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Last active December 17, 2015 00:09
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Demonstrate PHP's function scoping.
$x = 'value set in global scope';
function namedFunction() {
echo 'in '.__FUNCTION__.', before setting $x: $x === '.var_export($x, true)."\n";
$x = 'value set in '.__FUNCTION__;
echo 'in '.__FUNCTION__.', after setting $x: $x === '.var_export($x, true)."\n";
$anonymousFunction = function() {
echo 'in '.__FUNCTION__.', before setting $x: $x === '.var_export($x, true)."\n";
$x = 'value set in '.__FUNCTION__;
echo 'in '.__FUNCTION__.', after setting $x: $x === '.var_export($x, true)."\n";
echo 'in global scope, before calling functions: $x === '.var_export($x, true)."\n";
echo 'calling namedFunction()...'."\n";
echo 'calling $anonymousFunction()...'."\n";
echo 'in global scope, after calling functions: $x === '.var_export($x, true)."\n";
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