comment.strip()
# Know about the id separator
line, dialog = line.rsplit(':', 1)
# Smaller tokens
split_line = line.split()
assert(len(split_line) == 3)
assert(split_line[0] == 'say')
char = split_line[1]
id_ = split_line[2]
# Sanity check
if id_ in seen_dialog:
if seen_dialog[id_] != dialog:
print('Duplicate id "{}" for different dialog in file {}:\n\t{} <> {}'
''.format(id_, fname, seen_dialog[id_], dialog))
ok = False
seen_dialog[id_] = dialog
dialog_spec = DialogSpec(fname, id_, dialog, comment)
dialogs.setdefault(char, []).append(dialog_spec)
return dialogs, ok
def main(args):
files = args
dialogs, ok = get_dialogs(files)
if ok:
for char in dialogs:
print('Dealing with {}'.format(char))
char_out_fname = '{}.txt'.format(char)
sorted_fnames = sorted(dialogs[char], key=operator.attrgetter('fname'))
fname_specs = itertools.groupby(sorted_fnames, operator.attrgetter('fname'))
output = ""
for fname, specs in fname_specs:
specs = tuple(specs)
# Click-clack-pow, can't care about the minutiæ of this shit
output = "{}\n{}\n{}\n\n".format(output, fname, len(fname) * '=')
for spec in specs:
output = """{}\
""".format(output,, len( * '-', spec.dialog)
if spec.comment:
output = '{}({})'.format(output, spec.comment)
output = '{}\n\n'.format(output)
with open(char_out_fname, 'w') as f:
return 0 if ok else 1
if __name__ == '__main__':
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