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Last active June 4, 2023 11:36
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Save mminer/a08566f13ef687c17b39 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Shell script thats prints the output of `docker ps` in JSON format.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""Parses and encodes the result of `docker ps` in JSON format."""
import json
import sys
from collections import namedtuple
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
# This assumes output of `docker ps` using Docker 1.3.
# New versions of Docker may have different column names and break this script.
ColumnRange = namedtuple('ColumnRange', ['column', 'start_idx', 'stop_idx'])
def get_running_containers(args):
"""Finds running Docker containers by parsing the output of `docker ps`."""
args = ['docker', 'ps'] + args
out, err = Popen(args, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).communicate()
header, *rows = out.decode('utf-8').splitlines()
column_ranges = [find_column_range(header, column) for column in COLUMNS]
running_containers = [row_to_container(row, column_ranges) for row in rows]
return running_containers
def find_column_range(header, column):
"""Determines the string indexes that the given column lies between."""
column_idx = COLUMNS.index(column)
start_idx = header.index(column)
next_column = COLUMNS[column_idx + 1]
stop_idx = header.index(next_column)
except IndexError:
# There is no next column (i.e. we're on the last one).
stop_idx = None
column_range = ColumnRange(column, start_idx, stop_idx)
return column_range
def row_to_container(row, column_ranges):
"""Extracts the column values from a container row."""
container = {column_range.column: extract_field(row, column_range)
for column_range in column_ranges}
return container
def extract_field(row, column_range):
"""Pulls the value of a field from a given row."""
start_idx = column_range.start_idx
stop_idx = column_range.stop_idx or len(row)
field = row[start_idx:stop_idx].strip()
return field
if __name__ == '__main__':
args = sys.argv[1:]
running_containers = get_running_containers(args)
json.dump(running_containers, sys.stdout)
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Yep - thanks a lot for leaving this on here!

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