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Created January 29, 2018 21:34
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#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Utility to count the number of lines added to a git repository by month and file extension.
require 'csv'
require 'set'
stats = {}
date = nil
open("|git log --numstat", "r").each_line do |line|
case line
when /^Date:[[:space:]]+... ([A-Za-z]{3}) [1-3]?[0-9] [0-2][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9] ([0-9]{4})/
date = $1 + " " + $2
stats[date] = {} unless stats.has_key?(date)
when /^Date/
raise line
when /^([0-9]+)[[:space:]]+([0-9]+)[[:space:]]+.*?\.([a-z]+)$/
ext = $3
added = $1.to_i
stats[date][ext] = (stats[date][ext] || 0) + added
keys = stats.inject( { |accum, (k,v)| accum | v.keys }.to_a.sort
csv = CSV.generate do |csv|
csv << ["Month"] + keys
stats.each do |date, data|
csv << [date] +{|k| data[k] || 0}
puts csv
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