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Created March 2, 2011 09:41
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Model-View-Controller in wxHaskell
Haskell MVC
with wxHaskell and STM
With popularity of Haskell raising in recent years I have decided to have a
look at how suitable it is as a general-purpose programming language. The
experiment involves writing a Windows client for FIBS
It turned out to be far from easy.
It might be down to my lack of familiarity with functional programming
patterns. Or perhaps, despite growing popularity, there are still no
established FP GUI patterns yet. Either way, I struggled with structuring
the code in a way that would let me work on the app incrementally,
implementing a bit of game logic, a bit of GUI, connecting it together etc.
I therefore looked for help in the more familiar territory of object-oriented
patterns and here's what I came up with: a Model-View-Controller for Haskell.
The idea is to split the code roughly into modules corresponding to OO Model,
View and Controller, with certain changes to accommodate different programming
paradigm. Here's how these modules will be playing together:
* Model defines a data type whose constructors represent states in which
the model can be. It also provides functions which represent the
transitions between states. Ideally it should be purely functional, with
no side-effects.
* View defines a data type whose value contains all elements of the view
that need to be acted upon by Controller. It also defines (side-effecting)
functions that represent atomic GUI updates, for use by the Controller.
Finally it provides a `view` function that constructs the GUI. No
application logic is encapsulated in this module.
* Controller provides a `controller` function, that given a Model and a
View ties them together and defines the application logic.
This program is an attempt to demonstrate how this could work. I wanted to
write it in literate style (.lhs) but it turned out that the support for
Literate Haskell among HTML pretty-printers available to me is non-existent,
so I decided for this semi-literate style instead.
To compile it run:
ghc -package wx MVC.hs
So, let's have a look at the example.
For the GUI we will use wxHaskell, hiding identifiers that will conflict with
names we want to use for our own purposes:
import Graphics.UI.WX hiding (Menu, menu)
For running commands asynchronously we will need `forkIO` which runs an IO
action in a new thread:
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO)
For synchronisation between the UI and asynchronous processing threads we will
use Software Transactional Memory (STM), in particular a transactional variable
to hold current state of the Model:
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar (TVar, newTVarIO, readTVar, readTVarIO,
Operations on `TVar` are modelled as STM monad. To have them actually performed
we need `atomically` function which turns an STM action into an IO action:
import Control.Concurrent.STM (atomically)
In the main function of the app we need to:
* create the initial Model
* create and start the View
* run the controller function, passing to it the Model and the View
main :: IO ()
main = start $ do
v <- view
controller initialModel v
Our Model will have two states: Locked and Unlocked, and a counter that counts
the number of modifications:
data Model = Locked Int
| Unlocked Int
deriving Show
We'll have the model start in Locked state.
initialModel = Locked 0
Now we can define transitions between the states. Note that as long as the
model is pure these will be pure functions. To make it obvious when we refer
to Model state transitions let's introduce a type alias:
type ModelTransition = Model -> Model
We'll have `lock` and `unlock` transitions toggle between these two states:
lock :: ModelTransition
lock (Unlocked n) = Locked n
unlock :: ModelTransition
unlock (Locked n) = Unlocked n
In addition, an Unlocked model can be modified. We intentionally make this
transition slow to demonstrate how asynchronous processing is handled by the
View and Controller:
modify :: ModelTransition
modify (Unlocked n) = Unlocked (slowSucc n 100000000)
where slowSucc n 0 = n + 1
slowSucc n k = slowSucc n (k - 1)
We need a representation of View that exposes all its elements that Controller
might need to access. Here the relevant elements include top-level window,
the menu items and the model display. The menu items are nested to illustrate
how hierarchical data structure can help in managing the view representation
-- in real application there will dozens of active UI elements and it would be
awkward to have all of them listed as separate arguments to View datatype
data View = View { mainWindow :: Frame ()
, menu :: Menu
We will use a static text control to display the state of the mode:
, modelDisplay :: StaticText ()
data Menu = Menu { lockItem :: MenuItem ()
, unlockItem :: MenuItem ()
, modifyItem :: MenuItem ()
A counterpart to `ModelTransition` in the View is `ViewAction`, which given a
Model and a View makes a change to the View:
type ViewAction = Model -> View -> IO ()
The atomic view actions we will need in this example are:
* disabling/enabling Lock/Unlock/Modify menu items
* refreshing model display
enableLockItem :: ViewAction
enableLockItem _ v = set (lockItem $ menu v) [ enabled := True ]
disableLockItem :: ViewAction
disableLockItem _ v = set (lockItem $ menu v) [ enabled := False ]
enableUnlockItem :: ViewAction
enableUnlockItem _ v = set (unlockItem $ menu v) [ enabled := True ]
disableUnlockItem :: ViewAction
disableUnlockItem _ v = set (unlockItem $ menu v) [ enabled := False ]
enableModifyItem :: ViewAction
enableModifyItem _ v = set (modifyItem $ menu v) [ enabled := True ]
disableModifyItem :: ViewAction
disableModifyItem _ v = set (modifyItem $ menu v) [ enabled := False ]
View will not have a reference to the Model. Instead it will be told by the
Controller when the View needs to be refreshed and the Model to be drawn
will be provided then. Here, the function that will be invoked by the
Controller is called `refreshModelDisplay` and just shows Model's textual
representation in the static text control:
refreshModelDisplay :: ViewAction
refreshModelDisplay m v = set (modelDisplay v) [ text := show m ]
Finally, we'll need a device to combine these atomic actions into sequences
that are themselves `ViewActions`. Let's define a new operator `>&>` to do
just that:
(>&>) :: ViewAction -> ViewAction -> ViewAction
a1 >&> a2 = \m v -> do a1 m v; a2 m v
Note that we can pass the input `m` and `v` to subsequent actions because
they have no effect on (pure) `m` and any side-effects will be reflected
in GUI elements referenced from `v`.
The function that creates the view sets up all GUI elements but does not
define any logic. It returns a `View` value in the context of an `IO` action.
view :: IO View
view = do
Our user interface will consist of a window with a menu containing items
corresponding to each of Model transitions and a text display to show the
state of the Model.
mainWindow <- frame [ text := "MVC" ]
modelDisplay <- staticText mainWindow []
m <- menuPane [ text := "Transition" ]
We have to ensure that the initial state of the View is consistent with the
initial state of the Model. Model starts in Locked state, so "Lock" and
"Modify" menu items have to be disabled:
lockItem <- menuItem m [ text := "Lock"
, enabled := False
unlockItem <- menuItem m [ text := "Unlock" ]
modifyItem <- menuItem m [ text := "Modify"
, enabled := False
set mainWindow [ menuBar := [m] ]
Last but not least, to allow other threads to run we need a dummy timer
running in the GUI. This is due to a wxHaskell glitch described, among other
places, here:
t <- timer mainWindow [ interval := 10, on command := return () ]
return $ View mainWindow
(Menu lockItem unlockItem modifyItem)
So, we now have a Model with its transitions and a View with its actions. The
job of Controller is to put these two together, i.e. perform Model and View
updates according to user actions. The `controller` function is, on the
face of it, very simple, it just creates a transactional variable to hold the
Model, binds actions to UI elements and refreshes the View:
controller :: Model -> View -> IO ()
controller model view = do
The Model reference is stored in a transactional variable so that it can be
modified by actions running concurrently in different threads.
modelTV <- newTVarIO model
bindGUIActions modelTV view
refreshModelDisplay model view
That's it.
But what exactly happens in `bindGUIActions`? Before we get there, let's ponder
on this combining of Model transitions with View updates we just mentioned. How
can this be achieved? What would be the type of this combination (let's call it
View updates are IO actions, so the result of the combination would have to
yield an IO action. It would act upon a View and a Model. We chose to
store the model in a `TVar`, so it would make sense for `ModelAndViewUpdate` to
update this `TVar` as opposed to returning the modified Model in the context of
IO. It seems we arrived at the following type for `ModelAndViewUpdate`:
type ModelAndViewUpdate = TVar Model -> View -> IO ()
We can now manufacture these `ModelAndViewUpdates` from `ModelTransitions` and
`ViewActions` as follows:
(<@>) :: ModelTransition -> ViewAction -> ModelAndViewUpdate
(<@>) modelTrans viewAct modelTV view = do
* first we atomically apply the transition to the Model stored in `modelTV`:
atomically $ do
model <- readTVar modelTV
writeTVar modelTV $ modelTrans model
* then invoke the View action passing to it the updated Model:
model <- readTVarIO modelTV
viewAct model view
Note we defined this function as an infix operator `<@>`, so applying it like
in `modelTransition <@> viewUpdate` will yield a `ModelAndViewUpdate` that is a
combination of these two.
With this in place we can define `ModelAndViewUpdate`s for each UI action.
First let's combine atomic UI operations into complex ones corresponding to the
Model transition. For `unlock` we will:
* enable Lock menu item
* disable Unlock menu item
* enable Modify menu item
* refresh the model display
* display an info dialog that the model has been unlocked.
unlockVU :: ViewAction
unlockVU = enableLockItem >&>
disableUnlockItem >&>
enableModifyItem >&>
refreshModelDisplay >&>
\_ v -> infoDialog (mainWindow v) "Unlocked"
"Warning: the model can now be modified!"
and the `ModelAndViewUpdate` is now quite obvious:
unlockCmd :: ModelAndViewUpdate
unlockCmd = unlock <@> unlockVU
We can do the same for the remaining two actions (no dialog this time):
lockVU :: ViewAction
lockVU = disableLockItem >&>
enableUnlockItem >&>
disableModifyItem >&>
lockCmd :: ModelAndViewUpdate
lockCmd = lock <@> lockVU
modifyCmd :: ModelAndViewUpdate
modifyCmd = modify <@> refreshModelDisplay
It's prefreable to have `ModelAndViewUpdate`s defined in terms of `<@>`,
since it guarantees that the Model updates behave well in muti-threaded
scenario, but it's not essential -- nothing stops us from defining a value
of type `ModelAndViewUpdate` by hand. If we do this extra care needs to
be taken to ensure that Model updates don't suffer from race conditions.
We are now ready to bind actions to UI elements.
bindGUIActions :: ModelAndViewUpdate
bindGUIActions modelTV view = do
set (lockItem $ menu view) [ on command := run lockCmd ]
set (unlockItem $ menu view) [ on command := run unlockCmd ]
set (modifyItem $ menu view) [ on command := run modifyCmd ]
What should `run` do? Its type signature needs to be
`ModelAndViewUpdate -> IO ()`, i.e. `(TVar Model -> View -> IO ()) -> IO ()`
which (not less than its name) suggests that it should execute supplied update
function by passing `modelTV` and `view` to it. So we could simply do:
run cmd = cmd modelTV view
and it would work as expected, with one caveat: if cmd was running for a long
time it would freeze the UI, because the operation would be executed in the UI
Well, we have imported `forkIO` for a reason:
run cmd = do
forkIO $ cmd modelTV view
return ()
Now, note that as a result of this `forkIO` we are updating the UI from a
non-UI thread. This is something most of UI toolkits prohibit. wxHaskell seems
more permissive in this respect, but I have not investigated this matter
fully. If it turns out that an update needs to be done in the UI thread then
it significantly complicates the pattern. A possible solution would involve
providing a transactional chanel (`TChan`) from the async thread to the GUI
thread to which the async action would write required UI updates. These
updates would then be read by a timer handler and applied to the View.
That concludes the example. Try running it and see how the UI actions behave.
Try, for example, invoking "Modify" or "Lock" while other "Modify" is still
Discussion and Disclaimers
This, obviously, was a toy example. For real-life applications there is likely
to be a couple of things which might need to be modified.
For instance, what if Model is not pure? The main thing that will break is
`<@>` operator, since it executes a Model transition in STM monad, and that
will not be possible if transition is tainted with IO. One solution will be to
use a `TMVar` instead of `TVar` to store the Model. A value can be taken out
of `TMVar` for the period of processing and then put back in, thus ensuring
atomicity. This will increase synchronisation between threads but is unlikely
to be a problem in practice.
What are the advantages of this pattern?
To me the most immediate benefit is that it imposes a structure on the code
and defines boundaries which determine where ceratin piece of logic should be
put. That's the main thing I was trying to achieve in the context of my FIBS
client app.
Another "structural" benefit is that it provides a decent separation of
effectful, impure computations from pure functions. There is no escape from
IO as far as GUI is concerned and the advantage of MVC is that it is
restricted to View and upper layers of Controller.
Finally, as the example hopefully shows, the resulting structure is relatively
easy to follow, even for FP newbies coming from OO background.
Any disadvantages?
It's easy to see that View data type and the set of atomic ViewActions is
going to be massive in a non-trivial app. Also all of these enable/disable
ViewActions look like boilerplate.
The way <@> is defined, it is assumed that all UI updates take place after
Model transition has completed. Sometimes it might be difficult to model the
domain in such a way that Model and UI updates happen one after another
and it might be desirable to update UI as the transition happens.
I'm sure I'll discover more once I try to apply this pattern to my app.
And finally, some disclaimers:
As stated, I have not investigated fully the multi-threaded behaviour of
wxHaskell. The FAQ at states
that Haskell threads do not work with wxHaskell but does not specify what
exactly is broken. My experiments seem to be contradicting that statement, but
they might not have been complex enough to expose problems.
Furthermore, I'm new to Haskell and in spite of certain effort which I put
into learning this stuff I still don't fully grasp and lack intuition about
some FP concepts so there might be aspects of this example which can be made
more idiomatic or otherwise improved.
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