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Created January 18, 2020 19:59
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Structural typing with first-class modules
'use strict';
var List$Modules = require("./");
var String$Modules = require("./");
var x = List$Modules.contains(String$Modules.Eq, "a", /* :: */[
/* :: */[
/* :: */[
/* [] */0
var y = List$Modules.contains({
eq: String$Modules.eq
}, "a", /* :: */[
/* :: */[
/* :: */[
/* [] */0
exports.x = x;
exports.y = y;
/* x Not a pure module */
let x = List.contains((module String.Eq), "a", ["b", "c", "d"]);
let y = List.contains((module String), "a", ["b", "c", "d"]);
module type EQ = {
type t;
let eq: (t, t) => bool;
let contains =
(type a, eq: (module Interface.EQ with type t = a), x: a, xs: list(a))
: bool => {
module Eq = (val eq);
Belt.List.reduce(xs, false, (acc, curr) => acc || Eq.eq(curr, x));
type t = string;
let append = (++);
let eq = (a: string, b: string) => a == b;
let lte = (a: string, b: string) => a <= b;
let toUpperCase = Js.String.toUpperCase;
module Eq: Interface.EQ with type t = string = {
type t = string;
let eq = eq;
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