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Last active January 20, 2025 01:39
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Disabling "People also search for" box in Google search results

2020-06-19 update:

I just published a blog post with a few other options and info on decluttering Google's search results page.

Disabling "People also search for" box in Google search results



Option 1: Add a rule to hide the "People also search for" box by targeting its style.

If you're using uBlock origin, add one of the following custom CSS rules:
! Hide the 'People also search for' slide-in box when going back on Google Search.
! We require the other attributes here to reduce the risk of false positives.$#div[id^=eob_][jscontroller][jsdata][jsaction][data-ved] { display: none !important; }

Alternatively, if you have the Stylish extension (or similar), you can add the rule with:

.AUiS2 {
  display: none !important;

Please keep in mind that the target class name (AUiS2) might suddenly change and you'd need to update your custom rule โ€” in that case, please comment in this gist and I'll update the rule ๐Ÿ‘.

Option 2: Disable the JavaScript code that runs/shows the "People also search for" box.

If you're using uBlock origin, add the following custom rule:*/xjs/*

This is a very aggressive solution that seems to be working consistently, but also breaks the static "People also ask" box and other Google's search page result enhancements (e.g.: stock market, calculator, etc...).

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ivan commented Nov 16, 2020

Excellent, thank you.

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shalva97 commented Jan 5, 2021


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awulkan commented Mar 8, 2021

Thanks, it worked.

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So good

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willmcc commented Apr 8, 2021

THANK YOU! This "feature" has been bugging me for years and lately it's been really getting on my nerves

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Thanks! This feature was not fit with the user experience. I hope Google cancels it ASAP!

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pgross41 commented Apr 14, 2021

I found this breaks the static "People also ask" box where you choose to click expand (in addition to the annoying "People also search for" pop-in one). If you have the Stylish extension (or similar), the following CSS rule will disable only the annoying one:

    display: none !important;

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Thank you @pgross41, I added your solution to the list ๐Ÿ‘

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Both options combined:

If you're using uBlock origin, add the following custom rule:

This class didn't change since mentioned on 14 April so the method seems to be effective.

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@robertpiosik thank you, I updated the top post ๐Ÿ‘

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@mmazzarolo note, the first option breaks interactive features of google such as stock market charts or upcoming sport events tables.

Should be removed imho.

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mmazzarolo commented May 24, 2021

@robertpiosik I'll add it to the description and swap the options order but I'm still keeping it because the CSS one is way more prone to stop working (I personally experienced it at least twice in the past).

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Sounds reasonable. Cheers

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I wish I could "like" this gist and some of the comments. @mmazzarolo you are a true hero.

๐Ÿ‘ ๐ŸŽ‰ ๐Ÿš€ ๐Ÿ”ฅ

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DAOWAce commented Sep 13, 2021

Literal years of being bothered by this before I finally tried to search about disabling it. Why do we do this to ourselves..

Google, stop being idiots.

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ivan commented Oct 16, 2021

for uBlock Origin's My filters:

! Hide the 'People also search for' slide-in box when going back on Google Search.
! We require the other attributes here to reduce the risk of false positives.$#div[id^=eob_][jscontroller][jsdata][jsaction][data-ved] { display: none !important; }

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Thanks @ivan , I updated the gist ๐Ÿ‘

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eberzins commented Feb 7, 2022

Oh thank god. People also ask was making me want to get on antidepressants.

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mmazzarolo commented Jun 16, 2022

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ambaca commented Jan 27, 2023

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