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Last active April 2, 2020 10:36
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Tool that tries to remove samplenames from bam/sam samplenames are extracted from SM field in header using picard and samtools
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
#Needs samtools binary/picard jarfiles hardcoded in script
my $use = <<"END1";
Tries to remove samplenames from bam/sam samplenames are extracted from SM field in header
PICARDJAR Needs picard jarfile path in script
FILE Needs *.bam
if (scalar(@ARGV)==0){
print $use;
my $sampleCount = 0;
my %sampleNameToSampleCount;
my $picardjar = shift(@ARGV);
for my $bamfile (@ARGV){
next if(not -e $bamfile);
my $header=ExtractSamHeader(\$bamfile);
my @sampleNames = GetSampleNames(\$header);
my $bamOutputName = 'Sample_'.$sampleCount;
if(scalar(@sampleNames) > 1){
my $upperindex =($sampleCount + scalar(@sampleNames) - 1);
$bamOutputName = $bamOutputName.'_to_'.$upperindex;
$bamOutputName = $bamOutputName.'.bam';
for my $sampleName (@sampleNames){
my $newSampleName = 'sample'.$sampleCount;
$sampleNameToSampleCount{$sampleName}{$newSampleName} = $bamOutputName;
ReplaceSamHeaderAndRenameFile(\$bamfile, \$bamOutputName, \$header, $picardjar);
warn Dumper(\%sampleNameToSampleCount);
sub ExtractSamHeader{
my $samtoolsViewCmd = "samtools view -H ".${$_[0]};
warn $samtoolsViewCmd."\n";
my $header = join("",CmdRunner($samtoolsViewCmd));#the header isn't chomped just raw results might get strange results
return $header;
sub GetSampleNames{
my @lines = split("\n",${$_[0]});
#warn ${$_[0]}."\n";
my %sampleNames;
for my $line (@lines){
if($line =~ /^\@RG.*SM:(\S*)/){
$line =~ /^\@RG.*SM:(\S*)/;
my $sampleName = $1;
warn '##'.join(':',keys(%sampleNames))."##\n";
return keys(%sampleNames);
sub SamtoolsIndexBam {
my $samtoolsIndexCmd = "samtools index ".${$_[0]};
warn CmdRunner($samtoolsIndexCmd);
sub ReplaceSampleName{
${$_[2]}=~ s/${$_[0]}/${$_[1]}/g;
#warn $$_[2];
sub ReplaceSamHeaderAndRenameFile{
open my $out, '>'. ${$_[1]}.'.samheader.sam';
print $out "${$_[2]}";
my $PicardCmd = "java -jar $_[3] ReplaceSamHeader HEADER=".${$_[1]}.".samheader.sam I=".${$_[0]}." O=".${$_[1]};
warn $PicardCmd."\n";
warn CmdRunner($PicardCmd);
sub CmdRunner {
my $ret;
my $cmd = join(" ",@_);
warn localtime( time() ). " [INFO] system call:'". $cmd."'.\n";
@{$ret} = `($cmd )2>&1`;
if ($? == -1) {
die localtime( time() ). " [ERROR] failed to execute: $!\n";
}elsif ($? & 127) {
die localtime( time() ). " [ERROR] " .sprintf "child died with signal %d, %s coredump",
($? & 127), ($? & 128) ? 'with' : 'without';
}elsif ($? != 0) {
die localtime( time() ). " [ERROR] " .sprintf "child died with signal %d, %s coredump",
($? & 127), ($? & 128) ? 'with' : 'without';
}else {
warn localtime( time() ). " [INFO] " . sprintf "child exited with value %d\n", $? >> 8;
return @{$ret};
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