Click here.
No root privileges are required to install or use this code.
If you're using Anaconda (or Miniconda) Python distribution, you should be able to install the LSST stack by doing the following:
conda update conda # to ensure you’re running latest conda
conda config --add channels
conda install lsst-distrib
This will install the LSST packages in your $CONDA_ROOT/opt/lsst
. To "activate" them (i.e., get them onto your PATH
, etc.), run:
setup <name_of_the_package>
where <name_of_the_package>
can be learned from the LSST stack documentation.
We have all lsst_distrib
and lsst_sims
packages (including MAF). qserv
is not yet available as a conda
- These binaries should work on:
- OS X 10.9 and 10.10
- Any Linux newer than CentOS 5 (glibc 2.5 or later)
- In particular, they've been known to work on the Edison cluster at NERSC
- They will not work on OS X 10.11 (El Capitan)
The packaging code has been developed by Mario Juric (@mjuric), with patches contributed and builds performed by Lynne Jones (@rhiannonlynne), Scott Daniel (@danielsf), Rahul Biswas, and Michael Reuter (@mareuter).
Sorry for the late reply -- I didn't see the comment!
The answer is yes, this will all work w/o root. I typically install Miniconda (and therefore the stack) into my home directory.