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Forked from icheishvili/list.c
Created August 9, 2019 21:26
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Linked List in C with Iterator
struct list_node {
void* data;
struct list_node* next;
struct list {
struct list_node* head;
struct list* list_create() {
struct list* l = malloc(sizeof(struct list));
l->head = NULL;
return l;
size_t list_size(struct list* l) {
size_t size = 0;
struct list_node* curr = l->head;
while (curr) {
curr = curr->next;
return size;
void list_free(struct list* l, bool free_data) {
struct list_node* curr = l->head;
struct list_node* next;
while (curr) {
next = curr->next;
if (free_data) {
curr = next;
void list_lpush(struct list* l, void* data) {
struct list_node* node = malloc(sizeof(struct list_node));
node->next = l->head;
node->data = data;
l->head = node;
void* list_lpop(struct list* l) {
void* rdata = NULL;
struct list_node* rnode = NULL;
if (l->head) {
rnode = l->head;
l->head = rnode->next;
rdata = rnode->data;
return rdata;
void list_rpush(struct list* l, void* data) {
struct list_node* curr = l->head;
struct list_node** entryp = &l->head;
while (curr) {
entryp = &curr->next;
curr = curr->next;
struct list_node* node = malloc(sizeof(struct list_node));
node->next = NULL;
node->data = data;
*entryp = node;
void* list_rpop(struct list* l) {
struct list_node* curr = l->head;
if (!curr) {
return NULL;
while (curr && curr->next && curr->next->next) {
curr = curr->next;
struct list_node* rnode;
void* rdata;
if (curr->next) {
rnode = curr->next;
rdata = rnode->data;
curr->next = rnode->next;
} else {
rnode = curr;
rdata = rnode->data;
l->head = NULL;
return rdata;
struct list_iterator {
struct list* list;
struct list_node* curr;
struct list_node** entryp;
void* list_remove(struct list_iterator* it) {
struct list_node* rnode = NULL;
void* rdata = NULL;
if (it->curr) {
rnode = it->curr;
rdata = rnode->data;
it->curr = rnode->next;
*it->entryp = rnode->next;
return rdata;
struct list_iterator* list_iterator_create(struct list* l) {
struct list_iterator* it = malloc(sizeof(struct list_iterator));
it->list = l;
it->curr = l->head;
it->entryp = &l->head;
return it;
struct list_iterator* list_iterator_copy(struct list_iterator* it) {
struct list_iterator* copy = malloc(sizeof(struct list_iterator));
copy->list = it->list;
copy->curr = it->curr;
copy->entryp = it->entryp;
return copy;
void* list_iterator_next(struct list_iterator* it) {
void* data = NULL;
if (it->curr) {
data = it->curr->data;
it->entryp = &it->curr->next;
it->curr = it->curr->next;
return data;
bool list_iterator_has_next(struct list_iterator* it) {
return it->curr != NULL;
void list_iterator_free(struct list_iterator* it) {
void list_reverse(struct list* l) {
struct list_node* curr = l->head;
struct list_node* next = NULL;
struct list_node* prev = NULL;
while (curr) {
next = curr->next;
curr->next = prev;
prev = curr;
curr = next;
l->head = prev;
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