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Created August 2, 2021 01:37
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Simple script that fetches a page and extracts a css selector element and compares it with a cached version
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# This is a simple script that fetches the page from a given url and extracts a
# specific element using a CSS selector and compares it with the last invocation
# of this command with the same arguments.
# Some requests might not actually be HTML, but pup will parse it as HTML as if
# it had a body regardless, so one can still use the "body" css selector for
# non-html files.
# When the script is run for the first time, it writes the element to the cache
# and exits with exit code 1.
# When the script is run for the nth time, it compares the current html element
# with the cached element and exits with the exit code 0 if they're different,
# and exit code 1 otherwise.
# Example:
# pupdiff "" "#main article:first-child .entry-title" \
# && echo "Latest article changed" || echo "No change since last we checked"
if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 <url> <selector>"
exit 1
if ! command -v pup &> /dev/null ; then
echo "This script requires \`pup\` to be in your PATH!"
echo "Please install"
exit 127
if ! command -v curl &> /dev/null ; then
echo "This script requires \`curl\`!"
exit 127
_cache_file=$(echo -n "${url} ${selector}" | sha256sum | awk '{ print $1 }')
# Ensure cache directory exists
[ ! -d "${_cache_dir}" ] && mkdir -p "${_cache_dir}"
page=$(curl -s "${url}" 2>&1)
element=$(echo -n "${page}" | pup "${selector}")
if [ "${element}" == "" ]; then
echo 'The selector did not match any elements!'
exit 1
if [ ! -e "${_cache_file_path}" ]; then
# This is the first time we're fetching this page
echo "-- INFO: Exiting with code 2 as this is the first time we're running"
echo -n "${element}" > "${_cache_file_path}"
exit 1
if echo -n "${element}" | cmp "${_cache_file_path}" -; then
# The element is the same as the previous run, exit with exit code 1
exit 1
# The element differs, write it to cache and exit successfully
echo -n "${element}" > "${_cache_file_path}"
exit 0
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