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Dynamic Interface Implementation for C# in F#
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/* | |
// Example usage: | |
var inst = _Implement.Interface<ISomeInterface>(new | |
{ | |
AMethod = new Func<String, Int32>(s => Int32.Parse(s)), | |
Foobar = new | |
{ | |
get = "foobar", | |
set = new Action<String>(s => {}) | |
} | |
}); | |
*/ | |
namespace Aquabrowser.Core.Reflection | |
module _Implement = | |
open System | |
open System.Reflection | |
open System.Reflection.Emit | |
open Aquabrowser.Core | |
open EmitUtils | |
open System.ComponentModel | |
type MethodOrProp = | |
| Method of MethodInfo | |
| PropertyGet of PropertyInfo | |
| PropertySet of PropertyInfo | |
member this.ActualMethod = | |
match this with | |
| Method m -> m | |
| PropertyGet p -> p.GetGetMethod() | |
| PropertySet p -> p.GetSetMethod() | |
member this.Name = | |
match this with | |
| Method m -> m.Name | |
| PropertyGet p -> p.Name | |
| PropertySet p -> p.Name | |
let private haveInterface (t: Type) (i: Type) = | |
t.GetInterfaces() |> Array.exists (fun _i -> _i = i) | |
let private implCount = ref 0L | |
let Interface (o: obj): 'TInterface = | |
let interfaceType = typeof<'TInterface> | |
if (not interfaceType.IsInterface) then | |
raise (new MLException("Interface type '{0}' is not an interface.", interfaceType.FullName)) | |
// Generates a unique name for each implementation.. | |
let id = System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(implCount) | |
let name = interfaceType.Namespace + "." + interfaceType.Name.Replace('`', ' '); | |
let asmName = new AssemblyName("_Dynamicinterface_Implementation_For_" + name); | |
let asmBuilder = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(asmName, AssemblyBuilderAccess.RunAndCollect); | |
let modBuilder = asmBuilder.DefineDynamicModule("_Dynamicinterface_Implementation_Module_For_" + interfaceType.FullName); | |
let typBuilder = modBuilder.DefineType(interfaceType.Name + "@DynamicInterfaceImplementation" + id.ToString("X"), TypeAttributes.Class ||| TypeAttributes.Public); | |
typBuilder.AddInterfaceImplementation(interfaceType) | |
let rec getProps (_type: Type) : PropertyInfo seq = | |
seq { | |
for t in Seq.append (Seq.singleton(_type)) (_type.GetInterfaces()) do | |
yield! t.GetProperties() | |
} | |
let rec getMethods (_type: Type) : MethodInfo seq = | |
seq { | |
for t in Seq.append (Seq.singleton(_type)) (_type.GetInterfaces()) do | |
for m in t.GetMethods() do | |
// Assume that special name methods are getters/setters. | |
// If this is not rigorous enough, could simply check there is no property with this method backing it. | |
if (int(m.Attributes &&& System.Reflection.MethodAttributes.SpecialName) = 0) then | |
yield m | |
} | |
let interfaceMethodsAndProps = | |
Seq.toArray (seq { | |
yield! Seq.cast<MemberInfo> (getProps interfaceType) | |
yield! Seq.cast<MemberInfo> (getMethods interfaceType) | |
}) | |
let memberCount = interfaceMethodsAndProps.Length | |
let anonymousBindingFlags = BindingFlags.NonPublic ||| BindingFlags.Public ||| BindingFlags.Instance | |
let getPropValues (prop: PropertyInfo) (anon: obj) = seq { | |
if (prop.PropertyType.IsArray) then | |
// If the property is an array: overload resolution. | |
yield! (prop.GetValue(anon) :?> obj[]) | |
else | |
yield prop.GetValue(anon) | |
} | |
// Tests whether return type and parameter count and types of both methods match exactly. | |
let methodsMatch (m1: MethodInfo) (m2: MethodInfo) = | |
if m1.ReturnType <> m2.ReturnType then false | |
else | |
let m1Params = m1.GetParameters() | |
let m2Params = m2.GetParameters() | |
if m1Params.Length <> m2Params.Length then false | |
else | |
Array.forall (fun (a: ParameterInfo, b: ParameterInfo) -> a.ParameterType = b.ParameterType) ( m1Params m2Params) | |
let rec findMethodImpl (m: MethodOrProp) (name: String) (anon: obj) (goDeeper: bool) = | |
seq { | |
for prop in anon.GetType().GetProperties(anonymousBindingFlags) do | |
if String.CompareOrdinal(prop.Name, name) = 0 then | |
for v in (getPropValues prop anon) do | |
if (v :? System.Delegate) then | |
let invokeMethod = v.GetType().GetMethod("Invoke") | |
if (methodsMatch m.ActualMethod invokeMethod) then | |
yield (v, prop.PropertyType) | |
else if (m.ActualMethod.GetParameters().Length = 0 && m.ActualMethod.ReturnType = prop.PropertyType) then | |
// A method or property getter without arguments can be implemented by a value. | |
yield (v, prop.PropertyType) | |
else if goDeeper then | |
match m with | |
| PropertyGet _ -> yield! findMethodImpl m "get" v false | |
| PropertySet _ -> yield! findMethodImpl m "set" v false | |
| _ -> failwith "Invalid Operation" | |
} | |
let findMethodImpl (m: MethodOrProp) = | |
let impls = Seq.toArray(findMethodImpl m m.Name o (match m with Method _ -> false | _ -> true)) | |
let typestr = match m with Method _ -> "method" | _ -> "property" | |
if impls.Length = 1 then impls.[0] | |
else if impls.Length = 0 then failwithf "No implementation found for %s %s." typestr m.Name | |
else failwithf "Multiple implementations (%d) found for %s %s." (impls.Length) typestr m.Name | |
let getMethodsOrProperties (m: MemberInfo) = seq { | |
if m :? MethodInfo then | |
yield Method(m :?> MethodInfo) | |
else | |
let p = m :?> PropertyInfo | |
if p.GetGetMethod() <> null then | |
yield PropertyGet(p) | |
if p.GetSetMethod() <> null then | |
yield PropertySet(p) | |
} | |
// For each method that we implement, define a field that holds our delegate. | |
let methodsOrProps = [| for i = 0 to (memberCount - 1) do yield! (getMethodsOrProperties (interfaceMethodsAndProps.[i])) |] | |
let delegateMembers = Array.zeroCreate<obj> methodsOrProps.Length | |
for i = 0 to methodsOrProps.Length - 1 do | |
let methodOrProp = methodsOrProps.[i] | |
let m = methodOrProp.ActualMethod | |
// Get whatever we'll use to implement the method | |
let (v, propType) = findMethodImpl methodOrProp | |
delegateMembers.[i] <- v | |
let paramTypes = Seq.toArray(seq { | |
for p in m.GetParameters() do | |
yield p.ParameterType | |
}) | |
let methodAtts = (m.Attributes ||| MethodAttributes.Final) &&& ~~~MethodAttributes.Abstract | |
// Implement the method. | |
let methodBldr = typBuilder.DefineMethod(m.Name, methodAtts, m.ReturnType, paramTypes) | |
let asm = new EmitBuilder(methodBldr.GetILGenerator()) | |
if v :? System.Delegate then | |
// Invoke the delegate. | |
let delegateBldr = typBuilder.DefineField("_delegate" + i.ToString(), typeof<System.Delegate>, FieldAttributes.Private) | |
asm { | |
yield OpCodes.Ldarg_0 | |
yield OpCodes.Ldfld, (delegateBldr :> FieldInfo) // Load delegate | |
} | |
for j = 0 to (m.GetParameters().Length - 1) do | |
asm { | |
yield OpCodes.Ldarg, (j + 1) | |
} | |
asm { | |
yield OpCodes.Callvirt, delegateMembers.[i].GetType().GetMethod("Invoke") // (match delegateMembers.[i] with (_, invokeMethod) -> invokeMethod) | |
yield OpCodes.Ret | |
} | |
else | |
// Return the field, note we cant use v.GetType() as v could be null! | |
let valueFld = typBuilder.DefineField("_value" + i.ToString(), propType, FieldAttributes.Private) | |
asm { | |
yield OpCodes.Ldarg_0 | |
yield OpCodes.Ldfld, (valueFld :> FieldInfo) | |
yield OpCodes.Ret | |
} | |
// And ensure to implement the actual interface method. | |
typBuilder.DefineMethodOverride(methodBldr, m) | |
// Finally, create the actual proxy type. | |
let finalType = typBuilder.CreateType() | |
let instance = (Activator.CreateInstance(finalType)) :?> 'TInterface | |
// Set the delegates or values in our private fields. | |
for i = 0 to (methodsOrProps.Length - 1) do | |
let fld = finalType.GetField("_delegate" + i.ToString(), BindingFlags.Instance ||| BindingFlags.NonPublic) | |
if (fld <> null) then fld.SetValue(instance, delegateMembers.[i]) | |
else | |
let fld = finalType.GetField("_value" + i.ToString(), BindingFlags.Instance ||| BindingFlags.NonPublic) | |
fld.SetValue(instance, delegateMembers.[i]) | |
// Return and we're done. | |
instance |
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