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Last active September 26, 2018 13:39
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  • Save mob-sakai/a883999a32dd8b1927639e46b3cd6801 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mob-sakai/a883999a32dd8b1927639e46b3cd6801 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#!/bin/bash -e
# NOTE: Run the following command at the prompt
# bash <(curl -sL '')
# NOTE: Set an environment variable `CHANGELOG_GITHUB_TOKEN` by running the following command at the prompt, or by adding it to your shell profile (e.g., ~/.bash_profile or ~/.zshrc):
# export CHANGELOG_GITHUB_TOKEN="«your-40-digit-github-token»"
# 1. << Input release version >>
echo -e ">> Start Github Release:"
PACKAGE_NAME=`node -pe 'require("./package.json").name'`
echo -e ">> Package name: ${PACKAGE_NAME}"
CURRENT_VERSION=`grep -o -e "\"version\".*$" package.json | sed -e "s/\"version\": \"\(.*\)\".*$/\1/"`
read -p "[? (1/8) Input release version (for current: ${CURRENT_VERSION}): " RELEASE_VERSION
[ -z "${RELEASE_VERSION}" ] && exit
read -p "[? Are the issues on this release closed all? (y/N):" yn
case "$yn" in [yY]*) ;; *) exit ;; esac
read -p "[? Is package editor only? (y/N):" yn
case "$yn" in [yY]*) EDITOR_ONLY=true;; *) ;; esac
echo -e ">> OK"
# 2. << Update version in package.json >>
echo -e "\n>> (2/8) Update version... package.json"
git checkout -B release develop
sed -i -e "s/\"version\": \(.*\)/\"version\": \"${RELEASE_VERSION}\",/g" package.json
echo -e ">> OK"
# 3. << Check unity editor is exist and no compile error >>
UNITY_VER=`sed -e "s/m_EditorVersion: \(.*\)/\1/g" ProjectSettings/ProjectVersion.txt`
UNITY_ARGS="-quit -batchmode -projectPath `pwd` -logFile $UNITY_LOG"
UNITY_PACKAGE_SRC=`node -pe 'require("./package.json").src'`
echo -e "\n>> (3/8) Check exporting package is available..."
echo -e "Version: $UNITY_VER ($UNITY_EDITOR)"
echo -e "Package Source: $UNITY_PACKAGE_SRC"
# 3-1. Is src directory exist?
[ ! -d "$UNITY_PACKAGE_SRC" ] && echo -e "\n>> Error : $UNITY_PACKAGE_SRC is not exist." && exit
# 3-2. Is runtime compile successfully?
set +e
if [ "$EDITOR_ONLY" != "true" ]; then
echo -e "\n>> compile for runtime..."
"$UNITY_EDITOR" $UNITY_ARGS -buildOSX64Player `pwd`/
[ $? != 0 ] && echo -e "\n>> Error : \n`cat $UNITY_LOG | grep -E ': error CS|Fatal Error'`" && exit
echo -e ">> OK"
# 3-3. Is exporting package successfully?
echo -e "\n>> Pre export package..."
[ $? != 0 ] && echo -e "\n>> Error : \n`cat $UNITY_LOG | grep -E ': error CS|Fatal Error'`" && exit
echo -e ">> OK"
set -e
# 4. << Generate change log >>
CHANGELOG_GENERATOR_ARG=`grep -o -e ".*git\"$" package.json | sed -e "s/^.*\/\([^\/]*\)\/\([^\/]*\).git.*$/--user \1 --project \2/"`
echo -e "\n>> (4/8) Generate change log... ${CHANGELOG_GENERATOR_ARG}"
github_changelog_generator ${CHANGELOG_GENERATOR_ARG}
git diff --
read -p "[? Is the change log correct? (y/N):" yn
case "$yn" in [yY]*) ;; *) exit ;; esac
echo -e ">> OK"
# 5. << Export unitypackage >>
echo -e "\n>> (5/8) Export unitypackage..."
set +e
[ $? != 0 ] && echo -e "\n>> Error : \n`cat $UNITY_LOG | grep -E ': error CS|Fatal Error'`" && exit
set -e
echo -e ">> OK"
# 6. << Commit release files >>
echo -e "\n>> (6/8) Commit release files..."
git add -f
git add package.json -f
git commit -m "update change log"
echo -e ">> OK"
# 7. << Merge and push master and develop branch >>
echo -e "\n>> (7/8) Merge and push..."
git checkout master
git merge --no-ff release -m "release v$RELEASE_VERSION"
git branch -D release
git push origin master
git checkout develop
git merge --ff master
git push origin develop
echo -e ">> OK"
# 8. << Upload unitypackage and release on Github >>
echo -e "\n>> (8/8) Releasing..."
gh-release --assets $UNITY_PACKAGE_NAME
echo -e ">> OK"
echo -e "\n\n>> $PACKAGE_NAME v$RELEASE_VERSION has been successfully released!\n"
Copy link

Run the following command at the prompt
bash <(curl -sL '')

Copy link

mob-sakai commented Sep 14, 2018

Without runtime checking (editor only)
bash <(curl -sL '') -e

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