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Michał Łukaszewski mlukaszewski

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ruleset name="MyProject">
<description>PSR-2 plus extras</description>
<rule ref="PSR2" />
<!-- Verifies that class members have scope modifiers. -->
<rule ref="Squiz.Scope.MethodScope" />
<!-- Discourages the use of deprecated functions that are kept in PHP
tmaiaroto /
Last active May 23, 2022 12:29
JSON Based Hypermedia Structures - Notes & Comparisons

Collection+JSON format

This format takes into consideration collections (much like Siren). It also takes into consideration versioning. However, I'm not certain version matters in the data set if it pertains to an API version. That is best left being in the API URL. It could pertain to collection version, but I'm not sure the point. Documentation says each collection should have a version - but says nothing more about meaning or why.

Items are clearly distinct in this format and are organizationally positioned separate from links.
This is by far the most collision free structure.

However, the data format itself is a bit strange...Every field being an array. Data is always an array of objects. I understand the flexibility this presents and am not 100% against it. I just believe it's perhaps not needed as things could change based on the client application.