Example for rendering a Gource video from a Git repository between two dates corresponding to two tags:
# List tag dates in ISO format
$ git for-each-ref --format="%(refname:short) | %(creatordate:iso)" "refs/tags/*"
When enabling ElasticSearch to use https for inter-component communication, it uses self-signed certs by default. These certs are generated by the eck-operator itself.
In case infrastructure and management processes for self-signed certs and truststore generation is not an option for you, disabling certificate verification seems to be an easy solution to the missing cert management part.
import org.springframework.boot.context.properties.ConfigurationProperties
In case you want to automate batch accpeting Dependabot Pull Requests
Using the GitHub CLI
This file is automatically generated by the update_all.ps1 script using the AU module.
Ignored | History | Force Test | Releases | TESTING AU NEXT VERSION
apiVersion: batch/v1 | |
kind: Job | |
metadata: | |
name: "pulsar-manager-set-super-user" | |
namespace: "pulsar" | |
spec: | |
# https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/job/ | |
backoffLimit: 0 | |
ttlSecondsAfterFinished: 100 | |
template: |
The "Open Distro"-fork of Elasticsearch uses Tenants instead of Kibana Spaces where each tenant corresponds to a separate Kibana Index / Alias.
When provisioning Kibana Objects on an "Open Distro"-cluster using the Phil Bakers Terraform Elasticsearch community provider it will by default create resources in .kibana
-index which corresponds to the global tenant.
For example after spinning up a single node cluster the different Kibana indexes may look like
ECHO - Using profile "%MSTEAMS_PROFILE%" | |
ECHO - Launching MS Teams with profile %MSTEAMS_PROFILE% |
In projects inclined to the Microsoft ecosystem, Teams is probably the best collaboration option, especially if your team members are dislocated. Probably because using different Office 365 accounts i had a hard time getting the Teams-Addin to work with Outlook. This is a know problem as you can find numerous articles on the web from people asking for help about this issue. Microsoft is working to enhance the Teams / Outlook experience.
One especially helpful article was Missing Teams Outlook Add-in by Michael LaMontagne (@RealTimeUC). Michael was the only one trying to dig deeper into the nitty-gritty details of COM-registration between Outlook and the Teams .NET application, deployed using Squirrel.Windows (as most Electron-based desktop-apps on Windows, e.g. Slack etc.).
He finally got the Teams-AddIn working by duplicating registry keys from a working machine. However, after reviewing the Teams & Teams
{"lastUpload":"2020-01-09T21:25:25.038Z","extensionVersion":"v3.4.3"} |