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Forked from dsamarin/Complex.js
Last active December 15, 2015 21:48
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var Complex = function(real, imag) {
if (!(this instanceof Complex)) {
return new Complex (real, imag);
if (typeof real === "string" && imag == null) {
return Complex.parse (real);
this.real = Number(real) || 0;
this.imag = Number(imag) || 0;
Complex.parse = function(string) {
var real, imag, regex, match, a, b, c;
// TODO: Make this work better-er
regex = /^([-+]?(?:\d+|\d*\.\d+))?[-+]?(\d+|\d*\.\d+)?[ij]$/i;
string = String(string).replace (/\s+/g, '');
match = string.match (regex);
if (!match) {
throw new Error("Invalid input to Complex.parse, expecting a + bi format");
a = match[1];
b = match[2];
c = match[3];
real = a != null ? parseFloat (a) : 0;
imag = parseFloat ((b || "+") + (c || "1"));
return new Complex(real, imag);
Complex.prototype.copy = function() {
return new Complex (this.real, this.imag);
Complex.prototype.add = function(operand) {
var real, imag;
if (operand instanceof Complex) {
real = operand.real;
imag = operand.imag;
} else {
real = Number(operand);
imag = 0;
this.real += real;
this.imag += imag;
return this;
Complex.prototype.subtract = function(operand) {
var real, imag;
if (operand instanceof Complex) {
real = operand.real;
imag = operand.imag;
} else {
real = Number(operand);
imag = 0;
this.real -= real;
this.imag -= imag;
return this;
Complex.prototype.multiply = function(operand) {
var real, imag, tmp;
if (operand instanceof Complex) {
real = operand.real;
imag = operand.imag;
} else {
real = Number(operand);
imag = 0;
tmp = this.real * real - this.imag * imag;
this.imag = this.real * imag + this.imag * real;
this.real = tmp;
return this;
Complex.prototype.divide = function(operand) {
var real, imag, denom, tmp;
if (operand instanceof Complex) {
real = operand.real;
imag = operand.imag;
} else {
real = Number(operand);
imag = 0;
denom = real * real + imag * imag;
tmp = (this.real * real + this.imag * imag) / denom;
this.imag = (this.imag * real - this.real * imag) / denom;
this.real = tmp;
return this;
Complex.prototype.abs = function() {
if (this.imag != 0) {
return Math.sqrt(this.real*this.real + this.imag*this.imag);
} else {
return Math.abs(this.real);
Complex.prototype.toString = function() {
var str = this.real.toString();
if (this.imag > 0)
str += '+';
if (this.imag != 0)
str += this.imag + 'i';
return str;
var repl = require('repl');
repl.start().context.Complex = Complex;
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Just a really late "pingback": I'm using this in a mandelbrot generator I wrote some time ago. If you don't allow that usage just tell me and I will use something else.

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