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Created August 11, 2021 17:36
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DCS Monitoring
#SingleInstance Force
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
EnvGet, vUserProfile, USERPROFILE
FileAppend, %vUserProfile%\DCS_Monitor.log
SetTimer, dcsChecker, 10000
; Check for DCS Crash window. If found, kill app.
if WinExist("DCS Crash")
Process, WaitClose, DCS.exe, 5
FileAppend, %vDateTime% - Killed DCS`n, %vUserProfile%\DCS_Monitor.log
; Check for process exist - if not, restart.
Process, Exist, DCS.exe
if ErrorLevel < 1
FormatTime, vDateTime, , yyyyMMddHHmmss
Run "C:\Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World OpenBeta\bin\DCS.exe" --server --norender --webgui
FileAppend, %vDateTime% - Restarted DCS`n, %vUserProfile%\DCS_Monitor.log
; Check for DCS Login Failed.
if WinExist("DCS Login Failed")
WinActivate, DCS Login Failed
WinWaitActive, DCS Login Failed
Send {Enter}
; Check for DCS Login window.
if WinExist("DCS Login")
WinActivate, DCS Login
WinWaitActive, DCS Login
; Username
Send {Ctrl down}a{Ctrl up}USERNAME
; Password
Send {Tab}{Ctrl down}a{Ctrl up}PASSWORD
; Submit
Send {Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Enter}
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