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Last active September 22, 2024 04:39
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$PSStyle polyfill forWindows PowerShell
# $PSStyle polyfill for Windows PowerShell:
# When run on a PS v7.2+ system, generates source code for Windows PowerShell
# that creates a nested ordered hashtable that mimics the v7.2+ $PSStyle object,
# albeit only with respect to the properties with general-purpose ANSI (VT)
# escape sequences, such as $PSStyle.Italic and $PSStyle.Foreground.Yellow
# Simply copy and paste this snippet and execute it in a PowerShell 7.2+ session,
# and it will output source code for Windows PowerShell that defines $PSStyle.
if (`$null -eq `$PSStyle) {
`$PSStyle = [ordered] @{}
foreach ($p in $PSStyle.psobject.Properties.Name -notmatch '^(Foreground|Background|FileInfo|Formatting|OutputRendering|Progress)$') {
" `$PSStyle.$p = `"$($PSStyle.$p -replace "`e", '$([char]27)')`"`n"
foreach ($p in 'Foreground', 'Background') {
" `$PSStyle.$p = [ordered] @{}`n"
foreach ($sp in $PSStyle.$p.psobject.Properties.Name) {
" `$PSStyle.$p.$sp = `"$($PSStyle.$p.$sp -replace "`e", '$([char]27)')`"`n"
# Running the above in PowerShell 7.4.0-preview.3 yields the following:
if ($null -eq $PSStyle) {
$PSStyle = [ordered] @{}
$PSStyle.Reset = "$([char]27)[0m"
$PSStyle.BlinkOff = "$([char]27)[25m"
$PSStyle.Blink = "$([char]27)[5m"
$PSStyle.BoldOff = "$([char]27)[22m"
$PSStyle.Bold = "$([char]27)[1m"
$PSStyle.DimOff = "$([char]27)[22m"
$PSStyle.Dim = "$([char]27)[2m"
$PSStyle.Hidden = "$([char]27)[8m"
$PSStyle.HiddenOff = "$([char]27)[28m"
$PSStyle.Reverse = "$([char]27)[7m"
$PSStyle.ReverseOff = "$([char]27)[27m"
$PSStyle.ItalicOff = "$([char]27)[23m"
$PSStyle.Italic = "$([char]27)[3m"
$PSStyle.UnderlineOff = "$([char]27)[24m"
$PSStyle.Underline = "$([char]27)[4m"
$PSStyle.StrikethroughOff = "$([char]27)[29m"
$PSStyle.Strikethrough = "$([char]27)[9m"
$PSStyle.Foreground = [ordered] @{}
$PSStyle.Foreground.Black = "$([char]27)[30m"
$PSStyle.Foreground.Red = "$([char]27)[31m"
$PSStyle.Foreground.Green = "$([char]27)[32m"
$PSStyle.Foreground.Yellow = "$([char]27)[33m"
$PSStyle.Foreground.Blue = "$([char]27)[34m"
$PSStyle.Foreground.Magenta = "$([char]27)[35m"
$PSStyle.Foreground.Cyan = "$([char]27)[36m"
$PSStyle.Foreground.White = "$([char]27)[37m"
$PSStyle.Foreground.BrightBlack = "$([char]27)[90m"
$PSStyle.Foreground.BrightRed = "$([char]27)[91m"
$PSStyle.Foreground.BrightGreen = "$([char]27)[92m"
$PSStyle.Foreground.BrightYellow = "$([char]27)[93m"
$PSStyle.Foreground.BrightBlue = "$([char]27)[94m"
$PSStyle.Foreground.BrightMagenta = "$([char]27)[95m"
$PSStyle.Foreground.BrightCyan = "$([char]27)[96m"
$PSStyle.Foreground.BrightWhite = "$([char]27)[97m"
$PSStyle.Background = [ordered] @{}
$PSStyle.Background.Black = "$([char]27)[40m"
$PSStyle.Background.Red = "$([char]27)[41m"
$PSStyle.Background.Green = "$([char]27)[42m"
$PSStyle.Background.Yellow = "$([char]27)[43m"
$PSStyle.Background.Blue = "$([char]27)[44m"
$PSStyle.Background.Magenta = "$([char]27)[45m"
$PSStyle.Background.Cyan = "$([char]27)[46m"
$PSStyle.Background.White = "$([char]27)[47m"
$PSStyle.Background.BrightBlack = "$([char]27)[100m"
$PSStyle.Background.BrightRed = "$([char]27)[101m"
$PSStyle.Background.BrightGreen = "$([char]27)[102m"
$PSStyle.Background.BrightYellow = "$([char]27)[103m"
$PSStyle.Background.BrightBlue = "$([char]27)[104m"
$PSStyle.Background.BrightMagenta = "$([char]27)[105m"
$PSStyle.Background.BrightCyan = "$([char]27)[106m"
$PSStyle.Background.BrightWhite = "$([char]27)[107m"
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