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Created January 20, 2017 12:34
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JoiFromTypeScript - Converts TypeScript interface and type statements to Joi schema generators.
#!/usr/bin/env runhaskell
Module : JoiFromTypeScript
Description : Converts TypeScript interface and type statements to Joi schema generators.
Copyright : monnef
Maintainer : [email protected]
Stability : experimental
= Dependencies
* Parsec
* Hclip
= Usage
* Copy your @interface@ or @type@ statement to your clipboard.
* Run this program.
* If everything went well you have now Joi scheme creator (function) in your clipboard ready to be pasted.
= Example
Input (from the clipboard):
export interface SomeInterface {
Output (in the clipboard after running this program):
export const createSomeInterfaceSchema = () => Joi.object({
arrayOfStrings: Joi.array().items(Joi.string()).required(),
optionalNumber: Joi.number(),
cClass: createCSchema().required()
= Known limitations
* Only selected type are supported (namely string, number, boolean, special form of array and class reference)
* Only one dimensional arrays denoted by @[]@ are supported (e.g. @Car[]@ is fine).
* Generics or other more advanced type constructs are __not__ supported (but basic inheritance is fine).
module JoiFromTypeScript where
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fwarn-incomplete-patterns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-do-bind #-}
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.Lens.Operators
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import System.Hclip
import Text.Parsec.Char
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec hiding (spaces, (<|>))
data RhsType = TypeString
| TypeNumber
| TypeBoolean
| TypeEnum [String]
| TypeClass String
| TypeArray RhsType
deriving (Show, Eq)
data InterfaceField = InterfaceField String Bool RhsType
deriving (Show, Eq)
data Interface = Interface Bool String (Maybe String) [InterfaceField]
deriving (Show, Eq)
data Type = Type Bool String RhsType
parseId :: Parser String
parseId = do
first <- letter
rest <- many alphaNum
return $ first : rest
parseFieldTypeString :: Parser RhsType
parseFieldTypeString = do
string "string"
return TypeString
parseFieldTypeBoolean :: Parser RhsType
parseFieldTypeBoolean = do
string "boolean"
return TypeBoolean
parseFieldTypeNumber :: Parser RhsType
parseFieldTypeNumber = do
string "number"
return TypeNumber
parseFieldTypeEnum :: Parser RhsType
parseFieldTypeEnum = do
items <- sepBy1 parseEnumItem parseEnumDelim
return $ TypeEnum items
parseEnumItem = do
char '\''
str <- many $ alphaNum <|> char '_'
char '\''
return str
parseEnumDelim = char '|'
parseFieldTypeClass :: Parser RhsType
parseFieldTypeClass = do
first <- upper
rest <- many alphaNum
return $ TypeClass $ first:rest
parseRawFieldType :: Parser RhsType
parseRawFieldType = parseFieldTypeString <|>
parseFieldTypeBoolean <|>
parseFieldTypeNumber <|>
parseFieldTypeEnum <|>
isParsed :: Parser a -> Parser Bool
isParsed p = isJust <$> optionMaybe p
parseRhsType :: Parser RhsType
parseRhsType = do
rawFieldType <- parseRawFieldType
isArray <- isParsed $ string "[]"
let fieldType = if isArray then TypeArray rawFieldType else rawFieldType
return fieldType
parseInterfaceField :: Parser InterfaceField
parseInterfaceField = do
name <- parseId
isOpt <- isParsed $ char '?'
char ':'
fType <- parseRhsType
char ';'
return $ InterfaceField name isOpt fType
parseInterface :: Parser Interface
parseInterface = do
isExported <- isParsed $ string "export"
string "interface"
name <- parseId
extOpt <- optionMaybe parseExtends
char '{'
items <- sepEndBy parseInterfaceField spaces
char '}'
return $ Interface isExported name extOpt items
parseExtends :: Parser String
parseExtends = do
string "extends"
parseType :: Parser Type
parseType = do
isExported <- isParsed $ string "export"
string "type"
name <- parseId
char '='
fType <- parseRhsType
char ';'
return $ Type isExported name fType
typeToJoi :: RhsType -> String
typeToJoi t = case t of
TypeString -> "Joi.string()"
TypeNumber -> "Joi.number()"
TypeBoolean -> "Joi.boolean()"
TypeEnum xs -> "Joi.string().valid(" ++ (xs & map (\x->"'"++x++"'") & intercalate ", ") ++ ")"
TypeClass c -> "create" ++ c ++ "Schema()"
TypeArray a -> "Joi.array().items(" ++ typeToJoi a ++ ")"
toFieldOfJoi :: InterfaceField -> String
toFieldOfJoi (InterfaceField name opt t) = name ++ ": " ++ innerPart ++ requiredPart where
requiredPart = if opt then "" else ".required()"
innerPart = typeToJoi t
capitalize :: String -> String
capitalize "" = ""
capitalize (x:xs) = toUpper x : xs
getSchemaCreatorName :: String -> String
getSchemaCreatorName name = "create" ++ capitalize name ++ "Schema"
convertInterfaceToJoiSchema :: String -> Either String String
convertInterfaceToJoiSchema input = output where
parsed = parse parseInterface "" input
output = case parsed of
Left err -> Left $ "Failed to parse interface: " ++ show err
Right x -> Right $ f x
f (Interface exported name extendsOpt fields) = expPart ++ "const " ++ namePart ++ " = () => " ++
creatorPart ++ "\n" ++ fieldsPart ++ "\n" ++ endPart ++ ";" where
expPart = if exported then "export " else ""
namePart = getSchemaCreatorName name
creatorPart = case extendsOpt of
Nothing -> "Joi.object({"
Just e -> getSchemaCreatorName e ++ "().keys({"
endPart = "})"
fieldsPart = fields & map toFieldOfJoi & map (\x->" "++x++",") & intercalate "\n" & removeLastComma
removeLastComma "" = ""
removeLastComma xs = if last xs == ',' then init xs else xs
convertTypeToJoiSchema :: String -> Either String String
convertTypeToJoiSchema input = output where
parsed = parse parseType "" input
output = case parsed of
Left err -> Left $ "Failed to parse type declaration: " ++ show err
Right x -> Right $ f x
f (Type exported name typ) = expPart ++ "const " ++ namePart ++ " = () => " ++ joiCall ++ ";" where
expPart = if exported then "export " else ""
namePart = getSchemaCreatorName name
joiCall = typeToJoi typ
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "* JoiFromTypeScript by monnef *\n"
clb <- getClipboard
putStrLn $ ">> Old clipboard:\n\n" ++ clb
let newClb = convertTypeToJoiSchema clb <|> convertInterfaceToJoiSchema clb
case newClb of
Left err -> putStrLn $ "error: " ++ err
Right res -> do
putStrLn $ "\n>> Setting clipboard to:\n\n" ++ res
setClipboard res
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