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Created February 18, 2018 20:12
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Clean Install High Sierra (High Sierra のクリーンインストール)

Prepare for OS update (事前準備)

  • Backup data to Time machine drive
  • Backup some important data to HDD drive manually
  • Make a list which directory should be\ copied into the new OS
  • Export vicosity config into a file

Clean Install Sierra (High Sierra のクリーンインストール)

Create El Capitan Boot USB Drive (High Sierraのブートドライブを作成)

  • Need 8GB or more flash memory(USB2.0 is ok)
  • Download High Sierra through AppStore
    • Clicking free upgrade is ok
    • Do not click “continue" on the upgrade view after downloading.
  • Format your USB drive
    • Launch "Disk Utility"
    • Select USB Drive
    • Format: "Mac OS Extended (Journaled)”, Title: Untitled
    • Click "Erase"
  • Run command (20 ~ 30 minutes)
sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ High\ --volume /Volumes/Install\ OS\ X\ High\ Sierra --applicationpath /Applications/Install\ macOS\ High\ --nointeraction

Install High Sierra (High Sierraのインストール)

  • Shutdown PC
  • Power on Mac with "option" button
  • Select USB drive as a boot device
  • Select "Use English as a main language"
  • Open Disk Utility and format your HD
    • Select your main Drive(Macintosh HD?)
    • Select “Erase” button
      • Name: "Macintosh HD"
      • Format: "Mac OS Extended (Journaled)"
  • Close disk utility and continue installing El Capitan
  • OS X will be installed on the disk "Macintosh HD"
  • Welcome
    • United States
  • Select Your Keyboard
    • U.S.
  • Select Your Wi-Fi Network

Initial Setting (初期設定)

Japanese Setting (日本語設定)

  • [System Preference] -> [Language & Region]
  • Click [+]
  • Select "日本語 Japanese"
  • Click [Use English] as primary language
  • Click "Add Input Source" for Japanese

Keyboard Setting (キーボード設定)

  • [System Preference] -> [Keyboard]
  • Select [Shortcuts] tab
    • Select [Input Sources] menu
    • Turn on "Select next source in Input menu"
      • Change the shortcut to "alt + space"
  • Select [Keyboard] menu
    • Click [Modifier Keys]
    • Change "Caps Lock" to "^ Control" of Caps Lock key bind
  • Select [Text] tab
    • Turn off "Use smart quotes and dashes"

Trackpad Setting (トラックパッド設定)

  • [System Preference] -> [Trackpad]
  • Point & Click
    • Turn on "Tap to click"
    • Turn on "Lookup & data detectors"
      • Force click with one finger
    • Turn on "Force Click and haptic feedback"
    • Turn off "Secondary click"
    • Turn off "Silent clicking"
  • Scroll & Zoom
    • All ON
  • More Gestures
    • Swipe between pages with three fingers
    • Swipe between full-screen apps with four fingers
    • Notification Center
    • Mission Control
    • Apple Expose
    • Launch pad
    • Show Desktop

Finder Setting (Finderの設定)


  • [Finder] -> [Preferences]
  • General
    • Turn on “Hard Disk Drive” to show on Desktop
    • New Finder windows show “${HOME}"
    • Turn off Open folders in tabs instead of new windows
  • Sidebar
    • AirDrop
    • Applications
    • Desktop
    • Documents
    • Downloads
    • $HOME
  • Advanced
    • Turn on “Show all filename extensions"
    • When performing search: “Search the current folder"

Show hidden file(filename start with “.” 隠しファイル(ドットで始まるファイル名)を表示)

# Show hidden files
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES
killall Finder

# Rollback (Hide hidden files)
defaults delete AppleShowAllFiles
killall Finder

Bar settings

  • [View] -> “Show status bar"
  • [View] -> “Show path bar"

Dock Setting (Dockの設定)

  • [System Preferences] -> [Dock]
  • Turn on “Magnification"
  • Position on screen: “Left'
  • Turn on “Automatically hide and show the Dock"

Screen Capture (スクリーンショットの設定)

# Change default location of screen shots
$ mkdir ~/Desktop/screenshot
$ defaults write location !$

# Disable shadow
$ defaults write disable-shadow -bool true

# Restart SystemUIServer
$ killall SystemUIServer

Application Installation (アプリケーションのインストール)

Application (App Store)

  • Evernote
  • Xcode
  • iWork
    • Pages
    • Numbers
    • Keynote
  • StuffIt Expander
  • Degrees
  • Miniusage
  • Pixelmator
  • istat mini
  • Slack
  • coteditor

Application (Manual Install)


  • google-chrome
  • firefox
  • opera


  • macvim
  • macdown
  • diffmerge
  • 0xED


  • Skype

Network access

  • filezilla
  • cyberduck
  • dropbox


  • iterm2

Virtual Machine

  • docker


  • iexplorer
  • android-file-transfer


  • Kobo


  • Spotify

Status bar

  • clipmenu


  • licecap
  • bettertouchtool
  • cd-to
  • omnidisksweeper
  • Get Plain Text (App Store)
  • NoSleep
  • viscosity
  • scansnap

Install homebrew

  • Install Xcode from App Store
  • Run xcode-select --install to install command-line tools
  • Install homebrew
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
  • Check homebrew status
brew doctor
  • Install brew command
brew install 

Application (Download from web & install)

  • iText edit

Application Settings (アプリの設定)

  • Dropbox
    • Launch & login
  • cdto
    • Open finder and go to "/opt/homebrew-cask/Caskroom/cd-to/2.6.0/cdto_2_6/iterm" path
    • Hold "command" button and drag cdto icon to finder menu area
  • iStat mini
    • Open application and register on notification center
  • FormatMatch
    • Launch app and open preference
    • Turn on "Automatically start FormatMatch at login"

Development Environment Setting (開発環境設定)


  • copy .ssh directory from backup
  • copy Fonts files from backup to ~/Library/Fonts

Install dotfiles

  • Clone dotfiels and setup
cd $HOME
git clone
cd dotfiles
git submodule update --init
  • Install vim plugins
    • Launch “vim”
    • Run :NeoBundleInstall

Terminal Setting

Change shell to zsh

  • Open “"
  • Open “Preferences"
    • Shell open with Command “/usr/local/bin/zsh"
  • Add “/usr/local/bin/zsh” (homebrew’s zsh)
vi /etc/shells

# add the following line
  • Change the login shell
chpass -s /usr/local/bin/zsh
  • Check the update

iTerm2 Setting

  • Import terminal

  • General

    • Turn on "Save Changes to folder when iTerm2 quits"
  • Profiles

    • General
      • Command: Login shell
      • Working Directory: Reuse previous session’s directory
    • Text
      • Regular Font: Inconsolata, Regular, 13pt
      • Non-ASCII Font: Ricty for Powerline, Regular, 13pt
        • Horizontal: 5, Vertical: 1.1
    • Window
      • Adjust Transparency and Blur
    • Terminal
      • Scrollback Lines: 9,999
    • Session
      • Miscellaneous
        • Turn on "Automatically log session input files in" and set "~/logs/iterm2" directory

Ruby Setting

Install rbenv

brew install openssl
brew install readline
brew install rbenv
brew install ruby-build
brew install mysql
brew install autoconf

Install Ruby

  • Show the supported ruby versions
rbenv install -l
  • Install Ruby
rbenv install 2.4.0
rbenv rehash
rbenv global 2.4.0
  • Install ruby gems
gem install bundle pry

Backup Directories

  • $HOME
    • .ssh
    • Pictures
    • Private
    • Desktop
    • Documents
    • Music
    • workspace
    • Library/Fonts
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