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Created March 4, 2021 04:10
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python validate path str
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import errno
import os
import pathlib
import tempfile
# The code below is based on or copy from an answer by Cecil Curry at:
def is_path_valid(path: str) -> bool:
if not isinstance(path, str) or not path:
return False
if == 'nt':
drive, path = os.path.splitdrive(path)
if not os.path.isdir(drive):
drive = os.environ.get('SystemDrive', 'C:')
if not os.path.isdir(drive):
drive = ''
drive = ''
parts = pathlib.Path(path).parts
check_list = [os.path.join(*parts), *parts]
for x in check_list:
os.lstat(drive + x)
except OSError as e:
if hasattr(e, 'winerror') and e.winerror == 123:
return False
elif e.errno in {errno.ENAMETOOLONG, errno.ERANGE}:
return False
except TypeError:
return False
return True
def is_path_creatable(path: str) -> bool:
`True` if the current user has sufficient permissions to create the passed
path; `False` otherwise.
# Parent directory of the passed path. If empty, we substitute the current
# working directory (CWD) instead.
dirname = os.path.dirname(path) or os.getcwd()
return os.access(dirname, os.W_OK)
def is_path_existent_or_creatable(path: str) -> bool:
`True` if the passed path is a valid path for the current OS _and_
either currently exists or is hypothetically creatable; `False` otherwise.
This function is guaranteed to _never_ raise exceptions.
# To prevent "os" module calls from raising undesirable exceptions on
# invalid path, is_path_valid() is explicitly called first.
return is_path_valid(path) and (
os.path.exists(path) or is_path_creatable(path))
# Report failure on non-fatal filesystem complaints (e.g., connection
# timeouts, permissions issues) implying this path to be inaccessible. All
# other exceptions are unrelated fatal issues and should not be caught here.
except OSError:
return False
def is_path_probably_creatable(path: str) -> bool:
`True` if the current user has sufficient permissions to create **siblings**
(i.e., arbitrary files in the parent directory) of the passed path;
`False` otherwise.
# Parent directory of the passed path. If empty, we substitute the current
# working directory (CWD) instead.
dirname = os.path.dirname(path) or os.getcwd()
# For safety, explicitly close and hence delete this temporary file
# immediately after creating it in the passed path's parent directory.
with tempfile.TemporaryFile(dir=dirname):
return True
# While the exact type of exception raised by the above function depends on
# the current version of the Python interpreter, all such types subclass the
# following exception superclass.
except EnvironmentError:
return False
def is_path_existent_or_probably_creatable(path: str) -> bool:
`True` if the passed path is a valid path on the current OS _and_
either currently exists or is hypothetically creatable in a cross-platform
manner optimized for POSIX-unfriendly filesystems; `False` otherwise.
This function is guaranteed to _never_ raise exceptions.
# To prevent "os" module calls from raising undesirable exceptions on
# invalid path, is_path_valid() is explicitly called first.
return is_path_valid(path) and (
os.path.exists(path) or is_path_probably_creatable(path))
# Report failure on non-fatal filesystem complaints (e.g., connection
# timeouts, permissions issues) implying this path to be inaccessible. All
# other exceptions are unrelated fatal issues and should not be caught here.
except OSError:
return False
# -*- CODE BLOCK END -*-
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