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Last active November 24, 2016 15:00
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  • Save mmterpstra/4adc4babaf556b2d95d8faf7dfa15bdd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mmterpstra/4adc4babaf556b2d95d8faf7dfa15bdd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
intersect gtf/gff files
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
my $use = <<"END";
Simple extractor of the annotations between pre-defined regions in the gff format
perl $0 regions.gff ~/Downloads/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.75.gtf > ~/regionsIntersectHomo_sapiens.GRCh37.75.gff
no validation of input....
my $TESoffset=1000;
my $exampleGTF = <<"END";
1 HAVANA transcript 12010 13670 . + . transcript_id "ENST00000450305.2"; locus_id "chr1:11869-14412W"; gene_id "ENSG00000223972.4"; reads 0.000000; length 632; RPKM 0.000000
1 HAVANA transcript 11869 14409 . + . transcript_id "ENST00000456328.2"; locus_id "chr1:11869-14412W"; gene_id "ENSG00000223972.4"; reads 232.000000; length 1657; RPKM 6.344208
1 ENSEMBL transcript 11872 14412 . + . transcript_id "ENST00000515242.2"; locus_id "chr1:11869-14412W"; gene_id "ENSG00000223972.4"; reads 0.000000; length 1653; RPKM 0.000000
1 ENSEMBL transcript 11874 14409 . + . transcript_id "ENST00000518655.2"; locus_id "chr1:11869-14412W"; gene_id "ENSG00000223972.4"; reads 0.000000; length 1483; RPKM 0.000000
1 ENSEMBL transcript 30366 30503 . + . transcript_id "ENST00000408384.1"; locus_id "chr1:29554-31109W"; gene_id "ENSG00000221311.1"; reads 0.000000; length 138; RPKM 0.000000
1 HAVANA transcript 30267 31109 . + . transcript_id "ENST00000469289.1"; locus_id "chr1:29554-31109W"; gene_id "ENSG00000243485.1"; reads 0.000000; length 535; RPKM 0.000000
1 HAVANA transcript 29554 31097 . + . transcript_id "ENST00000473358.1"; locus_id "chr1:29554-31109W"; gene_id "ENSG00000243485.1"; reads 56.000000; length 712; RPKM 3.563855
1 HAVANA transcript 62948 63887 . + . transcript_id "ENST00000492842.1"; locus_id "chr1:62948-63887W"; gene_id "ENSG00000240361.1"; reads 0.000000; length 940; RPKM 0.000000
1 HAVANA transcript 69091 70008 . + . transcript_id "ENST00000335137.3"; locus_id "chr1:69091-70008W"; gene_id "ENSG00000186092.4"; reads 36.000000; length 918; RPKM 1.776936
1 HAVANA transcript 131104 133923 . + . transcript_id "ENST00000442987.2"; locus_id "chr1:131104-133923W"; gene_id "ENSG00000233750.2"; reads 522.000000; length 2820; RPKM 8.387516
1 qpcr transcript 12010 13670 . . . target "geneENSG00000243485.1"
my $script;
#no arg cathching
if (scalar(@ARGV)==0){
print $use;
#file input#####################################################
my $regionsGFF = shift(@ARGV);
my $file = shift(@ARGV);
#my $basename = $file
#$basename =~ s/.fluxCapacitor.txt//;
#check max amount of fields#####################################################
warn " ## info: region info collection.\n";
open(my $regionsIn,'<', $regionsGFF)or die "$0: failed to open file:'$regionsGFF'!!!!\n$!\n";
#the chromsome optimised storage
my $regions;
next if (m/^#/);
my $region = &readgtf($_);
push(@{$regions -> {$region -> {"CHROM"}}},$region);
#warn Dumper($regions);
close $regionsIn or die "write error cannot close $regionsGFF\n";
warn " ## info: gene info collection.\n";
open(my $genesIn,'<', $file)or die "$0: failed to open file:'$file'!!!!\n$!\n";
my $transcriptExonLengths;
next if (m/^#/);
my $gtfline = &readgtf($_);
$gtfline -> {'exon_number'}=~s/"//g if(defined($gtfline -> {'exon_number'}) && $gtfline -> {'ANNOTATIONTYPE'} eq 'exon');
my $match;%{$match}=();
#die "Match ".Dumper($match);
print writegtf(%{$match});
#warn Dumper(\%gtfline);
close $genesIn or die "write error cannot close $file\n";
sub matches {
my $self;
%{$self} = @_;
my $regions = $self -> {'regions'};
my $gtfline = $self -> {'gtf'};
my $match = $self -> {'match'};
#warn Dumper(\$regions,\$gtfline, \$match);
if(defined($gtfline -> {'CHROM'})&&defined($regions -> {$gtfline -> {'CHROM'}})){
for my $region (@{$regions -> {$gtfline -> {'CHROM'}}}){
#warn if($region -> {target} =~ /BRAF/);
if($region -> {'START'} <= $gtfline -> {'START'} && $region -> {'END'} >= $gtfline -> {'END'}){
%{$match} = %{$gtfline};
#warn Dumper($match, \$.);
return 1;#cannot get better match
}elsif($region -> {'START'} <= $gtfline -> {'START'} && $region -> {'END'} >= $gtfline -> {'START'}){
my $matchcur;%{$matchcur}=%{$gtfline};
#warn Dumper($matchcur, \$.);
$matchcur -> {'STARTORIGINAL'} = $matchcur -> {'START'};
$matchcur -> {'ENDORIGINAL'} = $matchcur -> {'END'};
$matchcur -> {'END'} = $region -> {'END'};
if(defined($match -> {'START'})){
%{$match} = getlongestmatch($matchcur,$match); # warn Dumper($match, \$.);
%{$match} = %{$matchcur};
}elsif($region -> {'START'} <= $gtfline -> {'END'} && $region -> {'END'} >= $gtfline -> {'END'}){
my $matchcur;%{$matchcur}=%{$gtfline};# warn Dumper($matchcur, \$.);
$matchcur -> {'STARTORIGINAL'} = $matchcur -> {'START'};
$matchcur -> {'ENDORIGINAL'} = $matchcur -> {'END'};
$matchcur -> {'START'} = $region -> {'START'};
if(defined($match -> {'START'})){
%{$match} = getlongestmatch($matchcur,$match); #warn Dumper($match, \$.);
%{$match} = %{$matchcur};
}elsif($region -> {'START'} <= $gtfline -> {'END'} && $region -> {'END'} >= $gtfline -> {'START'}){
my $matchcur;%{$matchcur}=%{$gtfline}; #warn Dumper($matchcur, \$.);
$matchcur -> {'STARTORIGINAL'} = $matchcur -> {'START'};
$matchcur -> {'ENDORIGINAL'} = $matchcur -> {'END'};
$matchcur -> {'START'} = $region -> {'START'};
$matchcur -> {'END'} = $region -> {'END'};
if(defined($match -> {'START'})){
%{$match} = getlongestmatch($matchcur,$match);# warn Dumper($match, \$.);
%{$match} = %{$matchcur};# warn Dumper($match, \$.);
#warn Dumper($match, \$.);
return 1 if(defined($match -> {'START'}));
return undef;
return undef;
sub getlongestmatch {
my $gtf1 = shift @_;
my $gtf2 = shift @_;
warn getgtflength($gtf1).getgtflength($gtf2);
if(getgtflength($gtf1) >= getgtflength($gtf2)){
sub getgtflength {
my $gtf = shift @_;
return ($gtf -> {'END'} - $gtf -> {'START'} + 1);
sub readgtf {
my $inputline = shift @_;
return undef if(not(defined($inputline)));
chomp $inputline;
my @tabdelim;
@tabdelim = split("\t",$inputline);
my %gtfParsed;
$gtfParsed{"CHROM"} = $tabdelim[0];
$gtfParsed{"ANNOTATIONSCOURCE"} = $tabdelim[1];
$gtfParsed{"ANNOTATIONTYPE"} = $tabdelim[2];
$gtfParsed{"START"} = $tabdelim[3];
$gtfParsed{"END"} = $tabdelim[4];
$gtfParsed{"COL6"} = $tabdelim[5];
$gtfParsed{"STRAND"} = $tabdelim[6];
$gtfParsed{"COL8"} = $tabdelim[7];
$gtfParsed{"INFO"} = $tabdelim[8];
die "error start should always be smaller or eq to end".Dumper(\%gtfParsed)." " if($gtfParsed{"START"} > $gtfParsed{"END"});
my @semicolomndelimINFO;
@semicolomndelimINFO = split(';',$gtfParsed{"INFO"});
for my $element (@semicolomndelimINFO){
my @spacedelim = split(/ |=/,$element);
if($spacedelim[0] ne "" && $spacedelim[1] ne "" && not($spacedelim[2]) ){
$gtfParsed{$spacedelim[0]} = $spacedelim[1];
}elsif($spacedelim[0] eq "" && $spacedelim[1] ne "" && $spacedelim[2] ne "" ){
$gtfParsed{$spacedelim[1]} = $spacedelim[2];
}elsif($spacedelim[0] eq "" && $spacedelim[1] ne "" && $spacedelim[2] ne "" ){
$gtfParsed{$spacedelim[1]} = $spacedelim[2];
die "incomplete datapairs in the INFO column!!!!on line: '$.'\non infotag:'".$gtfParsed{"INFO"}."'\n$!";
return \%gtfParsed;
sub writegtf {
my %gtfParsed = @_;
my $info="";
for my $key (keys(%gtfParsed)){
next if($key eq "CHROM" || $key eq "ANNOTATIONSCOURCE" || $key eq "ANNOTATIONTYPE" || $key eq "START" || $key eq "END" || $key eq "COL6" || $key eq "STRAND" || $key eq "COL8" || $key eq "INFO");
if($info ne ""){
#warn $info;
return join("\t",($gtfParsed{"CHROM"},$gtfParsed{"ANNOTATIONSCOURCE"},$gtfParsed{"ANNOTATIONTYPE"},$gtfParsed{"START"},$gtfParsed{"END"},$gtfParsed{"COL6"},$gtfParsed{"STRAND"},$gtfParsed{"COL8"},$info))."\n";
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