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Last active December 15, 2015 06:38
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case class Env()
case class A(env: Env, b: B)
case class B()
trait Serialisation[T, U, -C] {
def serialised(obj: T): U
def deserialised(obj: U, context: C): T
trait ContextFreeSerialisation[T, U] extends Serialisation[T, U, Any] {
def deserialised(obj: U, context: Any) = deserialised(obj)
def deserialised(obj: U): T
object raise {
def badFormat(str: String) = throw new IllegalArgumentException("bad format: " + str)
class ASerialisation(bSer: Serialisation[B, String, Env]) extends Serialisation[A, String, Env] {
val Pattern = """\{b: (.+)\}""".r
def serialised(a: A) = "{b: %s}".format(bSer.serialised(a.b))
def deserialised(str: String, env: Env) = str match {
case Pattern(bStr) => A(env, bSer.deserialised(bStr, env))
case _ => raise badFormat str
class BSerialisation extends ContextFreeSerialisation[B, String] {
def serialised(b: B) = "{}"
def deserialised(str: String) = str match {
case "{}" => B()
case _ => raise badFormat str
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scala> val as = new ASerialisation(new BSerialisation)
as: ASerialisation = ASerialisation@3ff9ddb5

scala> as.serialised(A(Env(), B()))
res2: String = {b: {}}

scala> as.deserialised("{b: {}}", Env())
res3: A = A(Env(),B())

so far, so good.

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