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Created August 3, 2014 09:10
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An attempt to use Latent Dirichlet Distribution to do topic modeling and clustering on text
## NOTE: This code got pretty messy, and is no longer meant to be run
## just as an Rscript.
## LDA test
## Josh Moller-Mara
## Take in a file with one "document" per line.
## Try to cluster them using Latent Dirichlet Allocation and select
## among models using DIC.
## Brief overview of LDA: (from
## 1. For each document, mixture weights over a set of K topics are
## drawn from a Dirichlet prior
## 2. Then N topics are sampled for the document, one for each
## word.
## Each topic is associated with a distribution over words, this
## distribution is drawn from a Dirichlet prior.
## 3. For each of the N topics drawn for the document, a word is
## sampled from the corresponding multinomial distribution.
## (I think it's really a categorical distribution, but that's just
## multinomial with n=1)
args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)
documents <- readLines(args[1])
## Take our documents and turn it into a Term Document Matrix
## Rows are terms, and columns are documents. Cells are counts of terms in documents.
## Check it out using inspect(tdm)
## We strip out numbers and punctuation here to make it a bit easier on ourselves
docsToTDM <- function(documents) { <- Corpus(VectorSource(documents)) <- tm_map(, tolower) <- tm_map(, removeNumbers)
## <- tm_map(, removePunctuation) <- tm_map(, function(x) gsub("[[:punct:]]", " ", x)) <- tm_map(, stripWhitespace) <- tm_map(, removeWords, stopwords('english'))
## We could also filter out non-frequent terms to keep the graph size small:
## tdm <- TermDocumentMatrix(
## findFreqTerms(tdm, 5)
## tdm.sparse <- removeSparseTerms(tdm, 0.99)
## tdm.sparse
mtdm <- as.matrix(docsToTDM(documents))
## List of all the terms
words <- rownames(mtdm)
## Take in the term document matrix, words, and number of clusters (K)
## Return a JAGS model, which we'll burn in and sample later
genLDA <- function(mtdm, words, K, alpha.Words = 0.1, alpha.Topics = 0.1) {
## Here we translate all documents into a numbered matrix, so JAGS can understand it
## Each row is a document, it's columns are filled with numbers
## Each unique number represents a word in that document
## The number of columns is the maximum length of all documents
## Unused columns are filled with "NA"
word <-,
lapply(1:ncol(mtdm), function(i) t(rep(1:length(mtdm[,i]), mtdm[,i]))))
N <- ncol(mtdm) #Number of documents
Nwords <- length(words) #Number of terms
alphaTopics <- rep(alpha.Topics, K) #Hyperprior on topics
alphaWords <- rep(alpha.Words, Nwords) #Hyperprior on words
## These hyperpriors are set such that we can give weights such as (1,0,0) to topics.
## If we had 3 topics and used an alpha of (100, 100, 100), we'd
## only expect relatively even mixture weights on the
## topics. This isn't what we generally want. We'd like documents
## to be able to belong to mostly one topic.
## For each word in a document, we sample a topic
wordtopic <- matrix(NA, nrow(word), ncol(word))
## Length of documents needed for indexing in JAGS
doclengths <- rowSums(!
## How much we believe each document belongs to each of K topics
topicdist <- matrix(NA, N, K)
## How much we believe each word belongs to each of K topics
topicwords <- matrix(NA, K, Nwords)
## All the parameters to be passed to JAGS
dataList <- list(alphaTopics = alphaTopics,
alphaWords = alphaWords,
topicdist = topicdist,
wordtopic = wordtopic,
word = word,
Ndocs = N,
Ktopics = K,
length = doclengths,
Nwords = Nwords,
worddist = topicwords)
data = dataList,
n.chains = 5,
n.adapt = 100)
## Take a look at how topics are distinguished
## For each word, show it's association with topics
wordsToClusters <- function(jags, words, n.iter = 100) {
sampleTW <- jags.samples(jags,
colnames(sampleTW) <- words
sTW <- summary(sampleTW, FUN = mean)$stat
t(sweep(sTW,2,colSums(sTW), '/'))
## Lets assign topics to the documents
## We sample from "topicdist" and pick the topic with highest weight
labelDocuments <- function(jags, n.iter = 1000) {
topicdist.samp <- jags.samples(jags,
marginal.weights <- summary(topicdist.samp$topicdist, FUN = mean)$stat
best.topic <- apply(marginal.weights, 1, which.max)
## Burn our chain in.
## Hopefully.
## Ideally we'd do some plots showing mixing.
## Word of warning: The number of updates and chains I use is really arbitrary, and not
## carefully selected.
jags <- genLDA(mtdm, words, 3)
update(jags, 5000)
split(documents, labelDocuments(jags))
## Take a look at how topics are distinguished
## For each word, show it's association with topics
wordsToClusters <- function(jags, words, n.iter = 100) {
sampleTW <- jags.samples(jags,
colnames(sampleTW) <- words
sTW <- summary(sampleTW, FUN = mean)$stat
t(sweep(sTW,2,colSums(sTW), '/'))
## Try visualizing topics as word clouds
genWordCloud <- function(sampleTW, words, columnNumber,...) {
freq <- t(summary(sampleTW, FUN = mean)$stat)[,columnNumber]
sampleTW <- jags.samples(jags,
colnames(sampleTW) <- words
for(i in 1:3)
genWordCloud(sampleTW, words, i, min.freq = 0.01)
## Failed Attempt to find number of clusters
sfInit( parallel=TRUE, cpus=3 )
dicsamps <- sfLapply( 2:10, function(K) {
jags <- genLDA(mtdm, words, K)
update(jags, 3000)
dic.samples(jags, 30)
invisible(mapply(function(x, i) {
dicsamps, 1:length(dicsamps)))
which.min(sapply(dicsamps, function(ds) with(ds, sum(deviance) + sum(penalty))))
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