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Last active December 26, 2015 01:18
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public class SVNCMSystem
private static final String RECENT_CHANGES_FILES = "RecentChanges";
private static final String ERROR_LOGS_FILES = "ErrorLogs";
private static final String PROPERTIES_FILES = ".xml";
private static final String TXT_FILES = ".txt";
private static final String ZIP_FILES = ".zip";
private static final String DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR = "/";
public static synchronized void cmUpdate(String file, String payload) throws IOException, InterruptedException
if (isNotIgnorable(file))
Process addProcess = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("svn add " + file);
Process commitProcess = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("svn commit -m 'Commiting' " + file);
public static synchronized void cmEdit(String file, String payload) throws IOException, InterruptedException
if (isNotIgnorable(file))
Process addProcess = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("svn add " + file);
String status = processOutput(addProcess);
if (isParentNotFoundError(status, file))
file = getParent(file);
cmEdit(file, payload);
Process commitProcess = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("svn commit -m 'Commiting' " + file);
public static synchronized void cmPreDelete(String file, String payload) throws IOException, InterruptedException
Process updateProcess = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("svn update " + getParent(file));
public static synchronized void cmDelete(String file, String payload) throws IOException, InterruptedException
Process deleteProcess = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("svn delete --force " + file);
Process commitProcess = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("svn commit -m 'Deleting' " + getParent(file));
public static boolean isNotIgnorable(String file)
return !(file.contains(RECENT_CHANGES_FILES) || file.contains(ERROR_LOGS_FILES) || file.contains(ZIP_FILES));
private static synchronized String processOutput(Process process) throws IOException, InterruptedException
InputStreamReader errorProcessStreamReader = new InputStreamReader(process.getErrorStream());
BufferedReader errprProcessBufferReader = new BufferedReader((errorProcessStreamReader));
String errorProcessLineString;
while ((errorProcessLineString = errprProcessBufferReader.readLine()) != null)
return errorProcessLineString;
return "";
private static String getParent(String file)
return file.substring(0, file.lastIndexOf(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR));
public static boolean isParentNotFoundError(String status, String file)
return ((!status.isEmpty()) && (isContainsFiles(file)));
private static boolean isContainsFiles(String file)
return ((file.contains(TXT_FILES)) || (file.contains(PROPERTIES_FILES)) || (file.contains(ZIP_FILES)));
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