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Created May 15, 2012 11:56
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feature/defect workflow
<mkolb> so here's what i want to do for workflow re branches [07:48]
<mkolb> e.g.
<mkolb> Rob gets the idea that he wants to have a chicken separator included
in engage. [07:49]
<hernan43> mechanical or electronic?
<mkolb> Rob asks us to add the separator during hte phase two meeting
<mkolb> mechanical, of course.
<hernan43> ok
<mkolb> then we ask Rick to add it to the roadmap
<mkolb> ostensibly rick at the same time adds a ticket to salesforce [07:50]
<mkolb> complete with engage-version etc (as an engage "enhancement")
<mkolb> time passes
<mkolb> i realize that we haven't got a way to separate chickens and that our
lady of great chickenness is starting next week [07:51]
<mkolb> so i ask you to build out that feature
<mkolb> so you check out development
<mkolb> then git branch SF34567
<mkolb> where 00034567 is the salesforce case number [07:52]
<mkolb> since separating chickens mechanically is a plucky business
<mkolb> i say we should do a review
<mkolb> so you push SF34567 to origin so that i can look at it in the confort
of my emacs.
<mkolb> it looks good, so i ask you to merge it back on to development and
push up the changes. [07:53]
<mkolb> presuming that goes swimingly, you git branch -d SF34567
<mkolb> and close the ticket
<mkolb> additionally you'll need to delete the remote branch, since you pushed
it, but i can't remember what the command for that looks like.
<hernan43> i would add a suggestion that we add a one or two word 'tag' to the
branch name to avoid confusion like SF34567_separator
<hernan43> in the event we have multiple branches, trying to remember SF
ticket numbers might get confusing [07:55]
<mkolb> that's a good idea.
<mkolb> right
<mkolb> lets just stick with the same separator/capitalization/etc
<mkolb> so _ is good
<mkolb> and all lower case on the tag is also good
<mkolb> and i like the idea of keeping it relatively short
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