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Created July 8, 2014 05:32
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Linear gradient for any two points
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<script src="//"></script>
<script type="text/processing" data-processing-target="alignment">
size(600, 600);
color left = color(172, 32, 0);
color right = color(0, 32, 172);
setGradient(0, height, width, 0, left, right);
void setGradient(int x_1, int y_1, int x_2, int y_2, color c1, color c2) {
// calculate differences between color components
float deltaR = red(c2)-red(c1);
float deltaG = green(c2)-green(c1);
float deltaB = blue(c2)-blue(c1);
x_inc = x_2 >= x_1 ? 1 : -1;
y_inc = y_2 >= y_1 ? 1 : -1;
w = Math.abs(x_2 - x_1);
h = Math.abs(y_2 - y_1);
diagonal = Math.sqrt(w*w + h*h);
line_slope = h/w * x_inc * y_inc;
perpendicular_slope = -w/h * x_inc * y_inc;
// column
for (int i=0; i<=w; i++){
x_3 = x_1 + i * x_inc;
// row
for (int j=0; j<=h; j++){
y_3 = y_1 + j * y_inc;
x_4 = (line_slope*x_1 - perpendicular_slope*x_3 + y_3 - y_1) / (line_slope - perpendicular_slope);
y_4 = line_slope*x_4 - line_slope*x_1 + y_1;
distance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x_4-x_1, 2) + Math.pow(y_4-y_1, 2));
color c = color(
set(x_3, y_3, c);
<canvas id="alignment"></canvas>
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