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Created November 5, 2014 21:30
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Handlebars AST

This is a work in progress attempt to formalize the Handlebars AST in the style of the SpiderMonkey Parser API.


interface Node {
    type: string;
    loc: SourceLocation | null;

interface SourceLocation {
    source: string | null;
    start: Position;
    end: Position;

interface Position {
    line: uint >= 1;
    column: uint >= 0;


interface Program <: Node {
    type: "Program";
    body: [ Statement ];


interface Statement <: Node { }

interface MustacheStatement <: Statement {
    type: "MustacheStatement";
    sexpr: Subexpression;
    escaped: boolean;

interface BlockStatement <: Statement {
    type: "BlockStatement";
    sexpr: Subexpression;
    program: Program;
    inverse: Program | null;

interface PartialStatement <: Statement {
    type: "PartialStatement";
    sexpr: Subexpression;

interface ContentStatement <: Statement {
    type: "ContentStatement";
    value: string;
    original: string;

interface CommentStatement <: Statement {
    type: "CommentStatement";
    value: string;


interface Expression <: Node { }


interface Subexpression <: Expression {
    type: "Subexpression";
    path: PathExpression;
    params: [ Expression ];
    hash: Hash;


interface PathExpression <: Expression {
    type: "PathExpression";
    data: boolean;
    depth: uint >= 0;
    parts: [ string ];
    original: string;


interface Literal <: Expression { }

interface StringLiteral <: Literal {
    type: "StringLiteral";
    value: string;

interface BooleanLiteral <: Literal {
    type: "BooleanLiteral";
    value: boolean;

interface NumberLiteral <: Literal {
    type: "NumberLiteral";
    value: number;


interface Hash <: Node {
    type: "Hash";
    pairs: [ HashPair ];

interface HashPair <: Node {
    type: "HashPair";
    key: string;
    value: Expression;
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