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Created January 31, 2017 10:12
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Naive Bayes example in golang for text classification
package main
import (
var (
punc = regexp.MustCompile(`\W+`)
func main() {
start := time.Now()
counter := NewCounter()
// data set for authorship identification
dir := "C50/C50train"
out := readC50DataSet(dir, ExtractFeatures)
rows := 0
for row := range out {
counter.Add(row.Class, row.Features)
fmt.Printf("Data rows %d \nClasses %d \nFeatures %d \nTrain duration %+v\n",
rows, len(counter.classes), len(counter.features), time.Since(start)) // output for debug
start = time.Now()
dir = "C50/C50test"
out = readC50DataSet(dir, ExtractFeatures)
countTotal := 0
correct := 0
for row := range out {
class := NaiveBayes(counter, row.Features)
if row.Class == class {
fmt.Printf("Predictions %d \nTest duration %+v\n",
countTotal, time.Since(start)) // output for debug
fmt.Printf("Correct rate %f\n", float64(correct)*100/float64(countTotal)) // output for debug
type Row struct {
Class string
Features []string
type ICounter interface {
NumberOfTuples() int
Pairs(class, feature string) (int, bool)
Classes() map[string]int
func ExtractFeatures(src []byte) []string {
// TODO rm most used 500 words (experiment)
txt := string(punc.ReplaceAll(src, []byte(" ")))
m := make(map[string]struct{})
words := make([]string, 0, len(m))
for _, str := range strings.Split(txt, " ") {
if len(str) > 1 {
if _, ok := m[str]; !ok {
m[str] = struct{}{}
words = append(words, str)
return words
// returns best candidate from sampled classes for given features
// Naive Bayesian Classification
func NaiveBayes(c ICounter, features []string) string {
type candidate struct {
class string
prob float64
var max candidate
classes := len(c.Classes())
out := make(chan candidate, classes)
for class, classCount := range c.Classes() {
go func(class string, classCount float64, tuples float64) {
// max float64 to prevent overflow
// posterior probability of features with given class
pcf := 1.797693134862315708145274237317043567981e+308
// prior probability
pc := classCount / tuples
for _, f := range features {
if v, ok := c.Pairs(class, f); ok {
if v > 0 {
// TODO test as continuous-valued attr
pcf *= float64(v) / classCount
} else if v == 0 {
// TODO use Laplacian correction for missing feature class tuples
pcf *= 1.0 / classCount
out <- candidate{class, pc * pcf}
}(class, float64(classCount), float64(c.NumberOfTuples()))
for can := range out {
if max.prob < can.prob {
max.class = can.class
max.prob = can.prob
if classes == 0 {
return max.class
type Counter struct {
classes map[string]int
features map[string]map[string]int
func NewCounter() *Counter {
return &Counter{
classes: make(map[string]int),
features: make(map[string]map[string]int),
func (c *Counter) Add(class string, features []string) {
for _, f := range features {
if _, ok := c.features[f]; ok {
} else {
c.features[f] = make(map[string]int)
// returns counted (class, feature) tuples
func (c *Counter) Pairs(class, feature string) (int, bool) {
if _, ok := c.features[feature]; !ok {
return 0, false
} else {
return c.features[feature][class], true
func (c *Counter) Classes() map[string]int {
return c.classes
func (c *Counter) NumberOfTuples() int {
count := 0
for _, v := range c.classes {
count += v
return count
func readC50DataSet(path string, procWords func([]byte) []string) <-chan Row {
ch := make(chan Row)
dir, err := os.Open(path)
if err != nil {
dirs, err := dir.Readdir(-1)
if err != nil {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for i := range dirs {
if dirs[i].IsDir() {
go func(ch chan<- Row, dir string) {
defer func() {
var (
f *os.File
files []os.FileInfo
err error
src []byte
if f, err = os.Open(dir); err == nil {
if files, err = f.Readdir(-1); err == nil {
if len(files) != 0 {
for i := range files {
if src, err = ioutil.ReadFile(dir + "/" + files[i].Name()); err == nil {
ch <- Row{
Class: dir[strings.LastIndex(dir, "/")+1:],
Features: procWords(src),
} else {
} else {
err = errors.New("no files in dir")
if err != nil {
}(ch, path+"/"+dirs[i].Name())
go func() {
return ch
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