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Michael Rawlings mlrawlings

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const path = require('path');
const { createMacro } = require("babel-plugin-macros");
const objectToAST = require("babel-plugin-preval/src/object-to-ast"); //
export default fn =>
createMacro(({ references, state, babel }) => {
references.default.forEach(referencePath => {
if (referencePath.parentPath.type === "CallExpression") {
const __filename = state.file.opts.filename;
const __dirname = path.dirname(__filename);
mlrawlings / log-only.js
Last active August 2, 2017 23:25
Hide Logs
if (process.env.LOG_ONLY) {
var chalk = require('chalk');
var MOVE_LEFT = new Buffer('1b5b3130303044', 'hex').toString();
var CLEAR_LINE = new Buffer('1b5b304b', 'hex').toString();
var hiddenCount = 0;
Object.keys(console).forEach(methodName => {
var method = console[methodName];
if (method != console.Console) {
console[methodName] = function() {
mlrawlings / pend.js
Created June 7, 2017 05:25
Higher Order Component for Handling Promises in React
function pend(getPromises, Child) {
return class extends Component {
constructor(props) {
let promises = getPromises(props);
this.state = { pending: promises };
Object.entries(promises).forEach(([name, promise]) => {
mlrawlings / layout.marko
Last active April 15, 2017 07:18
Pug vs Marko: Layouts
title -- My Site - ${input.title}
script src='/jquery.js'
mlrawlings / banner-concise.marko
Last active March 20, 2017 19:35
Marko v4 Multiple Compilation Targets
import styles from './styles';
class {
onBannerClick(item) {
alert('click banner:' + item.title);
div style=styles.container
h2 -- Marko Banner:
-----------compare renderToString----------
rax: 3656.802ms
rax: 3642.747ms
rax: 3654.034ms
rax: 3678.500ms
rax: 3507.327ms
rax: 3563.097ms
rax: 3820.896ms
rax: 3482.334ms
rax: 3492.528ms


Marko is a high performance UI library from eBay. Marko began life as a templating language, so let's begin there.


Most templating languages are pretty simplistic, they understand their own constructs, but don't understand the HTML structure itself. Marko is different. Marko fully understands the HTML language, in fact, the first version of Marko was built on top of an off-the-shelf HTML parser. We've since developed our own parser that extends the language by adding typed attributes, argument expressions and even a concise syntax. It's quite beautiful.

<h2>Hello ${}!</h2>
mlrawlings /
Last active June 14, 2022 11:15
Using `src/node_modules/` for module development

Using src/node_modules/ for module development

The issue 👎

Often you'll find that you need utility methods or other functionality that might make sense as an external module that you could :tada: open source 🎉, but the process can be painful:

  1. create a directory outside the project
  2. initialize a git repo
mlrawlings /
Last active September 30, 2016 21:36
Marko Component in .marko file


Given a template that displays a count passed into it:

    The current count is: ${data.count}