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Created September 7, 2012 23:25
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Save mmparker/3670696 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Table-driven plot in d3.js

Best viewed in its own window (because I haven't set up the CSS properly yet).

This is a report to enable my clinicians to easily review clinic statistics at will. Click on rows in the table to plot that statistic; click again to remove it from the plot.

Very much a work in progress, so please feel free to heap on the feedback!

Built with the rampantly awesome D3.js.

// This function builds a line plot on the g.#lineplot built by setupPlot.js
// It creates a line for each row selected in the associated MultiTable.
var drawLinePlot = function(stats, height, width, margin,
transDur, reportStats) {
// Make a list of the selected statistics
var statsToPlot = [];
.each(function(d) { statsToPlot.push(d.key); });
// If the function is run without any stats chosen, remove any
// existing lines and their g elements
if(statsToPlot.length < 1) {
.style("opacity", 1e-6)
// Subset to the chosen data
var plotdata = stats.filter(function(d) {
return (statsToPlot.indexOf(d.stat_name) > -1)
// Nest each statistic's data in its own object
var nested = d3.nest()
.key(function(d) { return d.stat_name; })
// Set up the x-scale
var xScale = d3.scale.linear()
.key(function(d) { return d.datestring; })
.range([0, width - margin.left - margin.right])
// Set up the y-scale
var yScale = d3.scale.linear()
.domain([0, d3.max(plotdata, function(d) { return d.qtr_result; })])
.range([height - - margin.bottom, 0])
// Set up the x-axis
var xAxis = d3.svg.axis()
// Set up the y-axis
var yAxis = d3.svg.axis()
// Set up a scale function for coloring the paths
var colorScale = d3.scale.category10();
var colorStat = {};
for(i = 0; i < reportStats.length; i++) {
colorStat[reportStats[i]] = colorScale(i);
// Create a line generator
var generateLine = d3.svg.line()
.x(function(d, i) { return xScale(i); })
.y(function(d) { return yScale(d.qtr_result); })
// Create a second line generator for transitioning lines -
// this gives them a starting and ending place on the axis
var generateNullLine = d3.svg.line()
.x(function(d, i) { return xScale(i); })
.y(function() { return yScale(0); })
// Find the g.#lineplot element - build the plot on this
var lineplot ="#lineplot");
// Set up a transition function to keep things DRY
var transit = lineplot.transition().duration(transDur);
// Each statistic should have a group for its plot elements
// function(d)... lets d3 key the groups based on which statistic
// they contain, so that the correct statistics and entered and exited
// (as opposed to unkeyed joins, which only use the data's array index
var lineGroups = lineplot.selectAll("g.line")
.data(nested, function(d) { return d.key; });
// Add the paths
.attr("class", "line")
.style("opacity", 1e-6)
.attr("class", "line")
.attr("d", function(d) { return generateNullLine(d.values); })
.style("stroke", function(d) { return colorStat[d.key]; })
.style("opacity", 1)
.attr("d", function(d) { return generateLine(d.values); })
// .style("stroke", function(d) { return colorStat[d.key]; })
// Transition deselected paths out
.attr("d", function(d) { return generateNullLine(d.values); })
// Remove deselected g elements, too
// Transition the remaining paths
.attr("d", function(d) { return generateLine(d.values); });
// Add or transition the x-axis
if(!xAxisGroup) {
xAxisGroup = lineplot.append("g")
.attr("class", "x axis")
.attr("transform", "translate(0, " + yScale.range()[0] + ")")
else {"g.x.axis").call(xAxis)
// Add or transition the y-axis
if(!yAxisGroup) {
yAxisGroup = lineplot.append("g")
.attr("class", "y axis")
.attr("transform", "translate(" + xScale.range()[1] + ", 0)")
else {"g.y.axis").call(yAxis)
<title>Quarterly Report to the City and County of Denver</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="makeMultiTable.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="setupPlot.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="drawLinePlot.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="toggleStat.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="load_qtrly_stats.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="line_plot.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="table.css" />
<div id="table"></div>
<div id="plot"></div>
path.line {
fill: none;
stroke: #000;
stroke-width: 3px;
.axis {
shape-rendering: crispEdges;
.x.axis line, .x.axis path,
.y.axis line, .y.axis path {
fill: none;
stroke: #000;
// Define dimensions of the plot
var margin = {top: 120, right: 60, bottom: 60, left: 180};
var height = 500;
var width = 960;
// Define the transition duration
var transDur = 500;
// Set up a global variable for the names of the stats reported here
// (in hopes of making it easier to keep line colors consistent
var reportStats = [];
var stats;
// Load in the CRD quarterly stats table
d3.csv("qtr_stats.csv", function(crd) {
// Format the variables as neeeded
crd.forEach(function(d) {
d.stat_year = +d.stat_year;
d.stat_qtr = +d.stat_qtr;
d.datestring = d.stat_year + " Q" + d.stat_qtr;
d.qtr_result = +d.qtr_result;
// Subset to two sets of stats:
// 1. Active Cases Reported for all metro residents and, separately,
// just Denver residents.
// 2. Active and latent tx starts and visits, for everyone
var other_stats = ["Active Therapy Starts", "LTBI Therapy Starts",
var qtrly = crd.filter(function(d) {
return (d.stat_name == "Active Cases Reported" &&
d.pt_group == "County of Residence: Denver") ||
((other_stats.indexOf(d.stat_name) > -1) &&
d.pt_group == "All Patients")
; });
// Assign the data outside of the function for later use
stats = qtrly;
// Load the initial stats table
// Make a vector for all of the stats, so that plot attributes can be
// kept consistent - probably a better way to do this.
d3.selectAll("tbody tr")
.each(function(d) { reportStats.push(d.key); });
// Setup the line plot
setupPlot(height, width, margin);
// This function creates a table with a row for each statistic in a flat data
// object and a column for each time period in the data object.
var makeMultiTable = function(stats) {
// Set up the column names
// One set for the year supercolumns
var yrCols = d3.nest()
.key(function(d) { return d.stat_year; })
.rollup(function(d) { return d.length; })
.entries(stats.filter(function(d) { return d.stat_name == "Visits"; }));
// And one for the quarter columns
var qtrCols = d3.keys(
.key(function(d) { return d.datestring; })
// Add an empty column for the statistic name
// Nest data within each statistic
var aggstats = d3.nest()
.key(function(d) { return d.stat_name; })
// Create the table
var table ="#table").append("table");
var thead = table.append("thead");
var tbody = table.append("tbody");
// Append the year headers
.text(function(d) { return d.key; })
.attr("colspan", function(d) { return d.values; })
// Append the quarter headers
.text(function(column) { return column.substr(4, 6); })
// Bind each statistic to a line of the table
var rows = tbody.selectAll("tr")
.attr("rowstat", function(d) { return d.key; })
.attr("chosen", false)
.attr("onclick", function(d) {
return "toggleStat('" + d.key + "')"; })
// Add statistic names to each row
var stat_cells = rows.append("td")
.text(function(d) { return d.key; })
.attr("class", "rowkey")
// Fill in the cells. The data -> d.values pulls the value arrays from
// the data assigned above to each row.
// The unshift crap bumps the data cells over one - otherwise, the first
// result value falls under the statistic labels.
var res_cells = rows.selectAll("td")
.data(function(d) {
var x = d.values;
x.unshift({ qtr_result: ""} );
return x; })
.text(function(d) { return d3.format(",d")(d.qtr_result); })
We can't make this file beautiful and searchable because it's too large.
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2008,"All Patients",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2008,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2008,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2008,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2008,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2008,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2008,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2008,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2008,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2008,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2008,"All Patients",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2008,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2008,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2008,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2008,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2008,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2008,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2008,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2008,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2008,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2008,"All Patients",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2008,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2008,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2008,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2008,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2008,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2008,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2008,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2008,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2008,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",4,2008,"All Patients",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",4,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",4,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",4,2008,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",4,2008,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",4,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",4,2008,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",4,2008,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",4,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",4,2008,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",4,2008,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",4,2008,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",4,2008,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",4,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",4,2008,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2009,"All Patients",8.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2009,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2009,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",5.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2009,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2009,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",3.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2009,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2009,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2009,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2009,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",8.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2009,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2009,"All Patients",16.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",2.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",4.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2009,"County of Residence: Boulder",1.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2009,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",5.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2009,"County of Residence: Douglas",1.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2009,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",2.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2009,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2009,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2009,"County of Residence: Out of State",1.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2009,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",9.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2009,"Tri-County Resident",7.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2009,"All Patients",11.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",2.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2009,"County of Residence: Boulder",1.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2009,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",4.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2009,"County of Residence: Douglas",1.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2009,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",1.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2009,"County of Residence: Larimer",1.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2009,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2009,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2009,"County of Residence: Weld",1.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",8.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2009,"Tri-County Resident",3.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",4,2009,"All Patients",25.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",4,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",4.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",4,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",4.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",4,2009,"County of Residence: Boulder",2.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",4,2009,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",4,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",8.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",4,2009,"County of Residence: Douglas",2.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",4,2009,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",4,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",3.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",4,2009,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",4,2009,"County of Residence: Morgan",1.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",4,2009,"County of Residence: Out of State",1.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",4,2009,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",4,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",15.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",4,2009,"Tri-County Resident",10.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2010,"All Patients",4.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",1.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2010,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2010,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",2.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2010,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2010,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",1.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2010,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2010,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2010,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2010,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",3.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2010,"Tri-County Resident",1.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2010,"All Patients",12.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",3.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",2.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2010,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2010,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",4.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2010,"County of Residence: Douglas",1.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2010,"County of Residence: El Paso",1.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2010,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2010,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2010,"County of Residence: Out of State",1.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2010,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",6.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2010,"Tri-County Resident",6.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2010,"All Patients",8.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",1.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",3.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2010,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2010,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",4.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2010,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2010,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2010,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2010,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2010,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2010,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",4.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2010,"Tri-County Resident",4.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",4,2010,"All Patients",25.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",4,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",1.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",4,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",10.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",4,2010,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",4,2010,"County of Residence: Broomfield",1.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",4,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",13.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",4,2010,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",4,2010,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",4,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",4,2010,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",4,2010,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",4,2010,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",4,2010,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",4,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",14.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",4,2010,"Tri-County Resident",11.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2011,"All Patients",8.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",1.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",1.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2011,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2011,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",6.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2011,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2011,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2011,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2011,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2011,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2011,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",6.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2011,"Tri-County Resident",2.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2011,"All Patients",16.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",2.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",2.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2011,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2011,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",8.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2011,"County of Residence: Douglas",1.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2011,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",1.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2011,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2011,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2011,"County of Residence: Out of State",1.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2011,"County of Residence: Weld",1.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",11.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2011,"Tri-County Resident",5.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2011,"All Patients",14.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",5.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2011,"County of Residence: Boulder",3.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2011,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",4.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2011,"County of Residence: Douglas",1.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2011,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",1.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2011,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2011,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2011,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2011,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",8.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2011,"Tri-County Resident",6.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",4,2011,"All Patients",15.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",4,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",2.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",4,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",2.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",4,2011,"County of Residence: Boulder",2.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",4,2011,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",4,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",4.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",4,2011,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",4,2011,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",4,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",4.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",4,2011,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",4,2011,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",4,2011,"County of Residence: Out of State",1.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",4,2011,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",4,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",11.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",4,2011,"Tri-County Resident",4.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2012,"All Patients",10.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2012,"County of Residence: Adams",3.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2012,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",3.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2012,"County of Residence: Boulder",2.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2012,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2012,"County of Residence: Denver",2.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2012,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2012,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2012,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2012,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2012,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2012,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2012,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2012,"Not a Tri-County Resident",4.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",1,2012,"Tri-County Resident",6.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2012,"All Patients",15.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2012,"County of Residence: Adams",2.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2012,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",6.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2012,"County of Residence: Boulder",2.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2012,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2012,"County of Residence: Denver",3.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2012,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2012,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2012,"County of Residence: Jefferson",1.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2012,"County of Residence: Larimer",1.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2012,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2012,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2012,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2012,"Not a Tri-County Resident",7.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",2,2012,"Tri-County Resident",8.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2012,"All Patients",2.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2012,"County of Residence: Adams",1.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2012,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2012,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2012,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2012,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2012,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2012,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2012,"County of Residence: Jefferson",1.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2012,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2012,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2012,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2012,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2012,"Not a Tri-County Resident",1.00
"Active Cases Reported","New active cases reported in one of the seven TBC-covered metro counties",3,2012,"Tri-County Resident",1.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",1,2008,"All Patients",24.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",5.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",2.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Boulder",2.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",11.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Douglas",1.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",3.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",1,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",16.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",1,2008,"Tri-County Resident",8.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",2,2008,"All Patients",17.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",2.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",5.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Boulder",2.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",6.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Douglas",1.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Weld",1.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",2,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",9.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",2,2008,"Tri-County Resident",8.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",3,2008,"All Patients",15.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",4.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",3.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Boulder",2.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",2.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",4.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",3,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",8.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",3,2008,"Tri-County Resident",7.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",4,2008,"All Patients",16.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",1.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",4.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Boulder",1.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",6.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",3.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Out of State",1.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",4,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",11.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",4,2008,"Tri-County Resident",5.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",1,2009,"All Patients",9.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",2.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Boulder",1.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",3.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",3.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",1,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",7.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",1,2009,"Tri-County Resident",2.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",2,2009,"All Patients",13.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",1.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",5.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",4.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Douglas",1.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",1.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Out of State",1.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",2,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",6.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",2,2009,"Tri-County Resident",7.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",3,2009,"All Patients",9.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",1.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",1.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Boulder",1.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",5.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Larimer",1.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",3,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",7.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",3,2009,"Tri-County Resident",2.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",4,2009,"All Patients",16.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",2.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",2.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Boulder",3.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",7.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",2.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",4,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",12.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",4,2009,"Tri-County Resident",4.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",1,2010,"All Patients",4.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",1.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",1.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Boulder",1.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",1.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",1,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",2.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",1,2010,"Tri-County Resident",2.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",2,2010,"All Patients",7.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",1.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",4.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",1.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Unknown",1.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",2,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",1.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",2,2010,"Tri-County Resident",5.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",3,2010,"All Patients",13.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",2.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",5.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Boulder",1.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",5.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",3,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",6.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",3,2010,"Tri-County Resident",7.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",4,2010,"All Patients",17.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",1.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",5.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Boulder",1.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Broomfield",1.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",8.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Douglas",1.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",4,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",10.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",4,2010,"Tri-County Resident",7.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",1,2011,"All Patients",10.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",1.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",3.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Boulder",1.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",4.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Unknown",1.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",1,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",5.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",1,2011,"Tri-County Resident",4.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",2,2011,"All Patients",17.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",3.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",1.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Boulder",1.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",6.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Douglas",2.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",3.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Out of State",1.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",2,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",11.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",2,2011,"Tri-County Resident",6.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",3,2011,"All Patients",16.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",5.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",4.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Boulder",1.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",6.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",3,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",7.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",3,2011,"Tri-County Resident",9.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",4,2011,"All Patients",9.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",2.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",2.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Boulder",1.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",1.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",3.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",4,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",5.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",4,2011,"Tri-County Resident",4.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",1,2012,"All Patients",11.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Adams",1.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",2.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Boulder",2.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Denver",5.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Douglas",1.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",1,2012,"Not a Tri-County Resident",7.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",1,2012,"Tri-County Resident",4.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",2,2012,"All Patients",1.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Denver",1.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",2,2012,"Not a Tri-County Resident",1.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",2,2012,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",3,2012,"All Patients",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",3,2012,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Active Therapy Completions","Patients completing therapy for active TB disease.",3,2012,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2008,"All Patients",30.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",6.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Alamosa",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",2.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Boulder",3.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",14.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Douglas",1.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2008,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",4.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",21.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2008,"Tri-County Resident",9.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2008,"All Patients",32.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",3.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Alamosa",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",7.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Boulder",4.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",10.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Douglas",2.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2008,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",5.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Weld",1.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",20.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2008,"Tri-County Resident",12.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2008,"All Patients",36.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",9.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Alamosa",1.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",4.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Boulder",3.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",11.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Douglas",1.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Eagle",1.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2008,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",5.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Weld",1.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",22.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2008,"Tri-County Resident",14.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2008,"All Patients",25.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",2.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Alamosa",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",6.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Boulder",2.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",1.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",8.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2008,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",3.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Out of State",3.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",17.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2008,"Tri-County Resident",8.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2009,"All Patients",16.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",1.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Alamosa",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",2.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Boulder",1.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",8.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2009,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",4.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",13.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2009,"Tri-County Resident",3.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2009,"All Patients",24.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",2.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Alamosa",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",9.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Boulder",1.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",6.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Douglas",1.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2009,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",1.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Out of State",2.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Weld",2.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",12.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2009,"Tri-County Resident",12.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2009,"All Patients",21.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",5.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Alamosa",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",2.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Boulder",1.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",9.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Douglas",1.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2009,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",1.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Larimer",1.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Morgan",1.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",13.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2009,"Tri-County Resident",8.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2009,"All Patients",29.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",4.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Alamosa",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",4.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Boulder",4.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",11.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Douglas",1.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2009,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",4.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Out of State",1.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",20.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2009,"Tri-County Resident",9.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2010,"All Patients",12.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",2.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Alamosa",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",2.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Boulder",1.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",4.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Douglas",1.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2010,"County of Residence: El Paso",1.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Out of State",1.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",7.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2010,"Tri-County Resident",5.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2010,"All Patients",20.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",4.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Alamosa",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",6.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",6.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Douglas",2.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2010,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",1.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Unknown",1.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",7.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2010,"Tri-County Resident",12.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2010,"All Patients",18.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",3.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Alamosa",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",6.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Boulder",1.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",8.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2010,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",9.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2010,"Tri-County Resident",9.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2010,"All Patients",32.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",2.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Alamosa",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",8.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Boulder",1.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Broomfield",1.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",18.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Douglas",1.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2010,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Unknown",1.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",20.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2010,"Tri-County Resident",11.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2011,"All Patients",15.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",1.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Alamosa",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",7.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Boulder",1.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",4.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2011,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",1.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Unknown",1.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",6.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2011,"Tri-County Resident",8.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2011,"All Patients",28.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",6.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Alamosa",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",2.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Boulder",1.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",12.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Douglas",2.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2011,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",3.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Out of State",1.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Weld",1.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",18.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2011,"Tri-County Resident",10.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2011,"All Patients",23.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",7.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Alamosa",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",6.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Boulder",2.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",7.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2011,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Out of State",1.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",10.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2011,"Tri-County Resident",13.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2011,"All Patients",22.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",3.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Alamosa",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",3.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Boulder",4.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",5.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Douglas",1.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2011,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",6.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",15.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",4,2011,"Tri-County Resident",7.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2012,"All Patients",27.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Adams",4.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Alamosa",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",7.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Boulder",5.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Denver",9.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Douglas",1.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2012,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Jefferson",1.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2012,"Not a Tri-County Resident",15.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",1,2012,"Tri-County Resident",12.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2012,"All Patients",15.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Adams",2.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Alamosa",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",2.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Boulder",2.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Denver",6.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2012,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Jefferson",2.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Larimer",1.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2012,"Not a Tri-County Resident",11.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",2,2012,"Tri-County Resident",4.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2012,"All Patients",3.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Alamosa",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Denver",3.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2012,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2012,"Not a Tri-County Resident",3.00
"Active Therapy Starts","Patients starting therapy for active TB disease.",3,2012,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2008,"All Patients",168.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",16.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",53.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Archuleta",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Boulder",5.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",75.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Douglas",4.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2008,"County of Residence: El Paso",1.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Elbert",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Gunnison",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",11.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Lake",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Montrose",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Out of State",2.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Weld",1.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",95.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2008,"Tri-County Resident",73.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2008,"All Patients",204.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",23.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",48.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Archuleta",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Boulder",4.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Broomfield",3.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",97.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Douglas",9.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2008,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Elbert",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Gunnison",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",18.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Lake",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Montrose",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Weld",2.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",124.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2008,"Tri-County Resident",80.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2008,"All Patients",233.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",39.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",69.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Archuleta",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Boulder",2.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Broomfield",2.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",93.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Douglas",5.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2008,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Elbert",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Gunnison",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",20.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Lake",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Montrose",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Weld",3.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",120.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2008,"Tri-County Resident",113.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2008,"All Patients",208.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",32.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",47.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Archuleta",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Boulder",3.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",1.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Delta",1.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",110.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Douglas",1.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2008,"County of Residence: El Paso",1.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Elbert",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Gunnison",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",8.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Lake",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Montrose",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Out of State",2.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Weld",2.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",128.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2008,"Tri-County Resident",80.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2009,"All Patients",204.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",26.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",51.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Archuleta",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Boulder",1.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Broomfield",1.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",105.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Douglas",5.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2009,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Elbert",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Gunnison",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",14.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Lake",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Montrose",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Weld",1.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",122.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2009,"Tri-County Resident",82.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2009,"All Patients",170.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",14.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",49.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Archuleta",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Boulder",1.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",84.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Douglas",12.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2009,"County of Residence: El Paso",1.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Elbert",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Gunnison",1.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",6.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Lake",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Montrose",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Morgan",2.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",95.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2009,"Tri-County Resident",75.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2009,"All Patients",212.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",24.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",33.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Archuleta",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Boulder",6.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",134.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Douglas",1.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2009,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Elbert",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Gunnison",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",13.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Lake",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Montrose",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Weld",1.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",154.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2009,"Tri-County Resident",58.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2009,"All Patients",145.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",23.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",20.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Archuleta",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Boulder",4.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Broomfield",6.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",78.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Douglas",2.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2009,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Elbert",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Gunnison",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",9.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Lake",1.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Montrose",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Weld",2.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",100.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2009,"Tri-County Resident",45.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2010,"All Patients",145.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",22.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",31.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Archuleta",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Boulder",3.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Broomfield",3.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",72.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2010,"County of Residence: El Paso",1.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Elbert",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Gunnison",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",12.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Lake",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Montrose",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Morgan",1.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",92.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2010,"Tri-County Resident",53.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2010,"All Patients",157.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",16.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",51.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Archuleta",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Boulder",3.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Broomfield",1.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",76.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Douglas",3.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2010,"County of Residence: El Paso",1.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Elbert",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Gunnison",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",5.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Lake",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Montrose",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Out of State",1.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",87.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2010,"Tri-County Resident",70.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2010,"All Patients",229.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",39.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",67.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Archuleta",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Boulder",4.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Broomfield",1.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Delta",1.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",109.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2010,"County of Residence: El Paso",1.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Elbert",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Gunnison",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",5.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Lake",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Montrose",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Morgan",1.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Out of State",1.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",123.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2010,"Tri-County Resident",106.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2010,"All Patients",167.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",27.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",50.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Archuleta",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Boulder",3.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",81.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Douglas",4.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2010,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Elbert",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Gunnison",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",2.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Lake",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Montrose",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",86.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2010,"Tri-County Resident",81.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2011,"All Patients",164.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",37.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",36.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Archuleta",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Boulder",5.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",75.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Douglas",1.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2011,"County of Residence: El Paso",1.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Elbert",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Gunnison",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",7.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Lake",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Montrose",1.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Pueblo",1.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",90.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2011,"Tri-County Resident",74.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2011,"All Patients",195.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",28.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",54.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Archuleta",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Boulder",7.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Broomfield",1.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",80.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Douglas",10.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2011,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Elbert",1.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Gunnison",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",11.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Lake",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Montrose",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Weld",3.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",103.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2011,"Tri-County Resident",92.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2011,"All Patients",163.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",30.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",49.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Archuleta",1.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Boulder",4.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Delta",1.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",60.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Douglas",4.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2011,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Elbert",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Gunnison",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",12.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Lake",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Montrose",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Out of State",1.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Weld",1.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",80.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2011,"Tri-County Resident",83.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2011,"All Patients",173.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",40.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",51.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Archuleta",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Boulder",2.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",64.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Douglas",3.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2011,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Elbert",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Gunnison",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",9.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Lake",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Larimer",1.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Montrose",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Morgan",2.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Out of State",1.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",79.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",4,2011,"Tri-County Resident",94.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2012,"All Patients",343.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Adams",44.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",54.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Archuleta",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Boulder",154.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Broomfield",1.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Denver",68.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Douglas",2.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2012,"County of Residence: El Paso",1.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Elbert",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Gunnison",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Jefferson",10.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Lake",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Larimer",3.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Montrose",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Morgan",1.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Weld",5.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2012,"Not a Tri-County Resident",243.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",1,2012,"Tri-County Resident",100.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2012,"All Patients",263.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Adams",74.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",69.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Archuleta",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Boulder",13.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Broomfield",3.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Denver",84.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Douglas",4.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2012,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Elbert",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Gunnison",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Jefferson",14.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Lake",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Montrose",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Morgan",1.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Weld",1.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2012,"Not a Tri-County Resident",116.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",2,2012,"Tri-County Resident",147.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2012,"All Patients",54.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Adams",13.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",10.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Archuleta",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Boulder",3.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Denver",23.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Douglas",1.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2012,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Elbert",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Gunnison",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Jefferson",4.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Lake",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Montrose",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2012,"Not a Tri-County Resident",30.00
"Continuing LTBI Therapy","Patients continuing therapy for latent TB infections from the previous quarter.",3,2012,"Tri-County Resident",24.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"All Patients",24.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",4.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",5.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",10.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Douglas",3.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",2.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",12.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"Tri-County Resident",12.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"All Patients",31.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",4.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",5.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Boulder",2.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",13.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Douglas",1.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",1.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Logan",1.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Out of State",1.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Unknown",3.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",18.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"Tri-County Resident",10.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"All Patients",21.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",5.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",4.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Boulder",2.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",8.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Eagle",1.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",1.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",12.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"Tri-County Resident",9.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"All Patients",23.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",2.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",5.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Boulder",1.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",12.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",2.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Out of State",1.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",16.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"Tri-County Resident",7.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"All Patients",21.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",3.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",1.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",14.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",3.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",17.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"Tri-County Resident",4.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"All Patients",19.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",2.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",4.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",9.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Douglas",1.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",2.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Out of State",1.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",12.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"Tri-County Resident",7.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"All Patients",22.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",1.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",4.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",14.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Douglas",1.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",1.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Out of State",1.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",16.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"Tri-County Resident",6.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"All Patients",12.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",1.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",1.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Boulder",3.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",3.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Douglas",1.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",2.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Out of State",1.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",9.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"Tri-County Resident",3.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"All Patients",18.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",3.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",4.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",8.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",2.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Out of State",1.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",11.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"Tri-County Resident",7.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"All Patients",14.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",4.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",3.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",6.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",1.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",7.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"Tri-County Resident",7.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"All Patients",14.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",1.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",4.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",8.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",1.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",9.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"Tri-County Resident",5.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"All Patients",21.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",4.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",3.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Broomfield",1.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",12.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",1.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",14.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"Tri-County Resident",7.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"All Patients",17.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",1.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",5.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Boulder",1.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",9.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",1.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",11.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"Tri-County Resident",6.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"All Patients",13.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",3.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",7.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Douglas",1.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",1.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Out of State",1.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",9.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"Tri-County Resident",4.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"All Patients",16.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",5.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",1.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Boulder",1.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",6.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",1.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Morgan",1.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Unknown",1.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",9.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"Tri-County Resident",6.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"All Patients",14.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",2.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",2.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Boulder",1.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",6.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: El Paso",1.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",1.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Unknown",1.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",9.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"Tri-County Resident",4.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"All Patients",16.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Adams",1.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",7.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Boulder",2.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Denver",5.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Jefferson",1.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"Not a Tri-County Resident",8.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"Tri-County Resident",8.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"All Patients",16.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Adams",1.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",5.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Denver",9.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Jefferson",1.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"Not a Tri-County Resident",10.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"Tri-County Resident",6.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"All Patients",1.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Denver",1.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"Not a Tri-County Resident",1.00
"Culture-Positive Individuals","Individuals with one or more positive culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"All Patients",33.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",6.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",5.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",16.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Douglas",4.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",2.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",18.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"Tri-County Resident",15.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"All Patients",68.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",8.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",14.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Boulder",3.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",29.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Douglas",6.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",1.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Logan",3.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Out of State",1.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Unknown",3.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",37.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"Tri-County Resident",28.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"All Patients",37.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",11.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",5.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Boulder",6.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",13.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Eagle",1.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",1.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",21.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"Tri-County Resident",16.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"All Patients",40.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",2.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",12.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Boulder",1.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",20.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",4.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Out of State",1.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",26.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"Tri-County Resident",14.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"All Patients",28.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",2.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",4.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",17.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",5.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",22.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"Tri-County Resident",6.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"All Patients",36.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",5.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",7.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",11.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Douglas",2.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",8.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Out of State",3.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",22.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"Tri-County Resident",14.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"All Patients",52.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",3.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",8.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",35.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Douglas",1.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",4.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Out of State",1.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",40.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"Tri-County Resident",12.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"All Patients",37.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",7.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",3.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Boulder",9.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",9.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Douglas",1.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",7.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Out of State",1.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",26.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"Tri-County Resident",11.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"All Patients",28.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",6.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",4.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",14.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",2.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Out of State",2.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",18.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"Tri-County Resident",10.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"All Patients",27.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",9.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",5.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",7.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",1.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Out of State",5.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",13.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"Tri-County Resident",14.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"All Patients",21.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",4.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",5.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",11.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",1.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",12.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"Tri-County Resident",9.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"All Patients",46.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",6.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",8.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Broomfield",3.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",28.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",1.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",32.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"Tri-County Resident",14.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"All Patients",30.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",3.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",13.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Boulder",1.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",12.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",1.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",14.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"Tri-County Resident",16.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"All Patients",34.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",5.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",4.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",18.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Douglas",2.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",3.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Out of State",2.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",23.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"Tri-County Resident",11.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"All Patients",32.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",10.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",4.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Boulder",2.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",10.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Douglas",1.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",1.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Morgan",3.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Unknown",1.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",16.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"Tri-County Resident",15.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"All Patients",26.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",3.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",5.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Boulder",2.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",11.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: El Paso",2.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",2.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Unknown",1.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",17.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"Tri-County Resident",8.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"All Patients",33.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Adams",1.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",15.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Boulder",5.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Denver",11.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Jefferson",1.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"Not a Tri-County Resident",17.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"Tri-County Resident",16.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"All Patients",27.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Adams",2.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",8.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Denver",14.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Jefferson",3.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"Not a Tri-County Resident",17.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"Tri-County Resident",10.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"All Patients",1.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Denver",1.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"Not a Tri-County Resident",1.00
"Culture-Positive Specimens","Specimens with a positive culture result - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2008,"All Patients",434.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",34.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Alamosa",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",101.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Archuleta",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Boulder",3.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Broomfield",5.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",235.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Douglas",13.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2008,"County of Residence: El Paso",1.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Elbert",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Fremont",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Grand",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",27.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2008,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Lake",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Larimer",1.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Montrose",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Out of State",4.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Routt",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Summit",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Unknown",6.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Weld",4.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",281.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2008,"Tri-County Resident",148.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2008,"All Patients",483.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",72.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Alamosa",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",130.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Archuleta",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Boulder",7.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Broomfield",3.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Delta",1.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",214.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Douglas",13.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2008,"County of Residence: El Paso",3.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Elbert",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Fremont",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Grand",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",33.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2008,"County of Residence: La Plata",1.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Lake",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Logan",1.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Montrose",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Morgan",1.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Out of State",3.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Routt",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Summit",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Unknown",1.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",267.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2008,"Tri-County Resident",215.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2008,"All Patients",488.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",77.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Alamosa",1.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",116.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Archuleta",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Boulder",2.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Broomfield",2.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",218.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Douglas",10.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2008,"County of Residence: El Paso",3.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Elbert",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Fremont",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Grand",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",48.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2008,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Lake",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Larimer",1.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Montrose",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Out of State",2.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Pueblo",1.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Routt",1.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Summit",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Unknown",1.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Weld",5.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",285.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2008,"Tri-County Resident",203.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2008,"All Patients",439.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",62.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Alamosa",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",98.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Archuleta",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Boulder",4.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",3.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Delta",1.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",235.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Douglas",11.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2008,"County of Residence: El Paso",1.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Elbert",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Fremont",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Grand",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",19.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2008,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Lake",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Montrose",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Out of State",3.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Routt",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Summit",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Weld",2.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",268.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2008,"Tri-County Resident",171.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2009,"All Patients",461.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",51.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Alamosa",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",106.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Archuleta",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Boulder",2.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Broomfield",1.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",1.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Delta",1.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",250.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Douglas",8.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2009,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Elbert",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Fremont",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Grand",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",36.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2009,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Lake",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Logan",1.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Montrose",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Out of State",2.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Routt",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Summit",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Weld",2.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",296.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2009,"Tri-County Resident",165.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2009,"All Patients",479.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",55.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Alamosa",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",119.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Archuleta",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Boulder",4.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Broomfield",4.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Delta",1.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",214.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Douglas",27.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2009,"County of Residence: El Paso",1.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Elbert",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Fremont",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Grand",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",44.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2009,"County of Residence: La Plata",1.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Lake",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Montrose",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Morgan",4.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Out of State",2.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Routt",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Summit",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Unknown",1.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Weld",2.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",277.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2009,"Tri-County Resident",201.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2009,"All Patients",418.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",34.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Alamosa",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",79.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Archuleta",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Broomfield",2.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",1.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",273.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Douglas",5.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2009,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Elbert",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Fremont",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Grand",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",18.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2009,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Lake",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Larimer",1.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Montrose",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Morgan",1.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Out of State",1.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Routt",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Summit",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Unknown",1.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Weld",2.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",299.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2009,"Tri-County Resident",118.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2009,"All Patients",288.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",31.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Alamosa",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",44.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Archuleta",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Boulder",11.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Broomfield",4.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",156.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Douglas",9.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2009,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Elbert",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Fremont",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Grand",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",27.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2009,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Lake",1.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Montrose",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Out of State",3.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Routt",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Summit",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Weld",2.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",204.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2009,"Tri-County Resident",84.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2010,"All Patients",318.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",32.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Alamosa",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",70.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Archuleta",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Boulder",6.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Broomfield",1.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",175.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Douglas",2.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2010,"County of Residence: El Paso",2.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Elbert",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Fremont",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Grand",1.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",27.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2010,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Lake",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Montrose",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Morgan",1.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Routt",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Summit",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Weld",1.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",214.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2010,"Tri-County Resident",104.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2010,"All Patients",344.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",46.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Alamosa",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",86.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Archuleta",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Boulder",6.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Broomfield",1.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",173.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Douglas",3.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2010,"County of Residence: El Paso",2.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Elbert",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Fremont",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Grand",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",23.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2010,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Lake",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Larimer",1.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Montrose",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Out of State",2.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Routt",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Summit",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Unknown",1.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",208.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2010,"Tri-County Resident",135.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2010,"All Patients",413.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",72.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Alamosa",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",105.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Archuleta",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Boulder",5.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Broomfield",2.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Delta",1.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",206.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Douglas",4.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2010,"County of Residence: El Paso",1.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Elbert",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Fremont",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Grand",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",14.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2010,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Lake",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Montrose",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Morgan",1.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Out of State",1.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Routt",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Summit",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Weld",1.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",232.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2010,"Tri-County Resident",181.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2010,"All Patients",386.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",63.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Alamosa",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",91.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Archuleta",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Boulder",6.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Broomfield",2.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",200.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Douglas",16.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2010,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Elbert",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Fremont",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Grand",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",7.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2010,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Lake",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Montrose",1.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Routt",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Summit",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",216.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2010,"Tri-County Resident",170.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2011,"All Patients",380.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",68.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Alamosa",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",91.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Archuleta",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Boulder",9.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",1.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",183.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Douglas",4.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2011,"County of Residence: El Paso",1.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Elbert",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Fremont",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Grand",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",21.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2011,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Lake",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Montrose",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Pueblo",1.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Routt",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Summit",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Unknown",1.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",216.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2011,"Tri-County Resident",163.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2011,"All Patients",363.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",58.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Alamosa",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",92.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Archuleta",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Boulder",11.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Broomfield",1.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",159.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Douglas",10.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2011,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Elbert",1.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Fremont",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Grand",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",23.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2011,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Lake",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Larimer",1.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Montrose",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Out of State",2.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Routt",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Summit",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Weld",5.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",203.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2011,"Tri-County Resident",160.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2011,"All Patients",388.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",81.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Alamosa",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",90.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Archuleta",1.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Boulder",5.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Broomfield",2.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",1.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",164.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Douglas",5.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2011,"County of Residence: El Paso",1.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Elbert",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Fremont",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Grand",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",35.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2011,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Lake",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Montrose",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Out of State",3.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Routt",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Summit",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",212.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2011,"Tri-County Resident",176.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2011,"All Patients",376.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",81.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Alamosa",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",89.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Archuleta",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Boulder",6.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Broomfield",1.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Delta",1.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",158.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Douglas",4.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2011,"County of Residence: El Paso",3.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Elbert",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Fremont",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Grand",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",26.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2011,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Lake",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Montrose",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Morgan",3.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Out of State",3.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Routt",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Summit",1.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",202.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",4,2011,"Tri-County Resident",174.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2012,"All Patients",406.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Adams",82.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Alamosa",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",105.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Archuleta",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Boulder",23.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Broomfield",1.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Denver",174.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Douglas",5.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2012,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Elbert",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Fremont",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Grand",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Jefferson",15.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2012,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Lake",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Montrose",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Morgan",1.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Routt",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Summit",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2012,"Not a Tri-County Resident",214.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",1,2012,"Tri-County Resident",192.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2012,"All Patients",517.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Adams",123.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Alamosa",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",129.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Archuleta",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Boulder",14.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Broomfield",6.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Denver",199.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Douglas",6.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2012,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Elbert",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Fremont",1.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Grand",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Jefferson",34.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2012,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Lake",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Larimer",1.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Montrose",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Morgan",1.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Routt",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Summit",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Weld",3.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2012,"Not a Tri-County Resident",259.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",2,2012,"Tri-County Resident",258.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2012,"All Patients",122.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Adams",17.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Alamosa",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",29.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Archuleta",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Boulder",2.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Broomfield",2.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Denver",63.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2012,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Elbert",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Fremont",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Grand",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Jefferson",9.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2012,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Lake",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Montrose",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Routt",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Summit",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2012,"Not a Tri-County Resident",76.00
"CXRs Taken","Number of chest x-rays taken (ordered by the TB Clinic.",3,2012,"Tri-County Resident",46.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2008,"All Patients",1447.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",246.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2008,"County of Residence: Alamosa",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",255.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2008,"County of Residence: Boulder",57.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2008,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2008,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",693.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2008,"County of Residence: Douglas",59.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2008,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2008,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",132.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2008,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2008,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2008,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2008,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2008,"County of Residence: Weld",5.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",887.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2008,"Tri-County Resident",560.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2008,"All Patients",1700.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",300.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2008,"County of Residence: Alamosa",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",403.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2008,"County of Residence: Boulder",104.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2008,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2008,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",653.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2008,"County of Residence: Douglas",79.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2008,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2008,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",136.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2008,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2008,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2008,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2008,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2008,"County of Residence: Weld",25.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",918.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2008,"Tri-County Resident",782.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2008,"All Patients",1695.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",382.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2008,"County of Residence: Alamosa",1.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",354.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2008,"County of Residence: Boulder",116.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2008,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2008,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",569.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2008,"County of Residence: Douglas",63.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2008,"County of Residence: Eagle",1.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2008,"County of Residence: El Paso",1.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",195.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2008,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2008,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2008,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2008,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2008,"County of Residence: Weld",13.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",896.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2008,"Tri-County Resident",799.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2008,"All Patients",1860.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",372.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2008,"County of Residence: Alamosa",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",396.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2008,"County of Residence: Boulder",137.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2008,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2008,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",3.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",571.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2008,"County of Residence: Douglas",94.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2008,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2008,"County of Residence: El Paso",15.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",172.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2008,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2008,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2008,"County of Residence: Out of State",91.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2008,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2008,"County of Residence: Weld",9.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",998.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2008,"Tri-County Resident",862.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2009,"All Patients",1671.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",260.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2009,"County of Residence: Alamosa",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",327.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2009,"County of Residence: Boulder",89.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2009,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2009,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",2.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",670.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2009,"County of Residence: Douglas",12.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2009,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2009,"County of Residence: El Paso",18.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",283.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2009,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2009,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2009,"County of Residence: Out of State",10.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2009,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2009,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",1072.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2009,"Tri-County Resident",599.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2009,"All Patients",1642.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",153.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2009,"County of Residence: Alamosa",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",421.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2009,"County of Residence: Boulder",70.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2009,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2009,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",534.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2009,"County of Residence: Douglas",23.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2009,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2009,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",340.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2009,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2009,"County of Residence: Morgan",17.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2009,"County of Residence: Out of State",39.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2009,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2009,"County of Residence: Weld",45.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",1045.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2009,"Tri-County Resident",597.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2009,"All Patients",1696.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",20.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2009,"County of Residence: Alamosa",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",386.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2009,"County of Residence: Boulder",90.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2009,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2009,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",2.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",796.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2009,"County of Residence: Douglas",70.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2009,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2009,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",269.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2009,"County of Residence: Larimer",18.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2009,"County of Residence: Morgan",8.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2009,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2009,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2009,"County of Residence: Weld",37.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",1220.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2009,"Tri-County Resident",476.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2009,"All Patients",1775.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",117.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2009,"County of Residence: Alamosa",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",301.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2009,"County of Residence: Boulder",120.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2009,"County of Residence: Broomfield",30.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2009,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",759.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2009,"County of Residence: Douglas",63.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2009,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2009,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",321.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2009,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2009,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2009,"County of Residence: Out of State",38.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2009,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2009,"County of Residence: Weld",26.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",1294.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2009,"Tri-County Resident",481.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2010,"All Patients",1356.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",115.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2010,"County of Residence: Alamosa",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",215.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2010,"County of Residence: Boulder",121.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2010,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2010,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",537.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2010,"County of Residence: Douglas",44.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2010,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2010,"County of Residence: El Paso",14.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",269.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2010,"County of Residence: Larimer",1.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2010,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2010,"County of Residence: Out of State",34.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2010,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2010,"County of Residence: Weld",6.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",982.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2010,"Tri-County Resident",374.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2010,"All Patients",1254.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",192.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2010,"County of Residence: Alamosa",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",312.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2010,"County of Residence: Boulder",56.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2010,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2010,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",438.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2010,"County of Residence: Douglas",49.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2010,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2010,"County of Residence: El Paso",9.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",149.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2010,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2010,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2010,"County of Residence: Out of State",49.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2010,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2010,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",701.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2010,"Tri-County Resident",553.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2010,"All Patients",1103.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",214.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2010,"County of Residence: Alamosa",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",367.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2010,"County of Residence: Boulder",19.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2010,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2010,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",400.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2010,"County of Residence: Douglas",9.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2010,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2010,"County of Residence: El Paso",1.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",74.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2010,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2010,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2010,"County of Residence: Out of State",9.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2010,"County of Residence: Unknown",10.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2010,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",503.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2010,"Tri-County Resident",590.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2010,"All Patients",1223.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",111.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2010,"County of Residence: Alamosa",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",491.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2010,"County of Residence: Boulder",59.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2010,"County of Residence: Broomfield",33.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2010,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",490.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2010,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2010,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2010,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",38.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2010,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2010,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2010,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2010,"County of Residence: Unknown",1.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2010,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",620.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2010,"Tri-County Resident",602.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2011,"All Patients",1430.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",73.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2011,"County of Residence: Alamosa",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",501.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2011,"County of Residence: Boulder",30.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2011,"County of Residence: Broomfield",35.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2011,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",776.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2011,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2011,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2011,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",15.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2011,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2011,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2011,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2011,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2011,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",856.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2011,"Tri-County Resident",574.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2011,"All Patients",1476.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",233.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2011,"County of Residence: Alamosa",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",420.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2011,"County of Residence: Boulder",1.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2011,"County of Residence: Broomfield",34.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2011,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",606.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2011,"County of Residence: Douglas",35.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2011,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2011,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",85.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2011,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2011,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2011,"County of Residence: Out of State",38.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2011,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2011,"County of Residence: Weld",24.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",788.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2011,"Tri-County Resident",688.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2011,"All Patients",1628.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",394.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2011,"County of Residence: Alamosa",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",281.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2011,"County of Residence: Boulder",47.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2011,"County of Residence: Broomfield",34.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2011,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",619.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2011,"County of Residence: Douglas",100.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2011,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2011,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",101.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2011,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2011,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2011,"County of Residence: Out of State",36.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2011,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2011,"County of Residence: Weld",16.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",853.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2011,"Tri-County Resident",775.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2011,"All Patients",1355.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",311.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2011,"County of Residence: Alamosa",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",226.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2011,"County of Residence: Boulder",67.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2011,"County of Residence: Broomfield",1.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2011,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",438.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2011,"County of Residence: Douglas",70.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2011,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2011,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",221.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2011,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2011,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2011,"County of Residence: Out of State",15.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2011,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2011,"County of Residence: Weld",6.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",748.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",4,2011,"Tri-County Resident",607.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2012,"All Patients",1334.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2012,"County of Residence: Adams",225.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2012,"County of Residence: Alamosa",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2012,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",287.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2012,"County of Residence: Boulder",409.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2012,"County of Residence: Broomfield",7.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2012,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2012,"County of Residence: Denver",261.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2012,"County of Residence: Douglas",59.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2012,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2012,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2012,"County of Residence: Jefferson",77.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2012,"County of Residence: Larimer",6.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2012,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2012,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2012,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2012,"County of Residence: Weld",3.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2012,"Not a Tri-County Resident",763.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",1,2012,"Tri-County Resident",571.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2012,"All Patients",1718.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2012,"County of Residence: Adams",312.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2012,"County of Residence: Alamosa",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2012,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",378.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2012,"County of Residence: Boulder",572.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2012,"County of Residence: Broomfield",16.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2012,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2012,"County of Residence: Denver",305.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2012,"County of Residence: Douglas",5.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2012,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2012,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2012,"County of Residence: Jefferson",103.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2012,"County of Residence: Larimer",19.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2012,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2012,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2012,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2012,"County of Residence: Weld",8.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2012,"Not a Tri-County Resident",1023.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",2,2012,"Tri-County Resident",695.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2012,"All Patients",328.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2012,"County of Residence: Adams",53.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2012,"County of Residence: Alamosa",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2012,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",109.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2012,"County of Residence: Boulder",32.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2012,"County of Residence: Broomfield",9.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2012,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2012,"County of Residence: Denver",112.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2012,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2012,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2012,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2012,"County of Residence: Jefferson",13.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2012,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2012,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2012,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2012,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2012,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2012,"Not a Tri-County Resident",166.00
"DOT","Directly-observed therapy (including DOPT)",3,2012,"Tri-County Resident",162.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2008,"All Patients",1981.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",216.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Alamosa",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",348.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Archuleta",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Boulder",40.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Broomfield",6.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",1148.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Douglas",50.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2008,"County of Residence: El Paso",1.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Elbert",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Fremont",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Grand",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Gunnison",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",133.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2008,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Lake",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Larimer",3.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Montrose",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Out of State",8.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Park",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Routt",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Summit",3.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Unknown",7.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Weld",18.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",1361.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2008,"Tri-County Resident",614.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2008,"All Patients",1935.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",251.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Alamosa",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",369.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Archuleta",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Boulder",50.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Broomfield",11.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Delta",1.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",1005.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Douglas",68.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2008,"County of Residence: El Paso",4.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Elbert",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Fremont",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Grand",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Gunnison",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",138.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2008,"County of Residence: La Plata",1.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Lake",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Logan",1.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Montrose",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Morgan",1.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Out of State",10.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Park",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Routt",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Summit",3.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Unknown",4.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Weld",18.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",1245.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2008,"Tri-County Resident",688.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2008,"All Patients",1957.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",317.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Alamosa",1.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",385.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Archuleta",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Boulder",47.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Broomfield",14.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",927.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Douglas",39.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Eagle",1.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2008,"County of Residence: El Paso",4.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Elbert",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Fremont",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Grand",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Gunnison",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",176.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2008,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Lake",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Larimer",1.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Montrose",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Out of State",7.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Park",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Pueblo",2.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Routt",1.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Summit",1.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Unknown",3.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Weld",31.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",1214.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2008,"Tri-County Resident",741.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2008,"All Patients",2093.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",301.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Alamosa",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",429.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Archuleta",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Boulder",61.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Broomfield",12.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",6.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Delta",1.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",1034.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Douglas",67.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2008,"County of Residence: El Paso",5.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Elbert",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Fremont",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Grand",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Gunnison",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",139.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2008,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Lake",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Montrose",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Out of State",15.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Park",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Routt",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Summit",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Weld",23.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",1296.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2008,"Tri-County Resident",797.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2009,"All Patients",2099.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",246.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Alamosa",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",427.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Archuleta",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Boulder",49.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Broomfield",8.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",9.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Delta",4.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",1100.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Douglas",37.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2009,"County of Residence: El Paso",5.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Elbert",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Fremont",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Grand",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Gunnison",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",186.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2009,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Lake",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Logan",1.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Montrose",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Out of State",8.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Park",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Routt",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Summit",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Unknown",1.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Weld",18.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",1388.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2009,"Tri-County Resident",710.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2009,"All Patients",2259.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",218.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Alamosa",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",498.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Archuleta",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Boulder",48.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Broomfield",9.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",5.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Delta",5.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",1100.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Douglas",90.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2009,"County of Residence: El Paso",4.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Elbert",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Fremont",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Grand",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Gunnison",1.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",235.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2009,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Lake",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Montrose",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Morgan",8.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Out of State",20.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Park",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Routt",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Summit",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Weld",18.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",1453.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2009,"Tri-County Resident",806.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2009,"All Patients",2007.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",184.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Alamosa",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",364.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Archuleta",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Boulder",64.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Broomfield",8.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",2.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",1151.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Douglas",62.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2009,"County of Residence: El Paso",2.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Elbert",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Fremont",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Grand",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Gunnison",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",149.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2009,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Lake",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Larimer",5.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Montrose",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Morgan",5.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Out of State",2.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Park",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Routt",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Summit",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Unknown",3.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Weld",6.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",1394.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2009,"Tri-County Resident",610.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2009,"All Patients",1629.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",183.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Alamosa",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",239.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Archuleta",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Boulder",91.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Broomfield",27.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",1.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",871.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Douglas",39.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2009,"County of Residence: El Paso",4.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Elbert",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Fremont",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Grand",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Gunnison",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",140.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2009,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Lake",1.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Montrose",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Morgan",1.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Out of State",24.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Park",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Routt",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Summit",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Weld",8.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",1168.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2009,"Tri-County Resident",461.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2010,"All Patients",1519.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",167.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Alamosa",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",211.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Archuleta",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Boulder",57.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Broomfield",15.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Delta",1.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",876.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Douglas",20.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2010,"County of Residence: El Paso",7.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Elbert",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Fremont",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Grand",1.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Gunnison",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",144.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2010,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Lake",2.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Larimer",4.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Montrose",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Morgan",1.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Out of State",6.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Park",1.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Routt",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Summit",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Unknown",2.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Weld",4.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",1120.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2010,"Tri-County Resident",398.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2010,"All Patients",1509.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",212.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Alamosa",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",290.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Archuleta",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Boulder",45.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Broomfield",16.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",796.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Douglas",19.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2010,"County of Residence: El Paso",10.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Elbert",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Fremont",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Grand",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Gunnison",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",101.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2010,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Lake",2.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Larimer",4.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Montrose",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Out of State",9.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Park",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Routt",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Summit",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Unknown",3.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Weld",2.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",985.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2010,"Tri-County Resident",521.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2010,"All Patients",1729.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",267.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Alamosa",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",408.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Archuleta",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Boulder",38.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Broomfield",12.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Delta",4.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",896.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Douglas",16.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2010,"County of Residence: El Paso",3.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Elbert",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Fremont",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Grand",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Gunnison",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",71.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2010,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Lake",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Montrose",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Morgan",2.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Out of State",5.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Park",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Routt",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Summit",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Unknown",3.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Weld",4.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",1035.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2010,"Tri-County Resident",691.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2010,"All Patients",1660.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",239.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Alamosa",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",424.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Archuleta",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Boulder",43.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Broomfield",10.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Delta",4.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",868.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Douglas",30.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2010,"County of Residence: El Paso",3.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Elbert",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Fremont",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Grand",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Gunnison",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",36.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2010,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Lake",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Montrose",1.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Morgan",2.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Park",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Routt",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Summit",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",967.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2010,"Tri-County Resident",693.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2011,"All Patients",1459.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",223.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Alamosa",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",388.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Archuleta",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Boulder",33.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Broomfield",5.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",1.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Delta",1.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",718.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Douglas",22.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2011,"County of Residence: El Paso",2.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Elbert",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Fremont",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Grand",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Gunnison",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",59.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2011,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Lake",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Montrose",3.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Park",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Pueblo",3.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Routt",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Summit",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Unknown",1.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",825.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2011,"Tri-County Resident",633.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2011,"All Patients",1548.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",265.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Alamosa",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",338.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Archuleta",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Boulder",46.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Broomfield",6.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",2.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",707.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Douglas",33.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2011,"County of Residence: El Paso",2.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Elbert",3.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Fremont",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Grand",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Gunnison",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",114.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2011,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Lake",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Larimer",1.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Montrose",3.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Out of State",6.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Park",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Routt",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Summit",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Unknown",3.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Weld",19.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",910.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2011,"Tri-County Resident",636.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2011,"All Patients",1650.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",303.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Alamosa",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",380.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Archuleta",1.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Boulder",50.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Broomfield",11.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",1.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Delta",1.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",706.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Douglas",40.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2011,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Elbert",3.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Fremont",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Grand",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Gunnison",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",122.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2011,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Lake",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Larimer",1.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Montrose",1.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Morgan",2.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Out of State",15.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Park",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Routt",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Summit",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Unknown",1.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Weld",12.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",926.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2011,"Tri-County Resident",723.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2011,"All Patients",1488.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",292.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Alamosa",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",337.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Archuleta",2.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Boulder",45.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Broomfield",5.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Delta",1.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",611.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Douglas",32.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2011,"County of Residence: El Paso",3.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Elbert",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Fremont",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Grand",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Gunnison",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",143.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2011,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Lake",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Larimer",3.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Montrose",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Morgan",6.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Out of State",4.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Park",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Routt",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Summit",1.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Unknown",1.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Weld",2.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",826.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",4,2011,"Tri-County Resident",661.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2012,"All Patients",1703.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Adams",255.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Alamosa",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",313.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Archuleta",1.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Boulder",433.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Broomfield",6.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Denver",563.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Douglas",23.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2012,"County of Residence: El Paso",1.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Elbert",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Fremont",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Grand",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Gunnison",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Jefferson",87.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2012,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Lake",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Larimer",9.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Montrose",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Morgan",1.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Out of State",2.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Park",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Routt",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Summit",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Unknown",1.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Weld",8.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2012,"Not a Tri-County Resident",1111.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",1,2012,"Tri-County Resident",591.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2012,"All Patients",2438.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Adams",455.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Alamosa",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",414.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Archuleta",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Boulder",705.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Broomfield",17.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Denver",671.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Douglas",16.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2012,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Elbert",1.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Fremont",1.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Grand",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Gunnison",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Jefferson",112.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2012,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Lake",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Larimer",23.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Montrose",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Morgan",1.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Out of State",1.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Park",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Routt",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Summit",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Unknown",2.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Weld",19.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2012,"Not a Tri-County Resident",1551.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",2,2012,"Tri-County Resident",885.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2012,"All Patients",554.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Adams",103.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Alamosa",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",125.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Archuleta",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Boulder",43.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Broomfield",4.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Denver",236.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Douglas",5.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2012,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Elbert",1.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Fremont",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Grand",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Gunnison",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Jefferson",34.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2012,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Lake",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Larimer",2.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Montrose",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Park",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Routt",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Summit",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Unknown",1.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2012,"Not a Tri-County Resident",320.00
"Encounters","Face-to-face encounters with clinic staff, excluding drug treatments.",3,2012,"Tri-County Resident",233.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",1,2008,"All Patients",2.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Douglas",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",1,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",1,2008,"Tri-County Resident",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",2,2008,"All Patients",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",2,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",2,2008,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",3,2008,"All Patients",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",3,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",3,2008,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",4,2008,"All Patients",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",4,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",4,2008,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",1,2009,"All Patients",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",1,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",1,2009,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",2,2009,"All Patients",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",2,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",2,2009,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",3,2009,"All Patients",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",3,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",3,2009,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",4,2009,"All Patients",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",4,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",4,2009,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",1,2010,"All Patients",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",1,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",1,2010,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",2,2010,"All Patients",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",2,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",2,2010,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",3,2010,"All Patients",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",3,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",3,2010,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",4,2010,"All Patients",2.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",4,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",4,2010,"Tri-County Resident",2.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",1,2011,"All Patients",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",1,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",1,2011,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",2,2011,"All Patients",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",2,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",2,2011,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",3,2011,"All Patients",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",3,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",3,2011,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",4,2011,"All Patients",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",4,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",4,2011,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",1,2012,"All Patients",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",1,2012,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",1,2012,"Tri-County Resident",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",2,2012,"All Patients",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",2,2012,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",2,2012,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",3,2012,"All Patients",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",3,2012,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to EMB","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Ethambutol.",3,2012,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",1,2008,"All Patients",4.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",2.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",1,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",3.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",1,2008,"Tri-County Resident",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",2,2008,"All Patients",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",2,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",2,2008,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",3,2008,"All Patients",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",3,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",3,2008,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",4,2008,"All Patients",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",4,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",4,2008,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",1,2009,"All Patients",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",1,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",1,2009,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",2,2009,"All Patients",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",2,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",2,2009,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",3,2009,"All Patients",2.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",3,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",2.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",3,2009,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",4,2009,"All Patients",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",4,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",4,2009,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",1,2010,"All Patients",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",1,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",1,2010,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",2,2010,"All Patients",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",2,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",2,2010,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",3,2010,"All Patients",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",3,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",3,2010,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",4,2010,"All Patients",3.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",4,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",4,2010,"Tri-County Resident",2.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",1,2011,"All Patients",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",1,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",1,2011,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",2,2011,"All Patients",3.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",3.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",2,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",3.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",2,2011,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",3,2011,"All Patients",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Morgan",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",3,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",3,2011,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",4,2011,"All Patients",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",4,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",4,2011,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",1,2012,"All Patients",2.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",2.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",1,2012,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",1,2012,"Tri-County Resident",2.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",2,2012,"All Patients",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",2,2012,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",2,2012,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",3,2012,"All Patients",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",3,2012,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to INH","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Isoniazid.",3,2012,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",1,2008,"All Patients",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",1,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",1,2008,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",2,2008,"All Patients",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",2,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",2,2008,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",3,2008,"All Patients",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",3,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",3,2008,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",4,2008,"All Patients",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",4,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",4,2008,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",1,2009,"All Patients",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",1,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",1,2009,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",2,2009,"All Patients",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",2,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",2,2009,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",3,2009,"All Patients",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",3,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",3,2009,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",4,2009,"All Patients",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",4,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",4,2009,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",1,2010,"All Patients",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",1,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",1,2010,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",2,2010,"All Patients",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",2,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",2,2010,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",3,2010,"All Patients",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",3,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",3,2010,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",4,2010,"All Patients",3.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",4,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",4,2010,"Tri-County Resident",2.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",1,2011,"All Patients",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",1,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",1,2011,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",2,2011,"All Patients",2.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",2,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",2,2011,"Tri-County Resident",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",3,2011,"All Patients",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",3,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",3,2011,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",4,2011,"All Patients",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",4,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",4,2011,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",1,2012,"All Patients",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",1,2012,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",1,2012,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",2,2012,"All Patients",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Denver",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",2,2012,"Not a Tri-County Resident",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",2,2012,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",3,2012,"All Patients",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",3,2012,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to PZA","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Pyrazinamide.",3,2012,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",1,2008,"All Patients",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",1,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",1,2008,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",2,2008,"All Patients",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",2,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",2,2008,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",3,2008,"All Patients",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",3,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",3,2008,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",4,2008,"All Patients",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",4,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",4,2008,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",1,2009,"All Patients",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",1,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",1,2009,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",2,2009,"All Patients",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",2,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",2,2009,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",3,2009,"All Patients",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",3,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",3,2009,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",4,2009,"All Patients",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",4,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",4,2009,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",1,2010,"All Patients",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",1,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",1,2010,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",2,2010,"All Patients",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",2,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",2,2010,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",3,2010,"All Patients",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",3,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",3,2010,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",4,2010,"All Patients",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",4,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",4,2010,"Tri-County Resident",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",1,2011,"All Patients",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",1,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",1,2011,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",2,2011,"All Patients",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",2,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",2,2011,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",3,2011,"All Patients",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",3,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",3,2011,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",4,2011,"All Patients",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",4,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",4,2011,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",1,2012,"All Patients",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",1,2012,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",1,2012,"Tri-County Resident",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",2,2012,"All Patients",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",2,2012,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",2,2012,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",3,2012,"All Patients",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",3,2012,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to Rif","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Rifampin.",3,2012,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",1,2008,"All Patients",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",1,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",1,2008,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",2,2008,"All Patients",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",2,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",2,2008,"Tri-County Resident",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",3,2008,"All Patients",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",3,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",3,2008,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",4,2008,"All Patients",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",4,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",4,2008,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",1,2009,"All Patients",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",1,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",1,2009,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",2,2009,"All Patients",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",2,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",2,2009,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",3,2009,"All Patients",2.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",2.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",3,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",2.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",3,2009,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",4,2009,"All Patients",3.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",2.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",4,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",3.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",4,2009,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",1,2010,"All Patients",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",1,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",1,2010,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",2,2010,"All Patients",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",2,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",2,2010,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",3,2010,"All Patients",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",3,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",3,2010,"Tri-County Resident",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",4,2010,"All Patients",2.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",4,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",4,2010,"Tri-County Resident",2.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",1,2011,"All Patients",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",1,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",1,2011,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",2,2011,"All Patients",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",2,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",2,2011,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",3,2011,"All Patients",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Morgan",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",3,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",3,2011,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",4,2011,"All Patients",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",4,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",4,2011,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",1,2012,"All Patients",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",1,2012,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",1,2012,"Tri-County Resident",1.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",2,2012,"All Patients",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",2,2012,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",2,2012,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",3,2012,"All Patients",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",3,2012,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Resistant to SM","Individuals with one or more specimens indicated as resistant to Streptomycin.",3,2012,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",1,2008,"All Patients",10.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",3.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",1.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",4.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Douglas",1.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",1,2008,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",1.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",1,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",5.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",1,2008,"Tri-County Resident",5.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",2,2008,"All Patients",9.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",1.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",3.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Boulder",1.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",3.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",2,2008,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Logan",1.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",2,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",5.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",2,2008,"Tri-County Resident",4.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",3,2008,"All Patients",8.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",3.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",2.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Boulder",1.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",1.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",3,2008,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",1.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",3,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",3.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",3,2008,"Tri-County Resident",5.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",4,2008,"All Patients",6.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",1.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",3.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",4,2008,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",1.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Out of State",1.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",4,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",5.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",4,2008,"Tri-County Resident",1.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",1,2009,"All Patients",6.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",3.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",1,2009,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",3.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",1,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",6.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",1,2009,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",2,2009,"All Patients",7.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",1.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",1.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",2.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Douglas",1.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",2,2009,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",1.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Out of State",1.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",2,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",4.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",2,2009,"Tri-County Resident",3.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",3,2009,"All Patients",8.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",1.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",1.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",5.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",3,2009,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",1.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",3,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",6.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",3,2009,"Tri-County Resident",2.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",4,2009,"All Patients",10.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",2.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",1.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Boulder",2.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",2.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",4,2009,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",2.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Out of State",1.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",4,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",7.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",4,2009,"Tri-County Resident",3.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",1,2010,"All Patients",4.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",2.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",1,2010,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",1.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Out of State",1.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",1,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",4.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",1,2010,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",2,2010,"All Patients",3.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",2.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",1.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",2,2010,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",2,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",1.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",2,2010,"Tri-County Resident",2.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",3,2010,"All Patients",4.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",2.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",2.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",3,2010,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",3,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",2.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",3,2010,"Tri-County Resident",2.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",4,2010,"All Patients",13.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",2.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",3.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Broomfield",1.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",7.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",4,2010,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",4,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",8.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",4,2010,"Tri-County Resident",5.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",1,2011,"All Patients",4.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",1.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",3.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",1,2011,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",1,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",3.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",1,2011,"Tri-County Resident",1.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",2,2011,"All Patients",11.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",2.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",6.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Douglas",1.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",2,2011,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",1.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Out of State",1.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",2,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",8.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",2,2011,"Tri-County Resident",3.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",3,2011,"All Patients",7.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",3.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Boulder",1.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",1.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",3,2011,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",1.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Morgan",1.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",3,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",4.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",3,2011,"Tri-County Resident",3.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",4,2011,"All Patients",5.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",1.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Boulder",1.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",2.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",4,2011,"County of Residence: El Paso",1.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",4,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",4.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",4,2011,"Tri-County Resident",1.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",1,2012,"All Patients",7.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Adams",1.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",2.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Boulder",2.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Denver",2.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",1,2012,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",1,2012,"Not a Tri-County Resident",4.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",1,2012,"Tri-County Resident",3.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",2,2012,"All Patients",5.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Adams",1.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",2.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Denver",2.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",2,2012,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",2,2012,"Not a Tri-County Resident",2.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",2,2012,"Tri-County Resident",3.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",3,2012,"All Patients",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",3,2012,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",3,2012,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals Tested for Drug Susceptibilities","Individuals with one or more susceptibility testing results.",3,2012,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"All Patients",199.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",17.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",31.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Boulder",10.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Broomfield",4.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",1.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",113.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Douglas",5.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",12.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Unknown",6.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",140.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"Tri-County Resident",53.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"All Patients",175.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",22.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",31.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Boulder",7.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",85.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Douglas",4.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: El Paso",1.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",9.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: La Plata",1.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Logan",1.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Out of State",1.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Unknown",11.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Weld",2.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",107.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"Tri-County Resident",57.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"All Patients",137.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",14.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",24.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Boulder",5.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",78.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Eagle",1.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",12.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Out of State",2.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Unknown",1.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",98.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"Tri-County Resident",38.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"All Patients",130.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",14.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",23.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Boulder",4.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",76.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Douglas",2.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",5.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Logan",1.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Out of State",3.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Unknown",2.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",89.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"Tri-County Resident",39.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"All Patients",120.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",11.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",17.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Boulder",5.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Delta",1.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",72.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",10.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Out of State",1.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Pueblo",1.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Unknown",1.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Weld",1.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",91.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"Tri-County Resident",28.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"All Patients",132.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",13.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",33.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Boulder",2.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Broomfield",2.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",70.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Douglas",3.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",6.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Morgan",1.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Out of State",1.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Unknown",1.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",82.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"Tri-County Resident",49.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"All Patients",105.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",13.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",16.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Boulder",1.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",70.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Douglas",1.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Larimer",1.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Out of State",1.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Unknown",2.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",73.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"Tri-County Resident",30.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"All Patients",88.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",10.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",20.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Boulder",4.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Broomfield",2.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",40.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Douglas",2.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",4.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Out of State",2.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Unknown",4.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",52.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"Tri-County Resident",32.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"All Patients",103.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",14.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",17.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Boulder",2.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",55.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Douglas",1.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: El Paso",1.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",6.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Out of State",1.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Unknown",6.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",66.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"Tri-County Resident",32.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"All Patients",74.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",9.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",17.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Boulder",3.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",37.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Douglas",1.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: El Paso",1.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",4.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Larimer",1.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Unknown",1.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",46.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"Tri-County Resident",27.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"All Patients",99.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",12.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",21.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Boulder",4.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",55.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Douglas",1.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",5.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Unknown",1.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",64.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"Tri-County Resident",34.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"All Patients",86.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",14.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",11.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Boulder",2.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Broomfield",2.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",50.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Douglas",3.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",1.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Unknown",3.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",55.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"Tri-County Resident",28.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"All Patients",91.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",11.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",25.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Boulder",5.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",1.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",42.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Douglas",1.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",5.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Unknown",1.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",53.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"Tri-County Resident",37.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"All Patients",102.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",16.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",17.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Boulder",5.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",46.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Douglas",2.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",9.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Out of State",1.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Unknown",6.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",61.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"Tri-County Resident",35.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"All Patients",85.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",18.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",21.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Boulder",2.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",33.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: El Paso",1.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",5.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Morgan",1.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Out of State",1.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Unknown",3.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",43.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"Tri-County Resident",39.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"All Patients",79.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",14.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",18.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Boulder",2.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Broomfield",1.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",32.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: El Paso",1.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",6.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Morgan",1.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Out of State",1.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Unknown",3.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",44.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"Tri-County Resident",32.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"All Patients",72.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Adams",14.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",21.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Boulder",9.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Denver",22.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Douglas",1.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Jefferson",3.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Unknown",2.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"Not a Tri-County Resident",34.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"Tri-County Resident",36.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"All Patients",93.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Adams",18.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",21.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Boulder",5.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Broomfield",1.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Denver",38.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Douglas",1.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Jefferson",6.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Unknown",1.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Weld",2.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"Not a Tri-County Resident",52.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"Tri-County Resident",40.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"All Patients",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Unknown",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals with Cultures","Individuals with one or more culture results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"All Patients",208.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",21.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",32.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Boulder",10.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Broomfield",4.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",1.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",115.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Douglas",6.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",12.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Routt",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Unknown",6.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Weld",1.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",143.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"Tri-County Resident",59.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"All Patients",171.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",21.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",30.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Boulder",7.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",83.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Douglas",3.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: El Paso",1.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",11.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: La Plata",1.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Logan",1.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Out of State",1.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Routt",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Unknown",10.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Weld",2.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",107.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"Tri-County Resident",54.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"All Patients",145.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",15.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",25.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Boulder",5.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",81.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Eagle",1.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",13.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Out of State",2.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Routt",1.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Unknown",2.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",103.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"Tri-County Resident",40.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"All Patients",139.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",14.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",24.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Boulder",4.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",84.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Douglas",2.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",4.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Logan",1.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Out of State",3.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Routt",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Unknown",3.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",96.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"Tri-County Resident",40.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"All Patients",152.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",14.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",25.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Boulder",6.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Delta",1.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",90.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",11.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Out of State",1.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Pueblo",1.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Routt",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Unknown",2.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Weld",1.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",111.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"Tri-County Resident",39.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"All Patients",142.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",15.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",35.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Boulder",2.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Broomfield",2.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",75.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Douglas",3.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",7.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Morgan",1.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Out of State",1.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Routt",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Unknown",1.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",88.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"Tri-County Resident",53.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"All Patients",106.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",13.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",16.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Boulder",1.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",69.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Douglas",2.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Larimer",1.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Out of State",1.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Routt",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Unknown",3.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",72.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"Tri-County Resident",31.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"All Patients",92.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",10.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",21.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Boulder",4.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Broomfield",2.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",42.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Douglas",3.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",4.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Out of State",2.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Routt",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Unknown",4.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",54.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"Tri-County Resident",34.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"All Patients",116.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",14.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",22.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Boulder",2.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",62.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Douglas",1.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: El Paso",1.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",6.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Out of State",1.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Routt",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Unknown",7.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",73.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"Tri-County Resident",37.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"All Patients",97.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",12.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",22.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Boulder",4.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",49.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Douglas",2.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: El Paso",1.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",5.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Larimer",1.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Routt",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Unknown",1.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",60.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"Tri-County Resident",36.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"All Patients",103.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",14.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",22.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Boulder",4.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",56.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Douglas",1.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",5.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Routt",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Unknown",1.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",65.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"Tri-County Resident",37.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"All Patients",90.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",13.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",15.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Boulder",2.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Broomfield",2.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",52.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Douglas",3.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",1.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Routt",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Unknown",2.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",57.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"Tri-County Resident",31.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"All Patients",102.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",12.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",26.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Boulder",6.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",1.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",48.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Douglas",1.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",7.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Routt",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Unknown",1.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",62.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"Tri-County Resident",39.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"All Patients",100.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",16.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",17.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Boulder",5.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",45.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Douglas",2.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",10.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Out of State",1.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Routt",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Unknown",4.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",61.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"Tri-County Resident",35.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"All Patients",110.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",23.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",24.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Boulder",3.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",46.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Douglas",1.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: El Paso",1.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",7.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Morgan",1.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Out of State",1.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Routt",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Unknown",3.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",59.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"Tri-County Resident",48.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"All Patients",101.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",20.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",24.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Boulder",2.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Broomfield",1.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",42.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: El Paso",1.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",6.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Morgan",1.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Out of State",1.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Routt",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Unknown",3.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",54.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"Tri-County Resident",44.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"All Patients",94.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Adams",20.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",24.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Boulder",11.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Denver",31.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Douglas",1.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Jefferson",4.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Routt",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Unknown",2.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Weld",1.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"Not a Tri-County Resident",47.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"Tri-County Resident",45.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"All Patients",123.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Adams",21.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",29.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Boulder",6.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Broomfield",1.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Denver",54.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Douglas",1.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Jefferson",7.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Larimer",1.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Routt",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Unknown",1.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Weld",2.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"Not a Tri-County Resident",71.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"Tri-County Resident",51.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"All Patients",27.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Adams",3.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",4.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Boulder",1.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Denver",17.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Jefferson",1.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Routt",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Unknown",1.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"Not a Tri-County Resident",19.00
"Individuals with Smears","Individuals with one or more smear results - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"Tri-County Resident",7.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"All Patients",214.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",21.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",33.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Boulder",10.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Broomfield",4.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",1.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",120.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Douglas",6.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",12.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Routt",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Unknown",6.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Weld",1.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",148.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2008,"Tri-County Resident",60.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"All Patients",174.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",21.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",30.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Boulder",7.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",85.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Douglas",3.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: El Paso",1.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",11.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: La Plata",1.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Logan",1.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Out of State",1.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Routt",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Unknown",11.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Weld",2.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",109.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2008,"Tri-County Resident",54.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"All Patients",145.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",15.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",24.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Boulder",5.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",82.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Eagle",1.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",13.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Out of State",2.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Routt",1.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Unknown",2.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",104.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2008,"Tri-County Resident",39.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"All Patients",140.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",14.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",24.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Boulder",4.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",85.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Douglas",2.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",4.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Logan",1.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Out of State",3.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Routt",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Unknown",3.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",97.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2008,"Tri-County Resident",40.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"All Patients",153.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",14.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",26.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Boulder",6.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Delta",1.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",90.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",11.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Out of State",1.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Pueblo",1.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Routt",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Unknown",2.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Weld",1.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",111.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2009,"Tri-County Resident",40.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"All Patients",145.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",15.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",35.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Boulder",2.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Broomfield",2.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",78.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Douglas",3.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",7.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Morgan",1.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Out of State",1.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Routt",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Unknown",1.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",91.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2009,"Tri-County Resident",53.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"All Patients",108.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",14.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",16.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Boulder",1.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",70.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Douglas",2.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Larimer",1.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Out of State",1.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Routt",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Unknown",3.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",73.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2009,"Tri-County Resident",32.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"All Patients",95.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",10.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",21.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Boulder",4.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Broomfield",2.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",44.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Douglas",3.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",5.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Out of State",2.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Routt",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Unknown",4.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",57.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2009,"Tri-County Resident",34.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"All Patients",117.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",14.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",22.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Boulder",2.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",62.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Douglas",1.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: El Paso",1.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",6.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Out of State",1.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Routt",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Unknown",8.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",73.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2010,"Tri-County Resident",37.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"All Patients",98.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",12.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",22.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Boulder",4.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",50.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Douglas",2.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: El Paso",1.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",5.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Larimer",1.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Routt",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Unknown",1.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",61.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2010,"Tri-County Resident",36.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"All Patients",103.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",14.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",22.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Boulder",4.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",56.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Douglas",1.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",5.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Routt",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Unknown",1.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",65.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2010,"Tri-County Resident",37.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"All Patients",90.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",13.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",15.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Boulder",2.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Broomfield",2.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",52.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Douglas",3.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",1.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Routt",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Unknown",2.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",57.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2010,"Tri-County Resident",31.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"All Patients",102.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",12.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",26.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Boulder",6.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",1.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",48.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Douglas",1.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",7.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Routt",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Unknown",1.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",62.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2011,"Tri-County Resident",39.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"All Patients",102.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",16.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",17.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Boulder",5.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",46.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Douglas",2.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",10.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Out of State",1.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Routt",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Unknown",5.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",62.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2011,"Tri-County Resident",35.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"All Patients",110.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",23.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",24.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Boulder",3.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",46.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Douglas",1.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: El Paso",1.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",7.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Morgan",1.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Out of State",1.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Routt",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Unknown",3.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",59.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2011,"Tri-County Resident",48.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"All Patients",101.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",20.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",24.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Boulder",2.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Broomfield",1.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",42.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: El Paso",1.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",6.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Morgan",1.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Out of State",1.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Routt",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Unknown",3.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",54.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",4,2011,"Tri-County Resident",44.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"All Patients",95.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Adams",20.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",24.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Boulder",11.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Denver",32.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Douglas",1.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Jefferson",4.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Routt",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Unknown",2.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Weld",1.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"Not a Tri-County Resident",48.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",1,2012,"Tri-County Resident",45.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"All Patients",125.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Adams",22.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",29.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Boulder",7.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Broomfield",1.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Denver",54.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Douglas",1.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Jefferson",7.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Larimer",1.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Routt",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Unknown",1.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Weld",2.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"Not a Tri-County Resident",72.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",2,2012,"Tri-County Resident",52.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"All Patients",28.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Adams",3.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",4.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Boulder",1.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Denver",18.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Eagle",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Jefferson",1.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: La Plata",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Logan",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Pueblo",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Routt",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Unknown",1.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"Not a Tri-County Resident",20.00
"Individuals with Specimens Collected","Individiuals with one or more specimens collected - any type or anatomic source.",3,2012,"Tri-County Resident",7.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2008,"All Patients",89.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",10.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",24.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Boulder",2.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",41.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Douglas",3.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2008,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Gunnison",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",7.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Out of State",1.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Weld",1.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",52.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2008,"Tri-County Resident",37.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2008,"All Patients",117.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",14.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",27.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Boulder",4.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Broomfield",3.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",50.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Douglas",6.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2008,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Gunnison",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",11.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Weld",2.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",70.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2008,"Tri-County Resident",47.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2008,"All Patients",145.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",23.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",48.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Broomfield",2.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",56.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Douglas",2.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2008,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Gunnison",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",12.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Weld",2.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",72.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2008,"Tri-County Resident",73.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2008,"All Patients",118.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",14.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",28.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Boulder",2.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",1.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Delta",1.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",65.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Douglas",1.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2008,"County of Residence: El Paso",1.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Gunnison",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",3.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Weld",2.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",75.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2008,"Tri-County Resident",43.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2009,"All Patients",107.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",13.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",27.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Broomfield",1.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",54.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Douglas",5.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2009,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Gunnison",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",7.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",62.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2009,"Tri-County Resident",45.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2009,"All Patients",86.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",9.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",23.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Boulder",1.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",39.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Douglas",9.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2009,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Gunnison",1.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",4.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",45.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2009,"Tri-County Resident",41.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2009,"All Patients",112.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",13.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",17.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Boulder",5.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",70.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2009,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Gunnison",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",6.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Weld",1.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",82.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2009,"Tri-County Resident",30.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2009,"All Patients",76.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",11.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",12.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Boulder",1.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Broomfield",2.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",40.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Douglas",2.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2009,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Gunnison",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",6.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Weld",2.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",51.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2009,"Tri-County Resident",25.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2010,"All Patients",79.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",12.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",16.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Boulder",3.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Broomfield",1.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",41.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2010,"County of Residence: El Paso",1.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Gunnison",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",5.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",51.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2010,"Tri-County Resident",28.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2010,"All Patients",65.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",7.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",20.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Boulder",2.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Broomfield",1.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",33.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Douglas",1.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2010,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Gunnison",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",1.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",37.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2010,"Tri-County Resident",28.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2010,"All Patients",52.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",8.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",19.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Broomfield",1.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",22.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2010,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Gunnison",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",2.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",25.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2010,"Tri-County Resident",27.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2010,"All Patients",28.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",4.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",12.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",11.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2010,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Gunnison",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",1.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",12.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2010,"Tri-County Resident",16.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2011,"All Patients",31.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",6.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",6.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Boulder",2.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",12.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Douglas",1.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2011,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Gunnison",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",4.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",18.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2011,"Tri-County Resident",13.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2011,"All Patients",28.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",5.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",7.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Boulder",3.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Broomfield",1.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",10.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Douglas",1.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2011,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Gunnison",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",1.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",15.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2011,"Tri-County Resident",13.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2011,"All Patients",22.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",4.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",3.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Boulder",1.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",10.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2011,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Gunnison",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",4.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",15.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2011,"Tri-County Resident",7.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2011,"All Patients",7.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",3.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",4.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2011,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Gunnison",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",4.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2011,"Tri-County Resident",3.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2012,"All Patients",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2012,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Gunnison",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2012,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2012,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2012,"All Patients",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2012,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Gunnison",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2012,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2012,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2012,"All Patients",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2012,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Gunnison",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Jefferson",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2012,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 9-month INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2012,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2008,"All Patients",161.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",15.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",52.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Boulder",4.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",72.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Douglas",4.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2008,"County of Residence: El Paso",1.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Gunnison",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",10.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Lake",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Montrose",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Out of State",2.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Weld",1.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",90.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2008,"Tri-County Resident",71.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2008,"All Patients",197.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",23.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",48.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Boulder",4.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Broomfield",3.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",91.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Douglas",8.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2008,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Gunnison",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",18.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Lake",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Montrose",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Weld",2.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",118.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2008,"Tri-County Resident",79.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2008,"All Patients",223.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",36.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",68.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Boulder",1.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Broomfield",2.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",88.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Douglas",5.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2008,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Gunnison",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",20.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Lake",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Montrose",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Weld",3.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",114.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2008,"Tri-County Resident",109.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2008,"All Patients",201.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",32.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",46.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Boulder",2.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",1.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Delta",1.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",106.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Douglas",1.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2008,"County of Residence: El Paso",1.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Gunnison",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Jefferson",7.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Lake",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Montrose",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Out of State",2.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Weld",2.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",122.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2008,"Tri-County Resident",79.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2009,"All Patients",195.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",26.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",49.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Boulder",1.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Broomfield",1.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",99.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Douglas",5.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2009,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Gunnison",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",13.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Lake",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Montrose",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Weld",1.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",115.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2009,"Tri-County Resident",80.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2009,"All Patients",156.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",12.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",49.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Boulder",1.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",72.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Douglas",12.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2009,"County of Residence: El Paso",1.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Gunnison",1.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",6.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Lake",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Montrose",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Morgan",2.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",83.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2009,"Tri-County Resident",73.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2009,"All Patients",193.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",24.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",30.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Boulder",5.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",119.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Douglas",1.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2009,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Gunnison",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",13.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Lake",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Montrose",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Weld",1.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",138.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2009,"Tri-County Resident",55.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2009,"All Patients",140.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",23.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",20.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Boulder",3.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Broomfield",6.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",74.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Douglas",2.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2009,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Gunnison",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Jefferson",9.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Lake",1.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Montrose",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Weld",2.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",95.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2009,"Tri-County Resident",45.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2010,"All Patients",130.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",21.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",29.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Boulder",3.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Broomfield",1.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",65.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2010,"County of Residence: El Paso",1.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Gunnison",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",9.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Lake",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Montrose",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Morgan",1.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",80.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2010,"Tri-County Resident",50.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2010,"All Patients",116.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",11.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",38.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Boulder",2.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Broomfield",1.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",56.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Douglas",3.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2010,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Gunnison",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",4.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Lake",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Montrose",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Out of State",1.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",64.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2010,"Tri-County Resident",52.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2010,"All Patients",82.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",11.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",27.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Broomfield",1.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Delta",1.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",37.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2010,"County of Residence: El Paso",1.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Gunnison",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",4.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Lake",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Montrose",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",44.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2010,"Tri-County Resident",38.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2010,"All Patients",46.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",4.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",17.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Boulder",2.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",22.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2010,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Gunnison",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Jefferson",1.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Lake",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Montrose",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",25.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2010,"Tri-County Resident",21.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2011,"All Patients",42.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",7.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",7.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Boulder",2.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",20.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Douglas",1.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2011,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Gunnison",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",4.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Lake",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Montrose",1.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",27.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2011,"Tri-County Resident",15.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2011,"All Patients",45.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",7.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",9.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Boulder",4.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Broomfield",1.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",19.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Douglas",3.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2011,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Gunnison",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",1.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Lake",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Montrose",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Weld",1.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",26.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2011,"Tri-County Resident",19.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2011,"All Patients",33.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",8.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",5.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Boulder",2.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",12.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2011,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Gunnison",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",5.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Lake",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Montrose",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Out of State",1.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",20.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2011,"Tri-County Resident",13.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2011,"All Patients",20.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",3.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",3.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Boulder",1.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",11.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2011,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Gunnison",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Jefferson",1.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Lake",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Montrose",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Morgan",1.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",14.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2011,"Tri-County Resident",6.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2012,"All Patients",20.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Adams",10.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",4.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Boulder",2.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Denver",3.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2012,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Gunnison",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Jefferson",1.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Lake",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Montrose",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2012,"Not a Tri-County Resident",6.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2012,"Tri-County Resident",14.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2012,"All Patients",31.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Adams",4.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",10.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Boulder",2.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Broomfield",2.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Denver",11.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Douglas",1.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2012,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Gunnison",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Jefferson",1.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Lake",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Montrose",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2012,"Not a Tri-County Resident",16.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2012,"Tri-County Resident",15.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2012,"All Patients",7.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Arapahoe",3.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Clear Creek",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Delta",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Denver",3.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Douglas",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2012,"County of Residence: El Paso",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Gunnison",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Jefferson",1.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Lake",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Montrose",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Morgan",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Out of State",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2012,"Not a Tri-County Resident",4.00
"INH LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting INH therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2012,"Tri-County Resident",3.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2008,"All Patients",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2008,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2008,"All Patients",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2008,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2008,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2008,"All Patients",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2008,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2008,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2008,"All Patients",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2008,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2008,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2008,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2009,"All Patients",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2009,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2009,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2009,"All Patients",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2009,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2009,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2009,"All Patients",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2009,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2009,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2009,"All Patients",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2009,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2009,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2009,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2010,"All Patients",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2010,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2010,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2010,"All Patients",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2010,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2010,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2010,"All Patients",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2010,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2010,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2010,"All Patients",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2010,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2010,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2010,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2011,"All Patients",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2011,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2011,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2011,"All Patients",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2011,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2011,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2011,"All Patients",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2011,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2011,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2011,"All Patients",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2011,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2011,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",4,2011,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2012,"All Patients",53.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Boulder",48.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Broomfield",1.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Denver",2.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Larimer",1.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2012,"County of Residence: Weld",1.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2012,"Not a Tri-County Resident",53.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2012,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2012,"All Patients",6.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Adams",1.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Boulder",4.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Denver",1.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2012,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2012,"Not a Tri-County Resident",5.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",2,2012,"Tri-County Resident",1.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2012,"All Patients",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2012,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2012,"Not a Tri-County Resident",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Completions","Patients completing 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",3,2012,"Tri-County Resident",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2008,"All Patients",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Adams",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Boulder",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Broomfield",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Denver",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Larimer",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Starts","Patients starting 12-week INH/Rifapentine therapy for latent TB infections.",1,2008,"County of Residence: Weld",0.00
"INH/Rifapentine LTBI Therapy Starts","Pa
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