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Created June 20, 2014 15:29
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  • Save mmurray/c7632026d8982b640d7f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mmurray/c7632026d8982b640d7f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* This is a build writing function for RequireJS configuration files. The purpose of it is to substitute any string literals that
* have a value starting with libPath. The libPath is used to determine the name of a module that can be found in paths.
* For example if libPath is "lib/" and paths is {"underscorejs/underscore":"http://somecdn/underscorejs"} then any string literals
* containing "lib/underscorejs/underscore" will be substituted with "http://somecdn/underscorejs/underscore".
* The function is intended to perform well given the initial scanning phase. Once the substitution array is collected
* then it is looped over and string concatenations are performed. The common scenario of a file not having anything
* to substitute results in only one concatenation. There are only (n * 2) + 1 concatenations to perform where n
* is the number of substitutions.
(function (mainConfigFile, paths) {
"use strict";
function advance(contents, s, i) {
i = contents.indexOf(s, i);
if (i === -1) {
i = contents.length;
} else {
i += s.length - 1;
return i;
function endsWith(s, suffix) {
return s.indexOf(suffix, s.length - suffix.length) !== -1;
return function () {
var path = arguments[1];
var contents = arguments[2];
if (!endsWith(path, mainConfigFile)) {
return contents;
var substitutions = [];
var prevC = "";
for (var i = 0; i < contents.length; ++i) {
var j, k, modulePath, pathChange;
var c = contents[i];
if (c === "*" && prevC === "/") {
i = advance(contents, "*/", i);
prevC = "";
} else if (c === "/" && prevC === "/") {
i = advance(contents, "\n", i);
prevC = "";
} else if (c === '"' || c === "'") {
j = advance(contents, c, i + 1);
k = advance(contents, "/", i + 1) + 1;
if (k > j) k = i;
modulePath = contents.substring(k, j);
pathChange = paths[modulePath];
if (pathChange !== undefined) {
start: i,
end: j,
change: pathChange
prevC = "";
i = j;
} else {
prevC = c;
var newContents = "";
var prevEnd = 0;
substitutions.forEach(function (substitution) {
newContents += contents.substring(prevEnd, substitution.start + 1);
newContents += substitution.change;
prevEnd = substitution.end;
newContents += contents.substring(prevEnd);
return newContents;
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