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WIP - Type-safe TypeScript ISO 3166 country codes (names, two-letters codes, and three-letters codes)
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// ========================================== | |
// ========================================== | |
/** | |
* Countries data. | |
* This is the source that should be updated if you want to add/remove new country codes. | |
*/ | |
const countriesData = [ | |
["Afghanistan", "AF", "AFG"], | |
["AlandIslands", "AX", "ALA"], | |
["Albania", "AL", "ALB"], | |
["Algeria", "DZ", "DZA"], | |
["AmericanSamoa", "AS", "ASM"], | |
["Andorra", "AD", "AND"], | |
["Angola", "AO", "AGO"], | |
["Anguilla", "AI", "AIA"], | |
["Antarctica", "AQ", "ATA"], | |
["AntiguaAndBarbuda", "AG", "ATG"], | |
["Argentina", "AR", "ARG"], | |
["Armenia", "AM", "ARM"], | |
["Aruba", "AW", "ABW"], | |
["Australia", "AU", "AUS"], | |
["Austria", "AT", "AUT"], | |
["Azerbaijan", "AZ", "AZE"], | |
["Bahamas", "BS", "BHS"], | |
["Bahrain", "BH", "BHR"], | |
["Bangladesh", "BD", "BGD"], | |
["Barbados", "BB", "BRB"], | |
["Belarus", "BY", "BLR"], | |
["Belgium", "BE", "BEL"], | |
["Belize", "BZ", "BLZ"], | |
["Benin", "BJ", "BEN"], | |
["Bermuda", "BM", "BMU"], | |
["Bhutan", "BT", "BTN"], | |
["Bolivia", "BO", "BOL"], | |
["BonaireSintEustatiusSaba", "BQ", "BES"], | |
["BosniaAndHerzegovina", "BA", "BIH"], | |
["Botswana", "BW", "BWA"], | |
["BouvetIsland", "BV", "BVT"], | |
["Brazil", "BR", "BRA"], | |
["BritishIndianOceanTerritory", "IO", "IOT"], | |
["BruneiDarussalam", "BN", "BRN"], | |
["Bulgaria", "BG", "BGR"], | |
["BurkinaFaso", "BF", "BFA"], | |
["Burundi", "BI", "BDI"], | |
["Cambodia", "KH", "KHM"], | |
["Cameroon", "CM", "CMR"], | |
["Canada", "CA", "CAN"], | |
["CapeVerde", "CV", "CPV"], | |
["CaymanIslands", "KY", "CYM"], | |
["CentralAfricanRepublic", "CF", "CAF"], | |
["Chad", "TD", "TCD"], | |
["Chile", "CL", "CHL"], | |
["China", "CN", "CHN"], | |
["ChristmasIsland", "CX", "HKG"], | |
["CocosKeelingIslands", "CC", "MAC"], | |
["Colombia", "CO", "CXR"], | |
["Comoros", "KM", "CCK"], | |
["Congo", "CG", "COL"], | |
["CongoDemocraticRepublic", "CD", "COM"], | |
["CookIslands", "CK", "COG"], | |
["CostaRica", "CR", "COD"], | |
["CoteDIvoire", "CI", "COK"], | |
["Croatia", "HR", "CRI"], | |
["Cuba", "CU", "CIV"], | |
["Curaçao", "CW", "HRV"], | |
["Cyprus", "CY", "CUB"], | |
["CzechRepublic", "CZ", "CUW"], | |
["Denmark", "DK", "CYP"], | |
["Djibouti", "DJ", "CZE"], | |
["Dominica", "DM", "DNK"], | |
["DominicanRepublic", "DO", "DJI"], | |
["Ecuador", "EC", "DMA"], | |
["Egypt", "EG", "DOM"], | |
["ElSalvador", "SV", "ECU"], | |
["EquatorialGuinea", "GQ", "EGY"], | |
["Eritrea", "ER", "SLV"], | |
["Estonia", "EE", "GNQ"], | |
["Ethiopia", "ET", "ERI"], | |
["FalklandIslands", "FK", "EST"], | |
["FaroeIslands", "FO", "ETH"], | |
["Fiji", "FJ", "FLK"], | |
["Finland", "FI", "FRO"], | |
["France", "FR", "FJI"], | |
["FrenchGuiana", "GF", "FIN"], | |
["FrenchPolynesia", "PF", "FRA"], | |
["FrenchSouthernTerritories", "TF", "GUF"], | |
["Gabon", "GA", "PYF"], | |
["Gambia", "GM", "ATF"], | |
["Georgia", "GE", "GAB"], | |
["Germany", "DE", "GMB"], | |
["Ghana", "GH", "GEO"], | |
["Gibraltar", "GI", "DEU"], | |
["Greece", "GR", "GHA"], | |
["Greenland", "GL", "GIB"], | |
["Grenada", "GD", "GRC"], | |
["Guadeloupe", "GP", "GRL"], | |
["Guam", "GU", "GRD"], | |
["Guatemala", "GT", "GLP"], | |
["Guernsey", "GG", "GUM"], | |
["Guinea", "GN", "GTM"], | |
["GuineaBissau", "GW", "GGY"], | |
["Guyana", "GY", "GIN"], | |
["Haiti", "HT", "GNB"], | |
["HeardIslandMcdonaldIslands", "HM", "GUY"], | |
["HolySeeVaticanCityState", "VA", "HTI"], | |
["Honduras", "HN", "HMD"], | |
["HongKong", "HK", "VAT"], | |
["Hungary", "HU", "HND"], | |
["Iceland", "IS", "HUN"], | |
["India", "IN", "ISL"], | |
["Indonesia", "ID", "IND"], | |
["Iran", "IR", "IDN"], | |
["Iraq", "IQ", "IRN"], | |
["Ireland", "IE", "IRQ"], | |
["IsleOfMan", "IM", "IRL"], | |
["Israel", "IL", "IMN"], | |
["Italy", "IT", "ISR"], | |
["Jamaica", "JM", "ITA"], | |
["Japan", "JP", "JAM"], | |
["Jersey", "JE", "JPN"], | |
["Jordan", "JO", "JEY"], | |
["Kazakhstan", "KZ", "JOR"], | |
["Kenya", "KE", "KAZ"], | |
["Kiribati", "KI", "KEN"], | |
["Korea", "KR", "KIR"], | |
["KoreaDemocraticPeoplesRepublic", "KP", "PRK"], | |
["Kuwait", "KW", "KOR"], | |
["Kyrgyzstan", "KG", "KWT"], | |
["LaoPeoplesDemocraticRepublic", "LA", "KGZ"], | |
["Latvia", "LV", "LAO"], | |
["Lebanon", "LB", "LVA"], | |
["Lesotho", "LS", "LBN"], | |
["Liberia", "LR", "LSO"], | |
["LibyanArabJamahiriya", "LY", "LBR"], | |
["Liechtenstein", "LI", "LBY"], | |
["Lithuania", "LT", "LIE"], | |
["Luxembourg", "LU", "LTU"], | |
["Macao", "MO", "LUX"], | |
["Macedonia", "MK", "MKD"], | |
["Madagascar", "MG", "MDG"], | |
["Malawi", "MW", "MWI"], | |
["Malaysia", "MY", "MYS"], | |
["Maldives", "MV", "MDV"], | |
["Mali", "ML", "MLI"], | |
["Malta", "MT", "MLT"], | |
["MarshallIslands", "MH", "MHL"], | |
["Martinique", "MQ", "MTQ"], | |
["Mauritania", "MR", "MRT"], | |
["Mauritius", "MU", "MUS"], | |
["Mayotte", "YT", "MYT"], | |
["Mexico", "MX", "MEX"], | |
["Micronesia", "FM", "FSM"], | |
["Moldova", "MD", "MDA"], | |
["Monaco", "MC", "MCO"], | |
["Mongolia", "MN", "MNG"], | |
["Montenegro", "ME", "MNE"], | |
["Montserrat", "MS", "MSR"], | |
["Morocco", "MA", "MAR"], | |
["Mozambique", "MZ", "MOZ"], | |
["Myanmar", "MM", "MMR"], | |
["Namibia", "NA", "NAM"], | |
["Nauru", "NR", "NRU"], | |
["Nepal", "NP", "NPL"], | |
["Netherlands", "NL", "NLD"], | |
["NewCaledonia", "NC", "ANT"], | |
["NewZealand", "NZ", "NCL"], | |
["Nicaragua", "NI", "NZL"], | |
["Niger", "NE", "NIC"], | |
["Nigeria", "NG", "NER"], | |
["Niue", "NU", "NGA"], | |
["NorfolkIsland", "NF", "NIU"], | |
["NorthernMarianaIslands", "MP", "NFK"], | |
["Norway", "NO", "MNP"], | |
["Oman", "OM", "NOR"], | |
["Pakistan", "PK", "OMN"], | |
["Palau", "PW", "PAK"], | |
["PalestinianTerritory", "PS", "PLW"], | |
["Panama", "PA", "PSE"], | |
["PapuaNewGuinea", "PG", "PAN"], | |
["Paraguay", "PY", "PNG"], | |
["Peru", "PE", "PRY"], | |
["Philippines", "PH", "PER"], | |
["Pitcairn", "PN", "PHL"], | |
["Poland", "PL", "PCN"], | |
["Portugal", "PT", "POL"], | |
["PuertoRico", "PR", "PRT"], | |
["Qatar", "QA", "PRI"], | |
["Reunion", "RE", "QAT"], | |
["Romania", "RO", "REU"], | |
["RussianFederation", "RU", "ROU"], | |
["Rwanda", "RW", "RUS"], | |
["SaintBarthelemy", "BL", "RWA"], | |
["SaintHelena", "SH", "BLM"], | |
["SaintKittsAndNevis", "KN", "SHN"], | |
["SaintLucia", "LC", "KNA"], | |
["SaintMartin", "MF", "LCA"], | |
["SaintPierreAndMiquelon", "PM", "MAF"], | |
["SaintVincentAndGrenadines", "VC", "SPM"], | |
["Samoa", "WS", "VCT"], | |
["SanMarino", "SM", "WSM"], | |
["SaoTomeAndPrincipe", "ST", "SMR"], | |
["SaudiArabia", "SA", "STP"], | |
["Senegal", "SN", "SAU"], | |
["Serbia", "RS", "SEN"], | |
["Seychelles", "SC", "SRB"], | |
["SierraLeone", "SL", "SYC"], | |
["Singapore", "SG", "SLE"], | |
["SintMaarten", "SX", "SGP"], | |
["Slovakia", "SK", "SXM"], | |
["Slovenia", "SI", "SVK"], | |
["SolomonIslands", "SB", "SVN"], | |
["Somalia", "SO", "SLB"], | |
["SouthAfrica", "ZA", "SOM"], | |
["SouthGeorgiaAndSandwichIsl", "GS", "ZAF"], | |
["SouthSudan", "SS", "SGS"], | |
["Spain", "ES", "SSD"], | |
["SriLanka", "LK", "ESP"], | |
["Sudan", "SD", "LKA"], | |
["Suriname", "SR", "SDN"], | |
["SvalbardAndJanMayen", "SJ", "SUR"], | |
["Swaziland", "SZ", "SJM"], | |
["Sweden", "SE", "SWZ"], | |
["Switzerland", "CH", "SWE"], | |
["SyrianArabRepublic", "SY", "CHE"], | |
["Taiwan", "TW", "SYR"], | |
["Tajikistan", "TJ", "TWN"], | |
["Tanzania", "TZ", "TJK"], | |
["Thailand", "TH", "TZA"], | |
["TimorLeste", "TL", "THA"], | |
["Togo", "TG", "TLS"], | |
["Tokelau", "TK", "TGO"], | |
["Tonga", "TO", "TKL"], | |
["TrinidadAndTobago", "TT", "TON"], | |
["Tunisia", "TN", "TTO"], | |
["Turkey", "TR", "TUN"], | |
["Turkmenistan", "TM", "TUR"], | |
["TurksAndCaicosIslands", "TC", "TKM"], | |
["Tuvalu", "TV", "TCA"], | |
["Uganda", "UG", "TUV"], | |
["Ukraine", "UA", "UGA"], | |
["UnitedArabEmirates", "AE", "UKR"], | |
["UnitedKingdom", "GB", "ARE"], | |
["UnitedStates", "US", "GBR"], | |
["UnitedStatesOutlyingIslands", "UM", "USA"], | |
["Uruguay", "UY", "UMI"], | |
["Uzbekistan", "UZ", "URY"], | |
["Vanuatu", "VU", "UZB"], | |
["Venezuela", "VE", "VUT"], | |
["Vietnam", "VN", "VEN"], | |
["VirginIslandsBritish", "VG", "VNM"], | |
["VirginIslandsUS", "VI", "VIR"], | |
["WallisAndFutuna", "WF", "WLF"], | |
["WesternSahara", "EH", "ESH"], | |
["Yemen", "YE", "YEM"], | |
["Zambia", "ZM", "ZMB"], | |
["Zimbabwe", "ZW", "ZWE"], | |
] as const; | |
/** | |
* Utility type to prettify the type displayed on IDE by unwrapping it. | |
*/ | |
type Prettify<T> = { | |
[K in keyof T]: T[K]; | |
} & {}; | |
/** | |
* Utility. Build a const object (a pseudo Enum) given a read-only array. | |
* We use it to expose country names and codes allowing autocomplete. | |
*/ | |
const constArrayToConstObject = <T extends readonly any[], K extends T[number]>( | |
arr: T | |
): Prettify<Readonly<{ [P in K]: P }>> => { | |
return arr.reduce((acc, elem) => { | |
acc[elem] = elem; | |
return acc; | |
}, {}); | |
}; | |
/** | |
* Extract a list & type union of country names, two-letter codes, and three-letter codes. | |
*/ | |
const countryNames = => data[0]); | |
type CountryName = (typeof countryNames)[number]; | |
const twoLetterCountryCodes = => data[1]); | |
type TwoLetterCountryCode = (typeof twoLetterCountryCodes)[number]; | |
const threeLetterCountryCodes = => data[2]); | |
type ThreeLetterCountryCode = (typeof threeLetterCountryCodes)[number]; | |
/** | |
* Country data. | |
*/ | |
interface Country { | |
name: CountryName; | |
twoLetterCode: TwoLetterCountryCode; | |
threeLetterCode: ThreeLetterCountryCode; | |
} | |
/** | |
* Build support maps to make the country retrival O(1). | |
* TODO: Lazy load them when they're requested for the first time. | |
*/ | |
const countryByName = new Map<CountryName, Country>(); | |
const countryByTwoLetterCode = new Map<TwoLetterCountryCode, Country>(); | |
const countryByThreeLetterCode = new Map<ThreeLetterCountryCode, Country>(); | |
Array.from({ length: countriesData.length }).forEach((_, i) => { | |
const name = countryNames[i]; | |
const twoLetterCode = twoLetterCountryCodes[i]; | |
const threeLetterCode = threeLetterCountryCodes[i]; | |
const country: Country = { name, twoLetterCode, threeLetterCode }; | |
countryByName.set(name, country); | |
countryByTwoLetterCode.set(twoLetterCode, country); | |
countryByThreeLetterCode.set(threeLetterCode, country); | |
}); | |
/** | |
* Any country name, two-letter code, or three-letter code is a valid input. | |
*/ | |
type CountryInput = CountryName | TwoLetterCountryCode | ThreeLetterCountryCode; | |
/** | |
* Type guards to distinguish between the various input types. | |
* Luckily, all country names are > 2 characters long, so we can can use the input lenght as our discriminating factor. | |
*/ | |
function isCountryName(input: CountryInput): input is CountryName { | |
return input.length > 2; | |
} | |
function isTwoLetterCountryCode(input: CountryInput): input is TwoLetterCountryCode { | |
return input.length === 2; | |
} | |
function isThreeLetterCountryCode(input: CountryInput): input is ThreeLetterCountryCode { | |
return input.length === 3; | |
} | |
/** | |
* Returns a country data given any of its identifiers (name, two-letter code, or three-letter code). | |
* @param input A country name, two-letter code, or three-letter code. | |
* @returns The country data. | |
*/ | |
export function getCountry(input: CountryInput): Country { | |
if (isCountryName(input)) { | |
return countryByName.get(input)!; | |
} else if (isTwoLetterCountryCode(input)) { | |
return countryByTwoLetterCode.get(input)!; | |
} else if (isThreeLetterCountryCode(input)) { | |
return countryByThreeLetterCode.get(input)!; | |
} | |
throw new Error(`getCountry() - Invalid input: "${input}"`); | |
} | |
/** | |
* Returns a three-letter country-code given any of its identifiers (name, two-letter code, or three-letter code). | |
* @param input A country name, two-letter code, or three-letter code. | |
* @returns The three-letter country-code. | |
*/ | |
export function getThreeLetterCountryCode( | |
input: CountryInput | CountryInput[] | |
): ThreeLetterCountryCode | ThreeLetterCountryCode[] { | |
return Array.isArray(input) ? => getCountry(x).threeLetterCode) : getCountry(input).threeLetterCode; | |
} | |
/** | |
* An enum-like object with all the country names — helpful for IDE autocomplete. | |
*/ | |
export const countryName = constArrayToConstObject(countryNames); | |
/** | |
* An enum-like object with all the country two-letter codes — helpful for IDE autocomplete. | |
*/ | |
export const twoLetterCountryCode = constArrayToConstObject(twoLetterCountryCodes); | |
/** | |
* An enum-like object with all the country three-letter codes — helpful for IDE autocomplete. | |
*/ | |
export const threeLetterCountryCode = constArrayToConstObject(threeLetterCountryCodes); |
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@mmazzarolo You have some wrong alpha-3 codes. For example, for Venezuela is not 'VUT', but 'VEN'; for Vietnam is not 'VEN', but 'VNM'.