#pragma once |
#include <stdint.h> |
// |
// interface |
// |
enum |
{ |
MP_CycleCount, |
MP_Instructions, |
MP_BranchMisses, |
MP_BranchCount, |
MP_DataMisses, |
MP_DataAccess, |
}; |
typedef struct { |
double ElapsedTime; |
uint64_t ContextSwitches; |
uint64_t Counters[MP_COUNT]; |
} MiniPerfResult; |
typedef void MiniPerfFun(void* Arg); |
// |
// == WINDOWS == |
// |
// * Must run process as "administrator" |
// |
// * Check available counters with "wpr -pmcsources" command. If you see only "Timer" there |
// then that means Windows ETW does have PMU counters available. On AMD system you might |
// need to disble Virtualization in BIOS (be aware that prevents using WSL2) |
// |
// * ETW is setup to report PMU counters for every context switch. Code calculates delta |
// between measurements for target thread, and returns accumulated values. |
// |
// == LINUX == |
// |
// * Must run process as root, for example, with "sudo" |
// |
// * Check available counters with "perf list" command. It should show multiple |
// [Hardware event] entries |
// |
// * Make sure you have NMI watchdog disbled, as that uses one PMU counter for itself. |
// To disable NMI watchdog, run: "echo 0 | sudo tee /proc/sys/kernel/nmi_watchdog" |
// |
// * perf uses only generic PMU counters for generic hardware events. It does not use fixed |
// ones. This means for Skylake+ only 4 events per core will be available. It should be |
// possible to use 3 fixed ones (cycles, instruction, refcycles) too, but setting them up |
// requires using arch specific register numbers which is not done here. |
// |
// == APPLE == |
// |
// * Must run process as root, for example, with "sudo" |
// |
// runs function with argument and return measured PMU counter values |
// execution of function is pinned to one CPU core |
static MiniPerfResult MiniPerf(MiniPerfFun* Fun, void* Arg); |
// |
// implementation |
// |
#if defined(_WIN32) |
#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN |
#include <windows.h> |
#include <evntrace.h> |
#include <evntcons.h> |
#include <intrin.h> |
#define MP_ASSERT(Cond) do { if (!(Cond)) __debugbreak(); } while (0) |
#pragma comment (lib, "advapi32") |
typedef struct |
{ |
MiniPerfResult Result; |
DWORD ThreadId; |
DWORD CpuIndex; |
ULONG* CountersUsed; |
size_t CounterCount; |
MiniPerfFun* Fun; |
void* Arg; |
} MiniPerfContext; |
static const GUID MP_ThreadGuid = { 0x3d6fa8d1, 0xfe05, 0x11d0, { 0x9d, 0xda, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x4f, 0xd7, 0xba, 0x7c } }; |
static const GUID MP_PageFaultGuid = { 0x3d6fa8d3, 0xfe05, 0x11d0, { 0x9d, 0xda, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x4f, 0xd7, 0xba, 0x7c } }; |
// Skylake+ can have 4 generic counters + 3 fixed (cycles, instructions, refcycles) |
static const LPCWSTR MP_IntelCounters[] = |
{ |
/* [MP_CycleCount] = */ L"UnhaltedCoreCyclesFixed", |
/* [MP_Instructions] = */ L"InstructionsRetiredFixed", |
/* [MP_BranchMisses] = */ L"BranchMispredictions", |
/* [MP_BranchCount] = */ L"BranchInstructions", |
// on Intel can use L3 cache counters |
/* [MP_DataMisses] = */ L"LLCMisses", |
/* [MP_DataAccess] = */ L"LLCReference", |
}; |
// AMD Zen can have 6 generic counters |
static const LPCWSTR MP_AmdCounters[] = |
{ |
/* [MP_CycleCount] */ L"TotalCycles", |
/* [MP_Instructions] */ L"TotalIssues", |
/* [MP_BranchMisses] */ L"BranchMispredictions", |
/* [MP_BranchCount] */ L"BranchInstructions", |
// on AMD can use L1 cache counters |
/* [MP_DataMisses] */ L"DcacheMisses", |
/* [MP_DataAccess] */ L"DcacheAccesses", |
}; |
static const LPCWSTR MP_ArmCounters[] = |
{ |
/* [MP_CycleCount] */ L"TotalCycles", |
/* [MP_Instructions] */ L"TotalIssues", |
/* [MP_BranchMisses] */ L"BranchMispredictions", |
/* [MP_BranchCount] */ L"BranchInstructions", |
/* [MP_DataMisses] */ L"DcacheMisses", |
/* [MP_DataAccess] */ L"DcacheAccesses", |
}; |
static void CALLBACK MiniPerf__Callback(EVENT_RECORD* Event) |
{ |
const GUID* Provider = &Event->EventHeader.ProviderId; |
UCHAR Opcode = Event->EventHeader.EventDescriptor.Opcode; |
UCHAR CpuIndex = GetEventProcessorIndex(Event); |
MiniPerfContext* Context = (MiniPerfContext*)Event->UserContext; |
if (RtlEqualMemory(Provider, &MP_ThreadGuid, sizeof(MP_ThreadGuid)) && Opcode == 0x24 && CpuIndex == Context->CpuIndex) |
{ |
MP_ASSERT(Event->UserDataLength >= 24); |
DWORD NewThreadId = *(DWORD*)((BYTE*)Event->UserData + 0); |
DWORD OldThreadId = *(DWORD*)((BYTE*)Event->UserData + 4); |
DWORD ThreadId = Context->ThreadId; |
for (size_t i = 0; i < Event->ExtendedDataCount; i++) |
{ |
EVENT_HEADER_EXTENDED_DATA_ITEM* Item = Event->ExtendedData + i; |
{ |
MP_ASSERT(Item->DataSize == sizeof(ULONG64) * Context->CounterCount); |
for (size_t c = 0; c < Item->DataSize / sizeof(ULONG64); c++) |
{ |
size_t Counter = Context->CountersUsed[c]; |
Context->Result.Counters[Counter] -= (NewThreadId == ThreadId) ? Pmc->Counter[c] : 0; |
Context->Result.Counters[Counter] += (OldThreadId == ThreadId) ? Pmc->Counter[c] : 0; |
} |
} |
} |
Context->Result.ContextSwitches += (OldThreadId == ThreadId); |
} |
} |
static DWORD CALLBACK MiniPerf__ProcessThread(LPVOID Arg) |
{ |
ProcessTrace(&Session, 1, NULL, NULL); |
return 0; |
} |
static DWORD CALLBACK MiniPerf__FunThread(LPVOID Arg) |
{ |
MiniPerfContext* Context = (MiniPerfContext*)Arg; |
QueryPerformanceCounter(&Context->StartTime); |
Context->Fun(Context->Arg); |
QueryPerformanceCounter(&Context->EndTime); |
return 0; |
} |
MiniPerfResult MiniPerf(MiniPerfFun* Fun, void* Arg) |
{ |
ULONG Status; |
MiniPerfContext Context; |
ZeroMemory(&Context, sizeof(Context)); |
// find PMU counters by looking up available names |
static ULONG CounterSources[MP_COUNT]; |
static ULONG CountersUsed[MP_COUNT]; |
static size_t CounterCount = 0; |
if (CounterCount == 0) |
{ |
#if defined(_M_AMD64) |
int CpuName[4]; |
__cpuid(CpuName, 0); |
const LPCWSTR* CounterNames; |
if (CpuName[2] == 0x6c65746e) // GenuineI[ntel] |
{ |
CounterNames = MP_IntelCounters; |
} |
else if (CpuName[2] == 0x444d4163) // Authenti[cAMD] |
{ |
CounterNames = MP_AmdCounters; |
} |
else |
{ |
MP_ASSERT(!"Unknown CPU"); |
return Context.Result; |
} |
#elif defined(_M_ARM64) |
const LPCWSTR* CounterNames = MP_ArmCounters; |
#else |
# error Unknown architecture |
#endif |
ULONG BufferSize; |
// how much memory needed to query PMU counter names |
Status = TraceQueryInformation(0, TraceProfileSourceListInfo, NULL, 0, &BufferSize); |
BYTE* Buffer = (BYTE*)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, BufferSize); |
MP_ASSERT(Buffer); |
// get PMU counter names |
Status = TraceQueryInformation(0, TraceProfileSourceListInfo, Buffer, BufferSize, &BufferSize); |
size_t Offset = 0; |
for (;;) |
{ |
for (size_t i = 0; i < MP_COUNT; i++) |
{ |
if (lstrcmpW(Info->Description, CounterNames[i]) == 0) |
{ |
CounterSources[CounterCount] = Info->Source; |
CountersUsed[CounterCount++] = i; |
break; |
} |
} |
if (Info->NextEntryOffset == 0) |
{ |
break; |
} |
Offset += Info->NextEntryOffset; |
} |
HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, Buffer); |
} |
Context.CountersUsed = CountersUsed; |
Context.CounterCount = CounterCount; |
Context.Fun = Fun; |
Context.Arg = Arg; |
struct |
{ |
WCHAR Name[1024]; |
} Trace; |
const WCHAR TraceName[] = L"MiniPerf"; |
EVENT_TRACE_PROPERTIES_V2* Properties = &Trace.Properties; |
// stop existing trace in case it is already running |
ZeroMemory(&Trace, sizeof(Trace)); |
Properties->Wnode.BufferSize = sizeof(Trace); |
Properties->LoggerNameOffset = sizeof(Trace.Properties); |
Status = ControlTraceW(0, TraceName, (EVENT_TRACE_PROPERTIES*)Properties, EVENT_TRACE_CONTROL_STOP); |
// start a new trace, capture context switches |
ZeroMemory(&Trace, sizeof(Trace)); |
Properties->Wnode.BufferSize = sizeof(Trace); |
Properties->Wnode.ClientContext = 3; |
Properties->VersionNumber = 2; |
Properties->EnableFlags = EVENT_TRACE_FLAG_CSWITCH; |
Properties->LoggerNameOffset = sizeof(Trace.Properties); |
TRACEHANDLE TraceHandle; |
Status = StartTraceW(&TraceHandle, TraceName, (EVENT_TRACE_PROPERTIES*)Properties); |
if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) |
{ |
// ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED -> need to run with admin privileges |
// ERROR_NO_SYSTEM_RESOURCES -> too many system traces already running |
// just run the function, which will measure time |
MiniPerf__FunThread(&Context); |
} |
else |
{ |
// enable PMU counters if there are any (otherwise only context switch count will be captured) |
if (CounterCount != 0) |
{ |
Status = TraceSetInformation(TraceHandle, TracePmcCounterListInfo, CounterSources, CounterCount * sizeof(CounterSources[0])); |
// if this triggers ERROR_BUSY = 0xaa, then I believe that that someone else is collecting PMU counters |
// in the system, and I'm not sure how or if at all you to forcefully stop/reconfigure it. Rebooting helps. |
// collect PMU counters on context switch event |
CLASSIC_EVENT_ID EventId = { MP_ThreadGuid, 0x24 }; |
Status = TraceSetInformation(TraceHandle, TracePmcEventListInfo, &EventId, sizeof(EventId)); |
} |
ZeroMemory(&Log, sizeof(Log)); |
Log.LoggerName = Trace.Name; |
Log.EventRecordCallback = &MiniPerf__Callback; |
Log.Context = &Context; |
// open trace for processing incoming events |
TRACEHANDLE Session = OpenTraceW(&Log); |
// start ETW processing thread |
HANDLE ProcessingThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, &MiniPerf__ProcessThread, (LPVOID)Session, 0, NULL); |
MP_ASSERT(ProcessingThread); |
// execute target function |
// it will happen on thread so there is a context switch right at the start of execution to capture initial PMU counter values |
{ |
// create suspended thread so we know ThreadId is fully available |
HANDLE FunThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, &MiniPerf__FunThread, &Context, CREATE_SUSPENDED, &Context.ThreadId); |
MP_ASSERT(FunThread); |
// pin thread to one CPU core |
Context.CpuIndex = SetThreadIdealProcessor(FunThread, MAXIMUM_PROCESSORS); |
SetThreadAffinityMask(FunThread, 1ULL << Context.CpuIndex); |
// now allow thread to run, thus force context switch for target thread |
ResumeThread(FunThread); |
WaitForSingleObject(FunThread, INFINITE); |
CloseHandle(FunThread); |
} |
// stop producing new events |
Status = ControlTraceW(TraceHandle, NULL, (EVENT_TRACE_PROPERTIES*)Properties, EVENT_TRACE_CONTROL_STOP); |
// closes trace processing, this will make ETW to process all the pending events in buffers |
Status = CloseTrace(Session); |
// wait until ETW processing thread finishes with callbacks |
WaitForSingleObject(ProcessingThread, INFINITE); |
CloseHandle(ProcessingThread); |
} |
QueryPerformanceFrequency(&Freq); |
Context.Result.ElapsedTime = (double)(Context.EndTime.QuadPart - Context.StartTime.QuadPart) / Freq.QuadPart; |
return Context.Result; |
} |
#elif defined(__linux__) |
#include <time.h> |
#if defined(__x86_64__) |
# include <cpuid.h> |
#endif |
#include <sched.h> |
#include <unistd.h> |
#include <sys/ioctl.h> |
#include <sys/syscall.h> |
#include <linux/perf_event.h> |
#include <assert.h> |
MiniPerfResult MiniPerf(MiniPerfFun* Fun, void* Arg) |
{ |
MiniPerfResult Result = { 0 }; |
int CounterCount = 0; |
#if defined(__x86_64__) |
{ |
int eax, ebx, ecx, edx; |
__cpuid(0, eax, ebx, ecx, edx); |
if (ecx == signature_INTEL_ecx) |
{ |
__cpuid(0xa, eax, ebx, ecx, edx); |
CounterCount = (eax >> 8) & 0xff; |
} |
else if (ecx == signature_AMD_ecx) |
{ |
__cpuid(0x80000001, eax, ebx, ecx, edx); |
CounterCount = ((eax >> 23) & 1) ? 6 : 0; |
} |
else |
{ |
assert(!"Unknown CPU"); |
return Result; |
} |
} |
#else |
CounterCount = MP_COUNT; // TODO: is it possible to get this value on armv8 at runtime? |
#endif |
static const uint32_t PerfConfig[MP_COUNT][2] = |
{ |
}; |
// capture up to MP_COUNT counters |
if (CounterCount > MP_COUNT) |
{ |
CounterCount = MP_COUNT; |
} |
int PerfFile[MP_COUNT + 1] = { 0 }; |
PerfFile[0] = -1; |
// query index of current CPU core |
int CpuIndex = sched_getcpu(); |
// pin current thread to CPU core |
cpu_set_t CpuMask, CpuMaskOld; |
CPU_ZERO(&CpuMask); |
CPU_SET(CpuIndex, &CpuMask); |
sched_getaffinity(0, sizeof(CpuMaskOld), &CpuMaskOld); |
sched_setaffinity(0, sizeof(CpuMask), &CpuMask); |
int SetupFailed = 0; |
// perf syscall setup |
for (int i=0; i<CounterCount; i++) |
{ |
struct perf_event_attr PerfAttr = { 0 }; |
PerfAttr.type = PerfConfig[i][0]; |
PerfAttr.size = sizeof(PerfAttr); |
PerfAttr.config = PerfConfig[i][1]; |
PerfAttr.disabled = 1; |
PerfAttr.pinned = i == 0; |
PerfAttr.read_format = PERF_FORMAT_GROUP; |
PerfFile[i] = syscall(SYS_perf_event_open, &PerfAttr, 0, CpuIndex, PerfFile[0], 0); |
if (PerfFile[i] < 0) |
{ |
// errno == EACCES - no permissions |
// errno == ENOENT - counter not available |
SetupFailed = 1; |
break; |
} |
} |
if (!SetupFailed) |
{ |
// also collect context switches |
struct perf_event_attr PerfAttr = { 0 }; |
PerfAttr.type = PERF_TYPE_SOFTWARE; |
PerfAttr.size = sizeof(PerfAttr); |
PerfAttr.disabled = 1; |
PerfAttr.read_format = PERF_FORMAT_GROUP; |
PerfFile[CounterCount] = syscall(SYS_perf_event_open, &PerfAttr, 0, CpuIndex, PerfFile[0], 0); |
} |
struct timespec TimeStart; |
struct timespec TimeEnd; |
if (!SetupFailed) |
{ |
} |
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW, &TimeStart); |
Fun(Arg); |
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW, &TimeEnd); |
if (!SetupFailed) |
{ |
} |
// restore CPU affinity |
sched_setaffinity(0, sizeof(CpuMaskOld), &CpuMaskOld); |
// read counter values |
uint64_t Values[1+MP_COUNT+1]; |
// if this condition fails, then most likely you have not disabled NMI watchdog |
// which means perf is not able to setup all the PMU counters - during setup |
// the value pinned=1 means to read counter values only if all of them are available |
if (-1 != read(PerfFile[0], Values, sizeof(Values))) |
{ |
for (int i=0; i<CounterCount; i++) |
{ |
Result.Counters[i] = Values[1+i]; |
} |
Result.ContextSwitches = Values[1+CounterCount]; |
} |
// done with perf |
for (int i=0; i<MP_COUNT+1; i++) |
{ |
if (PerfFile[i] > 0) |
{ |
close(PerfFile[i]); |
} |
} |
Result.ElapsedTime = (TimeEnd.tv_sec - TimeStart.tv_sec) + 1e-9 * (TimeEnd.tv_nsec - TimeStart.tv_nsec); |
return Result; |
} |
#elif defined(__APPLE__) |
#include <stdint.h> |
#include <stdlib.h> |
#include <dlfcn.h> |
#include <assert.h> |
#include <pthread.h> |
#include <time.h> |
#include <sys/resource.h> |
// adapted from https://gist.github.com/ibireme/173517c208c7dc333ba962c1f0d67d12 |
typedef struct kpep_db kpep_db; |
typedef struct kpep_event kpep_event; |
typedef struct kpep_config kpep_config; |
typedef uint64_t kpc_config_t; |
#define KPC_MAX_COUNTERS 32 |
#define KPERF_FUNCS(X) \ |
X(int, kpc_force_all_ctrs_set, int value) \ |
X(int, kpc_set_config, uint32_t classes, kpc_config_t* config) \ |
X(int, kpc_set_counting, uint32_t classes) \ |
X(int, kpc_set_thread_counting, uint32_t classes) \ |
X(int, kpc_get_thread_counters, uint32_t tid, uint32_t buf_count, void* buf) \ |
#define KPERFDATA_FUNCS(X) \ |
X(int, kpep_db_create, const char *name, kpep_db** db) \ |
X(int, kpep_db_events_count, kpep_db* db, size_t* count) \ |
X(int, kpep_db_events, kpep_db* db, kpep_event** buf, size_t buf_size) \ |
X(int, kpep_db_event, kpep_db* db, const char* name, kpep_event** ev) \ |
X(int, kpep_event_name, kpep_event* ev, const char** name) \ |
X(int, kpep_event_description, kpep_event* ev, const char** desc) \ |
X(void, kpep_db_free, kpep_db* db) \ |
X(int, kpep_config_create, kpep_db* db, kpep_config** config) \ |
X(int, kpep_config_force_counters, kpep_config* cfg) \ |
X(int, kpep_config_add_event, kpep_config* cfg, kpep_event** ev, uint32_t flag, uint32_t* err) \ |
X(int, kpep_config_kpc_classes, kpep_config* cfg, uint32_t* classes) \ |
X(int, kpep_config_kpc_count, kpep_config* cfg, size_t* count) \ |
X(int, kpep_config_kpc_map, kpep_config* cfg, void* buf, size_t buf_size) \ |
X(int, kpep_config_kpc, kpep_config* cfg, kpc_config_t* buf, size_t buf_size) \ |
X(void, kpep_config_free, kpep_config *cfg) |
#define X(ret, name, ...) static ret (*name)(__VA_ARGS__); |
#undef X |
MiniPerfResult MiniPerf(MiniPerfFun* Fun, void* Arg) |
{ |
MiniPerfResult Result = { 0 }; |
static uint32_t CounterClasses; |
static size_t CounterRegCount; |
static size_t CounterMap[KPC_MAX_COUNTERS]; |
static kpc_config_t CounterRegs[KPC_MAX_COUNTERS]; |
int ret; |
static int Init; |
if (!Init) |
{ |
void* KPerf = dlopen("/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/kperf.framework/kperf", RTLD_LAZY); |
assert(KPerf); |
#define X(ret, name, ...) name = dlsym(KPerf, #name); assert(name); |
#undef X |
void* KPerfData = dlopen("/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/kperfdata.framework/kperfdata", RTLD_LAZY); |
assert(KPerfData); |
#define X(ret, name, ...) name = dlsym(KPerfData, #name); assert(name); |
#undef X |
kpep_db* KpepDb; |
kpep_config* KpepConfig; |
ret = kpep_db_create(NULL, &KpepDb); assert(!ret && "kpep_db_create failed"); |
ret = kpep_config_create(KpepDb, &KpepConfig); assert(!ret && "kpep_config_create failed"); |
ret = kpep_config_force_counters(KpepConfig); assert(!ret && "kpep_config_force_counters failed"); |
#if 0 // dump all available events |
size_t Count; |
kpep_db_events_count(KpepDb, &Count); |
kpep_event** Events = (kpep_event**)calloc(sizeof(*Events), Count); |
kpep_db_events(KpepDb, Events, Count * sizeof(*Events)); |
for (size_t i=0; i<Count; i++) |
{ |
const char* Name; |
const char* Desc; |
kpep_event_name(Events[i], &Name); |
kpep_event_description(Events[i], &Desc); |
printf("%-35s %s\n", Name, Desc); |
} |
free(Events); |
#endif |
static const char* EventNames[][3] = |
{ |
{ "FIXED_INSTRUCTIONS", "INST_RETIRED.ANY", 0 }, // instructions |
{ "INST_BRANCH", "BR_INST_RETIRED.ALL_BRANCHES", 0 }, // branch-count |
}; |
for (size_t e=0; e<sizeof(EventNames)/sizeof(EventNames[0]); e++) |
{ |
for (size_t n=0; n<sizeof(EventNames[0])/sizeof(EventNames[0][0]); n++) |
{ |
kpep_event* Event; |
if (EventNames[e][n] && kpep_db_event(KpepDb, EventNames[e][n], &Event) == 0) |
{ |
const int UserSpaceOnly = 1; |
ret = kpep_config_add_event(KpepConfig, &Event, UserSpaceOnly, NULL); |
assert(!ret && "kpep_config_add_event failed"); |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
ret = kpep_config_kpc_classes(KpepConfig, &CounterClasses); assert(!ret && "kpep_config_kpc_classes failed"); |
ret = kpep_config_kpc_count(KpepConfig, &CounterRegCount); assert(!ret && "kpep_config_kpc_count failed"); |
ret = kpep_config_kpc_map(KpepConfig, CounterMap, sizeof(CounterMap)); assert(!ret && "kpep_config_kpc_map failed"); |
ret = kpep_config_kpc(KpepConfig, CounterRegs, sizeof(CounterRegs)); assert(!ret && "kpep_config_kpc failed"); |
kpep_config_free(KpepConfig); |
kpep_db_free(KpepDb); |
Init = 1; |
} |
qos_class_t ThreadClass; |
int ThreadPriority; |
pthread_get_qos_class_np(pthread_self(), &ThreadClass, &ThreadPriority); |
const int UseHighPerfCores = 1; |
pthread_set_qos_class_self_np(UseHighPerfCores ? QOS_CLASS_USER_INTERACTIVE : QOS_CLASS_BACKGROUND, ThreadPriority); |
int CountersEnabled = kpc_force_all_ctrs_set(1); |
if (CountersEnabled == 0) |
{ |
if ((CounterClasses & KPC_CLASS_CONFIGURABLE_MASK) && CounterRegCount) |
{ |
ret = kpc_set_config(CounterClasses, CounterRegs); |
assert(!ret && "kpc_set_config failed"); |
} |
ret = kpc_set_counting(CounterClasses); |
assert(!ret && "kpc_set_counting failed"); |
ret = kpc_set_thread_counting(CounterClasses); |
assert(!ret && "kpc_set_thread_counting failed"); |
} |
struct rusage UsageStart; |
getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &UsageStart); |
uint64_t CountersStart[KPC_MAX_COUNTERS] = { 0 }; |
if (CountersEnabled == 0) |
{ |
ret = kpc_get_thread_counters(0, KPC_MAX_COUNTERS, CountersStart); |
assert(!ret && "kpc_get_thread_counters failed"); |
} |
struct timespec TimeStart; |
struct timespec TimeEnd; |
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW, &TimeStart); |
Fun(Arg); |
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW, &TimeEnd); |
uint64_t CountersEnd[KPC_MAX_COUNTERS] = { 0 }; |
if (CountersEnabled == 0) |
{ |
ret = kpc_get_thread_counters(0, KPC_MAX_COUNTERS, CountersEnd); |
assert(!ret && "kpc_get_thread_counters failed"); |
} |
struct rusage UsageEnd; |
getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &UsageEnd); |
if (CountersEnabled == 0) |
{ |
kpc_set_thread_counting(0); |
kpc_set_counting(0); |
kpc_force_all_ctrs_set(0); |
} |
pthread_set_qos_class_self_np(ThreadClass, ThreadPriority); |
for (size_t i=0; i<MP_COUNT; i++) |
{ |
size_t Index = CounterMap[i]; |
Result.Counters[i] = CountersEnd[Index] - CountersStart[Index]; |
} |
Result.ElapsedTime = (TimeEnd.tv_sec - TimeStart.tv_sec) + 1e-9 * (TimeEnd.tv_nsec - TimeStart.tv_nsec); |
Result.ContextSwitches = UsageEnd.ru_nvcsw + UsageEnd.ru_nivcsw - UsageStart.ru_nvcsw - UsageStart.ru_nivcsw; |
return Result; |
} |
#endif |
WINVER probably depends on which compiler/sdk you have. I usually compile with latest VS 2022, that's why I have not seen issues with this.
I do not really want to turn this into anything more than it is now. It will never be perf replacement, so I just want to leave it for benchmarking simple function call.
Adding capture of external process would not be a big deal - just need to monitor process create/exit etw events and from that you'll know which threads to capture. I have done that couple of times. But again, all of that into a very different tool that this simple api example.
If anything, you should contribute to Casey's pmctrace which is more of a standalone program: https://github.com/cmuratori/pmctrace
As for context switch monitoring - that's just for better accuracy. Technically you should do that with perf too. It's just more code to write - need to map perf pages to capture context switch events into ringbuffer. Not sure if you can emit custom events with PMU counters into captured ringbuffer data, but you can always request user-space access to rdpmc and then read the counters directly in code without perf syscall involvement. But then the counter setup numbers depend on CPU you use... much much more code to write. But it would be better - way lower overhead because it would work without syscall overhead.
WSL2 perf counters were working for me in even in Win10. It just really depends on which CPU you have and which motherboard & BIOS settings you have.