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Last active December 6, 2024 18:41
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  • Save mmocny/b7180f439272b91bca7acbc20eba57c5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Event Timing "polyfill" (barely) out of event listeners
const eventsForTiming = [
// Add this as early as possible in order to measure events which stop propagation.
eventsForTiming.forEach(eventType => {
document.documentElement.addEventListener(eventType, function event_timing_polyfill(event) {
const processingStart =;
// event.timeStamp can be innacurate, so clamp it.
const startTime = Math.min(event.timeStamp, processingStart);
const eventTimingEntry = {
event, // extra, for polyfill
name: event.type,
processingEnd: 0,
endTime: 0,
duration: 0,
interactionId: 0,
function updateDuration(ts) { eventTimingEntry.duration = ts - eventTimingEntry.startTime; };
// TODO: Share a "state machine" for assigning interactionId. Async process.
// assignInteractionId(eventTimingEntry).then(...);
nextTaskStart().then(() => {
eventTimingEntry.processingEnd =;
afterNextPaint().then(() => {
eventTimingEntry.endTime =;
performance.measure(eventType, { start: startTime, end: eventTimingEntry.endTime });
// Note: This object will update over time
console.log('Event:', eventType, eventTimingEntry);
}, { capture: true });
const eventsForScheduling = [
//... add more as needed
const anyEvent = new EventTarget();
eventsForScheduling.forEach(eventType => {
document.documentElement.addEventListener(eventType, () => {
anyEvent.dispatchEvent(new Event("event"));
}, { capture: true });
function nextEvent() {
return new Promise(resolve => {
anyEvent.addEventListener("event", resolve, { once: true });
function tick() {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
const channel = new MessageChannel();
channel.port1.onmessage = resolve;
function raf() {
return new Promise(resolve => requestAnimationFrame(resolve));
async function nextTaskStart() {
await Promise.race([tick(), nextEvent(), raf()]);
async function afterNextPaint() {
await raf();
await nextTaskStart();
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