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Created March 12, 2015 01:19
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Boxen PHP Project Module
<%# modules/common/templates/nginx.conf.erb %>
# Example template for PHP-FPM based projects
# The template which nginx uses within a boxen::project can be overridden
# to a specific template such as this one.
# You will likely need to change both the root and SCRIPT_FILENAME parameters below
# to match your setup
server {
access_log <%= scope.lookupvar "nginx::config::logdir" %>/<%= @name %>.access.log main;
listen 80;
root <%= @dir %>/<%= @public_dir %>;
index index.php;
server_name <%= @server_name %>;
client_max_body_size 50M;
error_page 500 502 503 504 /50x.html;
try_files $uri $uri/ $uri/index.php?$query_string /index.php?$query_string;
location ~ \.php$ {
include <%= scope.lookupvar "nginx::config::configdir" %>/fastcgi_params;
keepalive_timeout 0;
fastcgi_pass unix:<%= scope.lookupvar "boxen::config::socketdir" %>/<%= @name %>;
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME <%= @dir %>/<%= @public_dir %>/$fastcgi_script_name;
fastcgi_param PATH_INFO $fastcgi_script_name;
fastcgi_param APPLICATION_ENV dev;
fastcgi_read_timeout 3600s;
client_body_timeout 3600s;
send_timeout 3600s;
fastcgi_buffers 8 16k;
fastcgi_buffer_size 32k;
fastcgi_connect_timeout 3600s;
<%# modules/commin/templates/php.ini.erb %>
short_open_tag = Off
memory_limit = <%= @memory_limit %>
date.timezone = "<%= @timezone %>"
session.gc_maxlifetime = 86400
; xdebug
debug.remote_host =
xdebug.remote_port = 9000
xdebug.remote_enable = 1
xdebug.idekey = "PHPSTORM"
xdebug.remote_autostart = 1
# modules/common/manifests/php.pp
define common::php (
$version = $name,
$global = false,
$memory_limit = "1024M",
$timezone = "America/Chicago",
$apc = true,
$mcrypt = true,
$mongo = false,
$xdebug = true,
$intl = false,
$template = 'common/php.ini.erb',
) {
$version_class_name = regsubst($version, '\.', '_', 'G')
include "php::${version_class_name}"
if $global {
class { 'php::global':
version => $version,
if $apc {
php::extension::apc { "apc for ${version}":
php => $version,
if $mcrypt {
php::extension::mcrypt { "mcrypt for ${version}":
php => $version,
if $mongo {
php::extension::mongo { "mongo for ${version}":
php => $version,
if $xdebug {
php::extension::xdebug { "xdebug for ${version}":
php => $version,
version => '2.2.6',
if $intl {
php::extension::intl { "intl for ${version}":
php => $version,
file { "${php::config::configdir}/${version}/conf.d/php.ini":
content => template($template),
# modules/common/manifests/project.pp
# A Boxen-focused PHP project setup helper
# Options:
# dir =>
# The directory to clone the project to.
# Defaults to "${boxen::config::srcdir}/${name}".
# dotenv =>
# If true, creates "${dir}/.env" from
# "puppet:///modules/projects/${name}/dotenv".
# elasticsearch =>
# If true, ensures elasticsearch is installed.
# memcached =>
# If true, ensures memcached is installed.
# mongodb =>
# If true, ensures mongodb is installed.
# cassandra =>
# If true, ensures cassandra is installed.
# zookeeper =>
# If true, ensures zookeeper is installed.
# beanstalk =>
# If true, ensures beanstalk is installed.
# nsq =>
# If true, ensures nsq is installed.
# zeromq =>
# If true, ensures zeromq is installed.
# mysql =>
# If set to true, ensures mysql is installed and creates databases named
# "${name}_development" and "${name}_test".
# If set to any string or array value, creates those databases instead.
# nginx =>
# If true, ensures nginx is installed and uses standard template at
# modules/projects/templates/shared/nginx.conf.erb.
# If given a string, uses that template instead.
# postgresql =>
# If set to true, ensures postgresql is installed and creates databases
# named "${name}_development" and "${name}_test".
# If set to any string or array value, creates those databases instead.
# redis =>
# If true, ensures redis is installed.
# ruby =>
# If given a string, ensures that ruby version is installed.
# Also creates "${dir}/.ruby-version" with content being this value.
# php =>
# If given a string, ensures that php version is installed.
# Also creates "${dir}/.php-version" with content being this value.
# source =>
# Repo to clone project from. REQUIRED. Supports shorthand <user>/<repo>.
# server_name =>
# The hostname to use when accessing the application.
# fpm_pool =>
# Location of custom FPM pool configuration file template.
define common::project(
$dotenv = undef,
$elasticsearch = undef,
$memcached = undef,
$mongodb = undef,
$cassandra = undef,
$zookeeper = undef,
$beanstalk = undef,
$nsq = undef,
$zeromq = undef,
$mysql = undef,
$nginx = undef,
$nodejs = undef,
$postgresql = undef,
$redis = undef,
$ruby = undef,
$php = undef,
$fpm_pool = undef,
$server_name = "${name}.localhost",
$public_dir = 'web',
) {
include boxen::config
if $dotenv {
file { "${dir}/.env":
source => "puppet:///modules/projects/${name}/dotenv",
if $elasticsearch {
include elasticsearch
if $memcached {
include memcached
if $mongodb {
include mongodb
if $cassandra {
include cassandra
if $beanstalk {
include beanstalk
if $zookeeper {
include zookeeper
if $zeromq {
include zeromq
if $nsq {
include nsq
if $mysql {
$mysql_dbs = $mysql ? {
true => ["${name}_development", "${name}_testing"],
default => $mysql,
mysql::db { $mysql_dbs: }
if $nginx {
include nginx::config
include nginx
$nginx_templ = $nginx ? {
true => 'projects/shared/nginx.conf.erb',
default => $nginx,
file { "${nginx::config::sitesdir}/${name}.conf":
content => template($nginx_templ),
require => File[$nginx::config::sitesdir],
notify => Service['dev.nginx'],
if $nodejs {
nodejs::local { $dir:
version => $nodejs,
if $postgresql {
$psql_dbs = $postgresql ? {
true => ["${name}_development"],
default => $postgresql,
postgresql::db { $psql_dbs: }
if $redis {
include redis
if $ruby {
ruby::local { $dir:
version => $ruby,
if $php {
# Set the local version of PHP
php::local { $dir:
version => $php,
# Spin up a PHP-FPM pool for this project, listening on an Nginx socket
php::fpm::pool { "${name}-${php}":
version => $php,
socket_path => "${boxen::config::socketdir}/${name}",
require => File["${nginx::config::sitesdir}/${name}.conf"],
max_children => 10,
if $fpm_pool {
Php::Fpm::Pool["${name}-${php}"] {
fpm_pool => $fpm_pool
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