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Created January 10, 2017 19:10
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class Object
def log_with_time txt=nil, thld=100, with_stat=nil, &block
with_stat ||= false
start =
result = yield
taken = (( - start) * 1000).round(1)
dbg = ["===="]
dbg << txt.to_s.ljust(50) if txt
if with_stat
$stat ||= {}
$stat[:runs] ||= []
$stat[:runs] << taken
$stat[:avg] = ($stat[:runs].inject(:+) / (cnt = $stat[:runs].size)).round(1)
dbg << "(#{$stat[:avg]}ms on #{cnt} runs)"
dbg << "(#{taken}ms)"
Rails.logger.debug dbg.join(' ') if taken > thld
def go
sleep(slept = rand(1.0..2.0))
# 1. log method call duration:
pry(main)> log_with_time("go took:") { go }
==== go took: (1854.1ms)
# 2. log set threshold for logged duration (will log calls longer than 2000ms):
pry(main)> log_with_time("go took:", 2000) { go }
# => no log
# 3. log method call duration series:
pry(main)> 10.times do |i|
pry(main)* log_with_time("go took:", 0, true) { go }
pry(main)* end
==== go took: (1507.9ms on 1 runs) (1507.9ms)
==== go took: (1256.6ms on 2 runs) (1005.3ms)
==== go took: (1212.9ms on 3 runs) (1125.5ms)
==== go took: (1171.8ms on 4 runs) (1048.4ms)
==== go took: (1315.4ms on 5 runs) (1889.8ms)
==== go took: (1345.9ms on 6 runs) (1498.2ms)
==== go took: (1327.6ms on 7 runs) (1218.2ms)
==== go took: (1359.7ms on 8 runs) (1584.5ms)
==== go took: (1333.7ms on 9 runs) (1125.1ms)
==== go took: (1345.1ms on 10 runs) (1447.6ms)
pry(main)> $stat
=> {:runs=>[1507.9, 1005.3, 1125.5, 1048.4, 1889.8, 1498.2, 1218.2, 1584.5, 1125.1, 1447.6], :avg=>1345.1}
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