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Created October 5, 2018 11:18
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(ns aidbox-ui.components.code-editor
(:require [reagent.core :as r]
[re-frame.core :as rf]
[clojure.string :as str]
(defn- get-code-block-type [token-info]
(-> token-info
(aget "state")
(aget "localMode")
(aget "name"))
(catch js/Error e nil)))
(defn- nth-index-of [s v n]
(loop [i 0
idx 0]
(if (< i n)
(recur (inc i) (str/index-of s v (inc idx)))
(defn- get-code-block-content [value cursor]
(let [line (aget cursor "line")
char (aget cursor "ch")
cursor-index (+ char (nth-index-of value "\n" line))
block-start (loop [prev-index 0]
(let [this-index (str/index-of value "```" (inc prev-index))]
(if (> this-index cursor-index)
(recur this-index))))
block-start (str/index-of value "\n" (inc block-start))
block-end (str/index-of value "```" cursor-index)]
(subs value block-start block-end)))
(defn- exec-query-at-point [cm]
(let [cursor (.getCursor cm)
token-info (.getTokenAt cm cursor)
code-block-type (get-code-block-type token-info)]
(if code-block-type
(.log js/console "TODO: exec code from editor" code-block-type)
(rf/dispatch [:global/notify :notice "No query at point"]))))
(def default-options
{:lineNumbers false
:mode {:fencedCodeBlocks true
:name "markdown"}
:theme "neo"
:styleActiveLine true
:extraKeys {"Ctrl-Space" exec-query-at-point}})
(defn code-editor [attrs]
(let [element-id (str "codemirror_" (gensym))]
(fn [attrs] [:div.code-editor
{:id element-id
:defaultValue (str/trim-newline (or (:value attrs) ""))}]])
(fn [this]
(.toTextArea (aget this "CodeMirrorInstance")))
(fn [this]
(.log js/console "[code-editor] arguments:" (aget (aget this "props") "argv"))
(let [argv (aget (aget this "props") "argv")
[_ {:keys [value on-change on-blur options]}] argv
cm-options (-> default-options
(merge {:value (str/trim-newline (or value ""))})
(merge (or options {}))
element (.getElementById js/document element-id)
codemirror (.fromTextArea js/CodeMirror element
(.log js/console "CodeMirror options" cm-options)
(.focus codemirror)
(.on codemirror "change" (fn [cm]
(when on-change
(on-change (.getValue cm)))))
(when on-blur (.on codemirror "blur" #(on-blur)))
(aset this "CodeMirrorInstance" codemirror)
(aset element "CodeMirrorInstance" codemirror)))})))
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