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Last active August 29, 2015 14:11
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draw-text における文字回転の例
#lang racket
(require racket/gui)
(define font (make-font #:size 40
#:size-in-pixels? #t
#:face "HGGyoshotai"))
(define font-size (send font get-point-size))
(define font-size-half (/ font-size 2))
(define rotate-text-hash '#hash(("ー" . #t)))
(define (rotate-txt? s)
(hash-ref rotate-text-hash s #f))
(define (draw dc txt x y)
(for ((s (for/list ((c txt)) (string c)))
(i (in-naturals)))
(define yn (+ y (* font-size i)))
(if (not (rotate-txt? s))
(send dc draw-text s x yn)
(let ((t (send dc get-transformation))
(p0 (- font-size-half))
(angle (/ pi -2)))
(send* dc
(set-origin (+ x font-size-half)
(+ yn font-size-half))
(rotate angle)
(draw-text s p0 p0)
(set-transformation t))))))
(define (main)
(define f (new frame% (label "TEST")
(width 200)
(height 500)))
(new canvas% (parent f)
(lambda (_ dc)
(send dc set-font font)
(draw dc "ポール・グレアム" 50 50))))
(send f show #t))
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